A Personal Response: Domestic Terrorists Riot at the Capitol

January 6th, 2021, a day that will go down in history.

I expected there to be Pro-Trump protests. I expected there to be violence and, at worst, shootings. But, domestic terrorists planting pipe bombs? Rioting at the Capitol, halting the certification progress? A woman shot by police dies, plus four others dead after the violence. Our country is disgraced.

No, I wasn’t expecting this. But I shouldn’t be surprised, and neither should others.

The signs were all there. We were approaching a climax of violence centered around insurrection and a desired coup by the dictator wannabe Donald Trump. 

Even before we began voting in 2020, Trump said if he lost, the election was rigged. He set the stage for this violence, brought this disgrace, and the politicians who stood with him and continue to are not American Patriots. They are accomplices in an attempt to destroy our democracy and our country.

I’m not surprised this is where we are. I figured Trump would continue to throw a fit and incite even more violence. Especially after the events in Charlottesville, when he made it clear what side he stands on.

His strongest weapon: dangerous rhetoric hidden in plainspeech. He used his weapon on Wednesday at his rally when he told his cult of followers to go to the Capitol. Then, as they overwhelmed Captiol police, who were questionably few in numbers, he waited and waited to call for peace.

When he did, he tells these terrorists, these rioters “I love you.” When last year his tweets threatened prison sentences for BLM protesters he called “thugs”.

Is it not clear where he stands?

Check out this article for break down on How a Pro-Trump Mob Stormed the U.S. Capitol

I seriously question the motives behind the Capitol police. The Chief has already resigned. But I’ll say this; if Trump had won the 2020 election, and BLM protesters were at a rally nearby and then began to walk to the Capitol to protest there, the National Guard would have been deployed ASAP, there would have been swat, there would have been a wall of police in riot gear to meet them. The stark difference in response AND response time shows what most of us already know: there is a double standard and white supremacy reigns in this country. Check out this article comparing the police response.

That disgraceful day is cemented into the history of the U.S., and I will never forget it.

Now in the final countdown to January 20th, I am hoping no one else will die. I am hoping for a peaceful transition of power. I hope that Trump, the domestic terrorist/rioters, and his allies will be prosecuted for their crimes against this nation.

A call for the 25th, Impeachment? It’s a little late for that. Trump should have been removed from office permanently within the first year of his term.

Revisiting The Past

Four years ago, I found myself dazed and unable to grasp the fact that Donald Trump was going to be President.

Looking back, I combed through my blog to see if I had written about that year, and I did. I forgot about this blog post until the summer of 2020, and today I want to include a few excerpts (below) in my response. Reading my words now, my heart breaks. It’s almost over, but the journey we had to take to get here was a bloody one.

The night the election results came in, I was working, people started crying in the restaurant. An angry couple stormed out, the man said, “We are so fucked.” His words have echoed in my head since then over and over again.

The excerpts below are dated December 19th, 2017.

“The results of the election last year were devastating. Not only had Trump won but suddenly the surreal feeling of living in a twilight zone-like reality began. Watching Trump’s inaugural speech on January 20th on TV, the strange and gloomy streets as he paraded in Washington D.C. Suddenly, it felt like something had dramatically changed. I couldn’t exactly put my finger on it but now I think I’ve realized what it was that I felt. This was the beginning of a new time, a new block of time that would have to be sectioned off, highlighted, and analytically picked apart day by day in the future. It has been termed an Era: The Era of Trump. I think this term is correct because now it is apparent 2017 is the start of another chapter in U.S. history.”

“There is little room to breathe when his ego is threatened when his words are analyzed and questioned when his behavior is criticized as being inappropriate and extremely insensitive. But the division between pro and anti-Trump supporters is creating unsafe spaces full of animosity and possibly dangerous eruptions.”

