Word of the Day “Icy”: Poem “Kissing Sun”

Poetry practice: pick a word of the day and write an impromptu poem. For today, I have chosen “icy”.

Kissing Skin

Hold the words, close to barren lips

chapped and broken, bleeding

icy air kissing skin. A cloud of breath

under the starry winter sky.

This practice is used to push the boundaries of a poem and the process in which I write. Have a word suggestion? Leave a comment!

Want more poetry? Check out this poem or this one here!

Word of the Day “Glacial”: A Chilling Snowman Poem

I’m rusty and haven’t been writing as much poetry as usual. So I thought I’d start a poetry practice where I pick a word of the day and write a poem with it. Here goes.

Today’s word of the day is “glacial.”

Poem “A Snowman”

Sunk low, eyes lift and

linger across

a wintry gale.

Wandering limbs reach

to embrace a glacial

figure, carved out of,

molded into, warped,

assumed, a person,

a body?

A snowman.

What do you think? Let me know your thoughts by leaving a comment. Have a word suggestion? Suggest away!

Have a wonderful day and thank you to my subscribers!



NaNoWriMo 2020 and Staying Busy

Yesterday was Election day, but because this year is weird and COVID-19 has changed how things are done, I think this turned into Election week.

For the past few weeks, I’ve been staying busy and staying home. Utah’s daily case counts have been steadily getting higher, and we’ve already had a few days where ten people die every day.

I finished Inktober. It was a lot of fun and an excellent way to keep my mind off the impending Election. And now, I’m going to stay busy by participating in NaNoWriMo this year.

For NaNoWriMo, I wanted to take a crack at general fiction, but with what I’ve written already, it looks like it’s going to be a ghost story.
Of course.

This year has been brutal, and I feel like I’m running out of steam. I want it to be over. Emotionally drained, tired, and staying focused on work, that’s all I can do for now and make the best out of the rest of the year.

I’m accepting Beta Read inquiries if anyone has any short stories, novellas, or novels they need read and reviewed. I just finished conducting a Beta Read for a short story this week, and I have an open schedule for the rest of the month.

Dear Subscribers,
This week’s newsletter did not go out but expect one on Monday! I am working on some poems, and I would like to write up a quick tip for writers.

I’d love to connect with other writers participating in NaNoWriMo this year, and I am looking for a writing buddy. Leave a comment or message me if you’re interested.

As usual, I’m open to recommended reading, articles, and writer’s resources if you have any you would love to share.

Have a wonderful day and stay safe out there, my friends!


Death Always [a poem]

Death Always

comes knocking

whether we want it to or not

creeping closer with each passing second

ready to embrace us in our last breath.

The events of this week have left me emotionally drained and exhausted. Kenosha, Hurricane Laura, everything. I am trying to stay positive, read more, exercise, and take care of my health but it’s so much work right now with everything going on. I can’t give up. I have to keep hope for the future. Here’s a small poem, because I don’t have the energy to go into detail about the brutal shootings in Kenosha and the protests. It’s heart-breaking.

Liked this poem? Read this one or this one here.