My First Novel: (2nd Draft Break) Jan.29, 2019

I’ve decided to take a break from my manuscript for a while. I need to finish reading a few books and put some space between me and my characters. After my last post, My First Novel: (Finishing 2nd Draft) I ordered a printed copy of my manuscript. It was substantially thinner than the first draft.

I can’t figure out the ending quite yet and there are still about a dozen places in dialogue that need work but I wanted to read through it once and see how it felt. I made it a point just to read through my 2nd draft without editing, making any marks or highlighting. I just had to read it.

It has been stripped down to the bare bones, I cut about 16,000 words from the original 50,000. There are places where I can put some much-needed padding and other spots where I saw that chapters were almost identical (as far as the intended goal).  But overall I enjoyed reading my manuscript without editing it, it only took me about two days to finish reading it.

I plan on keeping myself away from my manuscript for about a week or two, then I’ll dive into the third draft. Until then I plan on posting a couple things about what I’ve been reading, such as all the Patti Smith books I’ve been reading, and a list of how-to writing books.

What I’m Currently Reading:

Hell’s Angels: A Strange and Terrible Saga


What I’m listening to:

What I’m watching:

Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes


Thank you for reading about my journey writing my first novel!




Participating in NaNoWriMo2018

I’ve decided to participate in the National Novel Writing Month ! I have been working on my novel for a while. I wrote the first few pages back in 2014 then forgot about it until July of this year. I returned to what notes I had and became intrigued by where I could take the story, if possible even complete it. This last month I haven’t worked on it as much as I would have liked to so I decided to try NaNoWriMo this year. Although I already have about 16,000 words written which is quite a head start, I figured I should still take advantage of the opportunities and resources available and attempt to finish my novel!

capture nanowrimo2018


Here I go! I will be posting behind the scenes access to my novel writing on my Patreon page soon! Check it out!