Charlottesville was a turning point. The protest turned violent and deadly, the POTUS fumbled and went back and forth on his own response to the events. The ‘Unite the Right’ rally featured white supremacists, who try to camouflage their hate and identity with terms such as ‘white nationalist’, protesting the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue. Counter protestors were present and violence quickly ensued. Finally, counter-protestor Heather D. Heyer was killed when a white nationalist plowed his car into the crowd…

“Trump’s response was inappropriate and strange. I think his words will be highlighted and remembered forever as he said there was blame “…on many sides.” This did not make sense, it still doesn’t. Suddenly people who do not believe in hate, racism, and bigotry were equated with white supremacists? Both parties were somehow guilty? This is when I think America finally began to understand where the POTUS stood in terms of hate, racism, and bigotry if they hadn’t already clued in with his behavior before the presidency. It was so apparent when his quick on the draw tweets and responses were delayed…possibly for once a response was being thought over by Trump himself before coming out of his mouth.”

“I have been conducting research since then on white supremacist groups. My findings are horrifying and I am now more aware than ever that America may have to again fight against racism (a never-ending fight) on a publically large-scale level similar to that of the civil rights movements of the 1960’s. (Oftentimes I found that white supremacist groups say they are not racists but just have certain beliefs regarding who should be a recognized citizen, including who should have rights, which for them means only specific people of white European-descent. Their definition of what an ‘American’ is, rests solely on their beliefs of race)…”

Excerpts from my blog post, “Personal Response: Surviving 2017 in the Trump Era

It didn’t take long for this new era to take hold. The shock of dealing with blasphemous tweets, misinformation, and straight out lies.

A little boy, a bully, who turned the cabinet into a revolving door. Who spouted rhetoric reinforcing the structural racism that continues to rot this country out from the inside.

This man, this crook, spent four years dividing the country, mastering manipulation and putting to question facts, truth, and justice, spinning his followers a new reality where they could choose to believe facts if they wanted to.

Now we suffer the consequences of anti-maskers in a pandemic. People are purposely putting the lives of others in danger. And over 350,000 Americans are DEAD.

What happens now?

We are in year two of the Pandemic. Thousands of Americans are dying every day from COVID-19. The country is in turmoil, divided, and sick from the Era of Trump.

Can Biden and Harris bring justice and order to the chaos? Can they help the nation unite and defeat COVID? Can they help us heal the festering wounds Trump has made.

I hope so.

I’ll end this with one last quote because now more than ever I still believe:

“…If having Trump as POTUS is what it takes for the U.S. to wake up and realize we need to address specific issues that have continued to be swept under the rug or falsely believed to be ‘solved’ then so be it. This is the time for change to happen. This is not a time to be silent and pretend that something isn’t already happening in our country. The political turmoil, the continual protests on “both sides”, the issue of sexual harassment, these events are crucial in understanding that right now is not the time to stick our heads in the sand. We must be vocal and supportive and uphold the rights that we have worked so long and so hard to gain as Americans. If a diverse society cannot be, or cannot function, if a belief in rights and equality for all people in this country is not possible then our country would be exactly the same as it was in previous centuries. If it is not possible then why did change happen in the past?”

Excerpts from my blog post, “Personal Response: Surviving 2017 in the Trump Era

If you are reading this, Thank You. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my words. Stay safe out there.



“Too Much and Never Enough” and Peaceful Protests in SLC

DISCLAIMER: This is an Opinion piece.

Yesterday, I finally decided that I was going to read Mary L. Trump’s book Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man. For the last month, I had been reading numerous articles anticipating the release of Mary’s book. Curious about what she had to say, I finally bought the kindle version yesterday. Of course, I’m not surprised that Trump tried to stop her from publishing this book in the final countdown before the election.

What to expect? 

Well, I am going to read and review Mary’s book. I plan to have my review done by the end of this month or sooner. I am going to pick the book apart like I would any other piece of written content. Concept/theme, structure, and clarity. I’m curious about Mary’s angle and how the book’s subject matter will be plotted out. I am also eager to go over her references and sources.

