NaNoWriMo23: End of Week Four

It’s a quiet chilly morning in San Francisco, and I’m glad Thanksgiving break is coming to an end. I spent the last few days reading, writing, and watching shows, and I’m well rested.

I focused on my daily writing, floundering a bit whenever I thought of NaNoWriMo, but I didn’t want to put too much pressure on myself and have a bad time.

I’m proud I stuck with my daily writing routine and pumped out about 18,600 words. It’s better than nothing! Now that I’m looking ahead toward what I want to achieve by the end of this year. I’ve decided I want to hit my goal of writing 93,000 words for my daily writing routine in December.

What else have I been up to? Working on my Etsy Shop – The Happy Poet Studio. I created a few products this week that I had fun designing and have a few more ideas that I want to try out. I love the research that goes into products, keywords, and optimizing my shop. I’ve got a long ways to go but it’s a fun way to unwind.

What else have I been up to?

I watched the Scott Pilgrim Takes Off animated series, and it was a blast. If you’ve read the comics and loved the 2010 live action movie, I highly recommend you check out the series.

I’m reading A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab. It feels a bit like reading Howl’s Moving Castle, but there are a few problems with the writing I’ve found already. The concept is fascinating, and so far, I’m planning on finishing the book.

Oh, and I finally hit Level 37 in Hogwarts Legacy…cool.

Are you reading anything fun right now? Do you have a daily or monthly writing goal? I want to hear from you. Leave a comment below and let’s chat.

Happy Poet, Alina
Signing off.

NaNoWriMo23: End of Week Three

The city is taking down the fences and blockades for APEC, and I’m relieved. The past week there was an undercurrent of tension pulsing through the city (huge understatement). We all need a break, some space, and just a moment to take a breath.

This week I wrote here and there and tried to read as much as possible. I’m still reading Kingdom of the Cursed and just got my copy of Daughter of The Moon Goddess (I’ve been waiting months for a copy through my library!).

Today, my goal is to write another chapter of my NaNoWriMo project and hopefully squeeze in a couple of hours of reading. I’ve been thinking more about writing poetry and have some images in mind that I want to explore; a blend of natural elements and usual existential crises so I may jot down a few ideas later too.

I’m also going to watch The Killer with my partner (hopefully tonight) and, if possible, play a bit of Hogwarts Legacy – I’m nearly level 37 and curious how I get my hands on Merlin’s robe.

What are you reading? Are you working on a writing project for NaNoWriMo? Leave a comment below. I want to hear from you.

Thank you for reading!

NaNoWriMo23: End of Week Two

It’s a cold, crisp Sunday morning. There is a reassuring calm to the quiet streets even though APEC starts soon.

Dry, crunchy leaves litter the sidewalk. My Boston Terrier stops to sniff a lamp post.

The sky is a vibrant blue, speckled with cream-colored clouds, providing a pleasing stark contrast to the looming buildings downtown.

It’s the end of week two of NaNoWriMo23 and I haven’t made much progress. I’ve done enough thinking about my book but had little time to write another chapter this week.

At the minimum, I’ve been completing more of my daily writing goal (minimum 3k words) either in the morning before I leave for work or after I get home. This is helping me stretch my writing legs for the weekend when I do the majority of my writing.

Today, my goal is to write a chapter, researching freelance opportunities, and will probably sneak in some time to play Hogwarts Legacy (finished Herodiana’s Puzzles yesterday).

How’s your writing progress going for NaNoWriMo23? Leave a comment, or you can find me at NaNoWriMo.

What else have I been up to? Going to Lori’s Diner, seeing What Happens Later, and racing to finish No Time to Spare.

Here’s to another week! Thank you for reading.

Greetings From the Happy Poet


It’s been a while. I haven’t posted anything since June with my Creature in the Forest series but I’ve read a few books, more recently Circe which I kind of enjoyed kind of didn’t toward the end (story = meh, but the writing is good).

On the weekends, I’ve been writing less and playing Hogwarts Legacy – this is the reason behind my lack of presence via blog and social media. It’s enjoyable to get lost in another world on my days off, relax, and stop obsessing over writing. I’ve had time to breath and in the process start gearing up for this year’s NaNoWriMo.

Even though I haven’t had the itch to write these past few months – I’ve been working on three poems (really one long one that keeps morphing into two then back into one again and a faceless third). I even dared to edit a couple of chapters of my NaNoWriMo project from 2022 (it’s half of a book about, surprise, witches).

Everyday I’m thinking about my novel and as for the future – trying to decide which journals/publications I want to submit some of my work to.

Besides Hogwarts Legacy (which I won’t even talk about right now – there’s too much to say), I’ve been going to a movie or two a week just to get out. The Little Mermaid was captivating in a weird nostalgic way while Oppenheimer was meh. I loved Barbie, enjoyed the latest Spiderverse and want to see TMNT.

Between it all when I’m commuting I’ve been listening to anything I can think of from Doja Cat to Muddy Waters, 80’s New Wave, and Frank Sinatra. All over the place really, I’m in an exploratory mood and looking to shake up my routine.

What’s next? I’m not going to promise anything besides you’ll be hearing more from me closer to October/November. Until then, here’s a poem for the day, my August 2023 spotify playlist, and what I’m currently reading.

Signing off,


Creature in the Forest (Part 6)

I’m hungry.

The men have been scouring the woods for five days. I’ve stayed hidden, climbing up into the trees when needed. They stink and their clothes and boots are loud when they move.

I watch them, trying not to breath, they are ruining my forest. They have scared all the other animals away while they look for that man wedged in the rocks.

I think about leading them to him, I think about eating them, but both ideas make my stomach turn.

I want them to leave so I don’t have to flee to the north where it is so cold and there isn’t as much food. I don’t want to have to sleep for years again when the weather is bad.

I will wait.