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photo credit: goodreads.com

What else have I been up to?

Trying to balance out life, staying-at-home, and how much time I spend on social media. Being home all the time has its side effects.
My beer gut is growing. I have unlimited access to the news and social media if left unchecked. And without a routine, I will surely spiral into chaos. But I’ve stuck to my routine and continue to read and write all the time.

I allow myself about one to two hours a day of ingesting news. I read The New York Times and The Salt Lake Tribune. Tapering down on social media has also helped bring my stress levels down.

How long is this going to last?

We’re heading into the FIFTH MONTH of COVID-19. In the U.S. there is still chaos, misinformation, and poor leadership. But I have hope, and with the Black Lives Matter movement still going strong, my fingers are crossed that this year’s election is not a repeat of 2016.

Peaceful Protests Escalated by Cottonwood Heights PD

In Salt Lake City, local news continues to smear peaceful protesters, casting them as rioters causing trouble. This weekend a peaceful protest in Cottonwood Heights was escalated when police showed up outnumbering protesters. They herded protesters, had their cars towed, and then assaulted and pepper-sprayed them. I watched so many live videos on Instagram from protesters that showed the police attacking and brutalizing them. Horrible. 

It’s like the police just don’t get it. Their actions are why peaceful protesters are on the streets. The Salt Lake Tribune published an article that, in my opinion, aimed to cheer for the Cottonwood Heights Police Department while smearing the peaceful protesters. Yesterday there was another protest where Trump and Blue Lives Matter supporters showed up but more concerning is that Utah Citizens’ Alarm group was there and armed with guns, a “deterrent to violence,” said Casey Roberston, founder of the group in the Salt Lake Tribune’s article.

The Utah Citizens’ Alarm showing up with guns is not to deter violence. It’s to intimidate protesters, visually threatening them by carrying guns, implying that they will shoot them if protesters become “violent”. Of course, the police do nothing about this group, and I’ve read articles that many in this group know the police. They are working in tandem with them. The group says on their Facebook page that they support peaceful protests. There is something unsettling about the way they talk about themselves and their mission.

Want to see something interesting? Check out Black Lives Matter Utah Chapter on Facebook, the profile is PUBLIC and there are about 4.4k members.

Black Lives Matter Utah works in cooperation with CAG, The Coalition for Police Reform, The United Front Civil Rights Organization, Brown Berets, Cop Watch Salt Lake City, SURJ, United Front White Allies, Utah Against Police Brutality, and many other activist groups. We encourage you to join every group and support them all. We are in no competition with any other group. All active civil rights groups which fight against oppression should be supported.
This group is what you make of it. If you have an idea then suggest it and run with it. Lead. Do not be afraid to lead and to help the movement.
They provide a phone number and a list of other organizations they work with.

Check out Utah Citizen’s Alarm Facebook Group page, there are 18.3k members and their profile is set to private? Why private? 

This is their about page. To me it is concerning. Look at the parts I’ve bolded. It’s like they’re spinning that they support peaceful protests, solidarity, but the wording is vague and general. I don’t trust this group and it concerns me that this group has 18.3k members. If they have nothing to hide and they are working with law enforcement why is the group set to PRIVATE?

About This Group

Utah Citizens’ Alarm works to maintain peace in the state of Utah by educating its communities in areas of preparedness and self-defense; fostering unity between citizens of all backgrounds and races as a show of solidarity in times of disaster and civil unrest; and building strong relationships with law enforcement through cooperative community efforts.
Utah Citizens’ Alarm creates an environment of safety, preparedness, and peace in communities and neighborhoods across our state through strong, organized citizen alliances.
In June of 2020, concerned Utah citizen Casey Robertson made a life-changing decision to invite friends to take a stand against violence that had been accompanying protests over issues of racial inequality and police brutality. The result of his simple call to action on social media was a flood of local patriots ready and willing to join and support his cause of supporting peaceful protest while denouncing and deterring violence. The group grew quickly – by the thousands in a matter of days – and immediately became known as Utah Citizens’ Alarm.
It was Casey’s love for his country and his home town that prompted him to stand against violence after a Provo protest turned ugly, ending in the shooting of a driver trying to make his way through the crowd blocking an intersection. Now, along with inviting Utah residents to stand against violence at protests, Casey also aims to help people form alliances in their own small communities that will create neighborhoods that are safe, protected, and prepared for all situations. 
So Casey is helping small communities set up alliances, groups, of armed citizens to defend themselves? To protect peaceful protesters? To protect their neighborhoods from “violence”?
There is a difference between peaceful protesters gathering and ARMED CIVILIANS showing up to protests to “deter violence”.
I will be looking for more information about this group to prove my point wrong that Utah Citizens’ Alarm is not just a gun-toting group that shows up to intimidate protesters.

Here’s a Instagram post from the Cottonwood Heights Police Department

CHPD insta post

How obvious does it have to be? Do people not see what is happening here?

For months now, this specific group of protesters gathered every Sunday and danced in the streets. Dancing in the street is punishable by being pepper-sprayed, beaten, and threatened with felony charges?

I’m deeply disappointed in Utah. The response here to the protests is unacceptable and continues to sour. Watching Live Videos from KSL news on Facebook covering the protests is difficult; people comment that unemployed kids have nothing better to do than protest for criminals.

I see more and more “Trump 2020!” and “BlueLivesMatter” on Facebook and other social media platforms. Disgusting. I have been coming across comments that say the Black Lives Matter movement has been hijacked, used as an excuse to protest just about anything. Amazing, the ignorance is incredible.

How can Trump supporters blindly follow him when he tweets, floating the idea, about delaying the election this year? A blatant authoritarian idea. Or how about when he deploys feds to intimidate protesters? What about not taking COVID seriously until it’s too late and over 150,000 people have died in the U.S.?

How do these people supporting cops, not see the injustice, the brutality? Even when it happens right in front of them when police assault peaceful protesters? Is it possible that many of the same people that cheer “Trump 2020!” are also the ones spouting “Blue Lives Matter”? Hmmm.

I could go on and on but I’m going to wrap up my little opinion-rant.

Resources and Donations

Support Protests Brutalized by Utah Cops

Know Your Rights – Protesters’ Rights


Liked this post? Check out these:

Life During COVID-19 (4/7/2020): Unemployment, Poetry for $ and Staying Positive

Life During COVID-19: Reflecting on the Murder of Robert Fuller, Trump and a Personal Update

Life During COVID-19: Reflecting on the Murder of Robert Fuller, Trump and a Personal Update

Alina Happy Hansen May 2020 Photo Credit: Dallas Basta

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. To be honest, it’s because I am swamped with freelance and internship work. And I’m having a hard time processing the unrest and events that are happening in the U.S. right now on top of COVID-19.

Besides my freelancing, internship, and revising my novel, I am struggling to have hope for the future. Last night I read about Robert Fuller and the three other Black Americans that were found murdered, hanging from trees.

Read more about the hangings here.

THIS is happening in 2020. What year are we living in? Horrifying. Devastating. I was trying my best not to cry last night, and I need to stop checking the news before I go to bed but, I’m glad I found out. It is heart-breaking. 

These murders are the same as lynchings; this vile inhuman act represents the worst of humanity. I am in shock and I am afraid. Black lives matter and my deepest sympathies go out to the family and friends of the murdered, the dead. 

I struggle to keep hope that things can change. That there is some light at the end of it all, at the end of this year, but this is too much. I think I may be hitting a breaking point. I feel useless, helpless, unable to do anything. How can I? I am just one white woman, one privileged white woman.

But I have to keep doing something. I’ve been signing petitions and donating. I’ve donated almost $100 to various Black Lives Matter organizations and George Floyd’s family. I’m signing and sharing petitions every single day. I just know I can do more.

On top of it all, Trump’s blatant acts, his rally, the timing, and the place, disgusting. Racist, cheat, lying, crook. This is not a leader for our country; this is a tyrant who wants to be a dictator.

Fuck Trump. 

Does it help that he moved the date of his rally from Juneteenth? Too little, too late, America received your message Trump. You are racist and continue to display leadership to your white supremacist supporters. 

I have the deepest hatred for Trump. He continues to use rhetoric that actively aims to obliterate the validity of the existence of my friends, my family, me, EVERYONE who is not a wealthy white male. 

I have to stay strong, stay healthy, stay safe. I have to keep going, and so should you. We can’t give up hope. We can’t give up now. We have to keep fighting for the future, for lives yet lived.

And I’m exhausted.

My brain feels fried and I am worn out.

On a lighter note, updates about my work…

Besides freelancing, I’ve been working on my novel. I have an amazing opportunity with my literary internship. My editor has offered to read and help me edit my novel. She is doing this because helping me work on edits for my own novel will help me hone my skills as a developmental editor for the publishing house. 

This is amazing. I spent the week working on revising the first three chapters. I added detail to my manuscript (MS), tightened it up, and even wrote a rough draft of a book blurb and my best query letter to a literary agent. This is such an incredible opportunity for me, and I am still in shock at my luck.

I am getting feedback and help with my novel, AND I am gaining invaluable work experience as a literary intern. It’s like everything that I’ve been working so hard for is finally starting to line up. The dominoes are in place, I just need the right push, and it’ll all work out perfectly in the long run. I’m sure of it.

Balancing my personal and work life with everything else that’s going on right now is incredibly difficult. I’m having to micro-manage my time and news intake because I have been so stressed out and anxious. It’s hard for many people right now but we have to keep going. And we have to keep fighting.

Stay strong, stay healthy, and stay safe my friends.

Much Love,

Black Lives Matter Resources/Info:

Linktr.ee has compiled amazing resources/info, you can find the link too all of them in my Lintr.ee profile:




Also, if you are a fellow Utahn support Utah’s own Black Lives Matter!

If you liked this post check out these:

Why I’m Not Celebrating Independence Day This Year

Podcast Sesh #2 June 18th, 2020: Writing, Freelancing and Coping with the George Floyd Protests

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Life During COVID-19 (5/21/2020): Novel Writing, My Birthday and Opinions

For the past couple of days, I have been working on my Novel. The one I have been telling my followers about for over a year now. This week I am focusing on doing developmental edits, something I have been doing for Freelance Clients and my Literary Internship

Recently, I’ve found myself obsessed with the structure of stories: plot, characters, dialogue. Even when I am reading, I find myself picking content apart, analyzing it from different viewpoints, and rereading. I never thought I’d become so obsessed.

The advantages of my obsession: I am more aware now than ever before when writing is working and when it’s not regardless of its form. Cons? At this point, I can’t just read. I analyze every piece of written content that comes across my path. 

Check out my blog posts about Writing My First Novel

My Birthday

This Sunday is my birthday, I will be 27, not that old but definitely not young. I keep forgetting about it. Since the entire world feels like it’s going through this surreal time with the COVID-19 Pandemic. For most of Utah, except for specific areas including Salt Lake City, we have phased to “Yellow/Low Risk”. It is bizarre to think that we’re already practically in June; half the year is gone. I’ve spent two months unemployed, applying to jobs, and staying home. 

When it comes to celebrating, My BF is planning a special dinner for me, and we might go for a quick drive to get out of the city. I am excited to relax this weekend, I need a break from it all, it’s been so stressful, and it’s been so long since life was the way it used to be. I don’t think things will ever be the same. If there is something we can do to celebrate my birthday like we’ve done in the past, to bring some kind of familiarity back into our lives, it will help.

COVID-19 in Salt Lake City, Utah

Salt Lake City is still in the “Orange/Moderate Risk” phase, with select restrictions, rules, and procedures in place to try to slow the spread of COVID-19. Our death count as of today is 90.

What I’ve got my eye on, the Navajo Nation. Their death count is at 140. They are need of supplies, food, and testing. Donations have been set up to help. In my opinion, there is very little news coverage, or just barely some attention being given to the Navajo Nation during the Pandemic. This is unacceptable. One example, in my opinion, of how particular people’s stories are not being given the attention they deserve to spread the word that they need help and resources. 

Opinion: Trump and Voting in the 2020 Election

Another concern of mine: voting. Trump continues to try to hinder multiple states move to the mail-in ballot voting system. Luckily, Utah is one of the few states that have already been doing this for years. In my opinion, Trump’s obvious efforts to stop any kind of progress in making voting safer during this Pandemic, accessible, and easy for all is evidence that he is well aware he could lose by a landslide if more people can vote. 

There has always been obstacles in place to prevent people from voting. From having voting centers only open specific hours and days, when many full-time working people can’t take time off to go vote. Now, Trump pushes for more rules and regulationsHis argument that mail-in ballots allow for fraud, and people voting multiple times, again like his other claims, are not backed up by any facts, data, or substantial evidence.

Unemployed: Searching and Applying for Jobs

I’m still looking for full-time work. But I have become increasingly open to having two part-time jobs. I think that this may be more likely since I am finding more part-time job postings for copywriting, content writers, and freelance writers online. Yesterday, I applied to ten jobs. This week I’ve done two interviews but have still to hear back from anyone. 


I have been doing more Freelance Writing the past two weeks. This has been fun but my friends think that I am employed because of this. It’s contract; on a case-by-case basis, and I’ve had to seek out clients. It’s not full-time regular, dependable employment or pay. Starting in March, I have been pitching story ideas to various online journals that pay. It is a laborious and grueling process, you have to stick with it. I am hoping to get the OK-Go on a couple articles from Editors soon. 

Staying Positive, Staying Strong and Not Giving Up

It has become increasingly hard for me to stay positive. Spending the last two months searching and applying to jobs with what feels like no progress is devastating. I am constantly reminded by my BF that these are weird times and it can take longer for me to find a job or two because of the Pandemic. The unemployment rate for the U.S. is skyrocketing still. An estimated 14.7% of the U.S. is unemployed. I can’t give up. I have to be persistent. There is no other choice. And I feel, now more than ever, that returning to work in a restaurant would be unwise. 

I’ve taken stock of what’s important to me, in my life, how I want to spend my time, and the growing awareness that all of us don’t know how much time we really have to live. No more BS, or messing around, I have to make changes in my life. 

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read about my life during COVID-19. My goal is to document my life, at least once a week, during this Pandemic. It is vital to archive what we’re going through during strange events like this one, so we need as much documentation as possible about our individual lives. I believe that this information will be crucial for future generations when they find themselves in similar situations. My message to you, to them; don’t give up, no matter what, DON’T. GIVE. UP. 



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Why I’m Not Celebrating Independence Day This Year (Opens in a new browser tab)

Life During COVID-19 (6/6/2020): George Floyd Protests and My White Woman Privilege(Opens in a new browser tab)

Podcast Sesh #2 June 18, 2020: Writing, Freelancing and Coping with the George Floyd Protests(Opens in a new browser tab)

My Stories on Medium: Poetry, Writing and Freelancing(Opens in a new browser tab)

Life During COVID-19 (4/28/2020): Job Search, Internship and Opening Up Utah

Job Search

I am focused on applying to jobs. I’m specifically looking for remote work because I think in the long run it makes sense to work from home in case Covid-19 flares up later this year. It’s hard to find remote work, especially in writing fields that isn’t freelance. Finding positions that offer full benefits, time off, a flexible schedule and a good 401k are rare. My goal is to find remote work so I won’t have to work in a restaurant after the stay-at-home order is lifted in Salt Lake City, Utah.


Yesterday, I got a Literary Internship for a publishing house. This internship is unpaid but requires only 10-15 hours of work per week. It is valuable experience that I know I need to help build up my resume. My career goal is to work for a publishing house in publishing/editing. This internship is an exciting opportunity and I get the feeling it will be a positive experience.

I know that I can balance full-time work (when I find it) and my internship with everything else I do: blogging, writing, reading, art, and music.

Utah & COVID-19

The stay-at-home order issued by Governor Gary Herbert through May 1st, will presumably be lifted by the end of this week. I am still checking twitter and local news for updates from Salt Lake City’s Mayor Erin Mendenhall. We’ll see what happens, what regulations will be put in place by the Utah Department of Health for restaurants to be have dine-in service. It will be interesting to see what happens this week and the next.

Current Covid-19 stats for Utah

Summary: Total Cases 4233, Total Reported People Tested 100195, Total Covid-19 Hospitalizations 349, Total Covid-19 Deaths 41

Population of Utah (estimated) 3,282,115

A Tiny Opinionated Rant

I believe it is important to save lives and stop the spread of Covid-19 as effectively as possible. It is frustrating to hear about protests saying the stay-at-home order is unconstitutional. I think these people fail to realize the gravity of the situation and that having no vaccine for Covid-19 makes this a serious matter. The argument to sacrifice the weak to open up the economy is revolting.

If anything these people that are protesting against the stay-at-home orders across the nation should be protesting against Trump’s failure as POTUS to handle Covid-19. They should be protesting the government’s pathetic attempt to ‘help’ Americans financially: a one-time check of $1,200 is a slap in the face, the $600 add-on to weekly unemployment is more helpful right now but not for those that are having trouble filing for unemployment.

Trumps response time to Covid-19, his ignorance to take it seriously, his continual suggestions to ingest disinfectants, his failure to help state governor’s, and his continual back and forth indecision about almost every little thing is unacceptable. The man is an idiot and his presidency is a joke. My main concern is voting for this years presidential election. With the spread of Covid-19 and everyone trying to just make it through, the risk of the election being ‘manipulated’ with the excuse of Covid-19 I think is a very real possibility.

End of My Poetry Workshop

Yesterday was the last day of the Free Poetry Workshop taught by Natasha Saje. This workshop was about four months long and I absolutely loved it. Saje is amazing, she taught me so much and I look forward to staying in touch with my fellow students.


I finally caved. I am extremely opposed to Facebook but over the last few weeks I have realized when it comes to putting my writing out there and connecting with readers, having a Facebook Profile and Page is a necessity. Below are links to my Profile and Page.

I will be using my Profile for personal/writing updates and my Page is specifically for all content I post to my blog. 

Alina’s Facebook Profile

Alina’s Facebook Blog Page


I finished reading Joan Didion’s Where I Was From


This was a great read. I started it the last week of March and took my time with it. Didion talks about her family history which creates a sort of ‘bookend’ structure for the rest of the book. The meat of it is a detailed history of California, specifically Sacramento where she is from. It was an informative read and I have a craving for more Didion, so I might be raiding my boyfriends bookshelf very soon (he has most of her books).

Uncertainty and Relief

I am hopeful that a gradual re-opening of Salt Lake City will be successful. Our case counts and deaths are very low in comparison to the rest of the nation. But I think there is a real risk at opening the state too soon and a second wave could rip through Utah and our deaths could increase rapidly.

Thank you

I hope that you are safe and well wherever you are. Thank you for reading about my life during Covid-19. Feel free to respond, comment, or contact me directly.



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If you enjoyed this post, check out these:

Life During COVID-19 (5/5/2020): Tutoring, Freelancing on Fiverr and Job Searching(Opens in a new browser tab)

Life During COVID-19 (5/21/2020): Novel Writing, My Birthday and Opinions(Opens in a new browser tab)

Life During COVID-19 (6/6/2020): George Floyd Protests and My White Woman Privilege(Opens in a new browser tab)