Thoughts on the Action of Claiming One’s Own Identity

I belong nowhere in this world because of who I am, what I am, and what I identify as. I am ‘unremarkable’ and a ‘problem’ to society. I am not my sex and I am not my gender, I am I, without and with influence from the world. I have taken what was forced on me and I reject it. I make my own identity. It is not for anyone to decide if I am a Woman, a Female, or if I am feminine enough to qualify. I will not bend my head into submission and will not ‘sit down and be quiet’. I am not sorry. I will not ask for forgiveness for anything I have done or said because my actions are ‘unjust’. My actions are moral, my actions are right and fair because they do for me what no one else can which claims my identity as my own, as I define it.

It is with these actions of mine, my marked ‘defiance’ against everything forced on me, that I hope to make a small step towards the liberation of all that are constantly pressured to fit into a certain form and definition that includes duties and expected behaviors relating to sex and gender. And It will not stop at sex and gender, it will go beyond to Race, a predominate identifier that requires liberation from presuppositions within society that again try to define who or what a person is and more importantly their worth. We must start at the core of sex and gender which are interwoven with identity and race and redefine their meaning, their functions, and their ‘place’ within society in order to gain freedom.

I want to act and inspire others to act and gain their own deliverance in hopes that one day there will be no definitive function, structure, formula, or operation for what is a ‘Man’ or a ‘Woman’ or more simply who is a ‘Person’. I want freedom for all from the pressures of ‘masculinity’ and ‘feminity’, from ‘Man’ and ‘Woman’, from ‘Worth’ and ‘Race’. I want freedom for the self because every being should have the right to their own freedom and definition of worth within a society.

There are walls to be torn down, barriers to be broken, and voices to be heard. The generations after should be free and undefinable by anyone except themselves. To be treasured and valued by others for who you are as you know yourself to be, as a multifaceted being that cannot be easily simplified or categorized or identified within a society, is a dream worth acting on. Our dreams today will be realities for generations of the future.

So I will not ‘shut up’, I will not ‘sit down’. I will look you in the eye and tell you who I am because I am not afraid to be honest, or real, or true to myself and others like me. I will use these words as actions and I will not be ‘quiet’.

Sincerely and Justly,

Alina Happy Hansen


Announcement: What to expect this month and next…

Here’s what I’ve been thinking about doing during September,

  • One to three short stories (expect Horror and Mystery, Halloween is upon us!).
  • Short reviews/reflections of a handful of newly released movies (right now I am thinking, Ingrid Goes West)
  • A compilation list of my favorite Halloween movies!
  • A review/reflection of a select Musician.

Basically through September and all of October Halloween and related themes (Horror, Mystery, Thrillers, select Sci-Fi) will be the main subject of my posts. Halloween is my favorite holiday out of the entire year and I would love to take this opportunity as the first Halloween with my blog to show my love for it.

Any suggestions, and/or comments are welcome!



Featured Image is Original Artwork by Drazen Kozjan

Cowboy in the Desert: Flash Fiction Series #8

Cowboy in the Desert


Alina Happy Hansen


He looks to the sky, the sun burns. The blue lake glitters in the distance. The sound of coyotes somewhere nearby. The gun is heavy on his hip, and his boots are full of sand. He takes a step then another. His chapped lips, cracked and bleeding. Hands limp and lifeless hanging in defeat. His horse dead, miles back, its black eyes shine in his mind as he shot it lying on its side dying of thirst. If he could just make it to the blue lake glittering in the distance.


If you are reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope you will return in the future!


Hospital Stay: Flash Fiction Series #7

Hospital Stay


Alina Happy Hansen

He sits propped up on some pillows. The sick smell of bleach and antiseptic is inescapable. His neighbor groans in pain behind the curtain partition. The TV flickers every other minute, the signal weak. A voice calls to him from outside the opened window. His heart beats furiously. The voice of his dead mother reaches him, getting louder as he reaches for the call button. “Why did you say you wanted me to burn in hell?”


If you are reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope you will return in the future!


Isolation: Flash Fiction Series #6



Alina Happy Hansen


Alone and unloved, she sits in a room that is pale and plain just like her. The window lets the sun in, trickling across the floor, across the wall until it vanishes each night from sight. There are movements and sounds coming from the rest of the house, voices seep through the walls. The other women’s howls slice through the silence. Rooms become cages to keep in the hysteria and pain. The room is her tomb where she waits for her family, sitting there in a chair, staring out the window into the sun.


Inspired by The Yellow Wallpaper , horrible stories of Asylums and women being treated for ‘Hysteria‘. 



If you are reading this thank you for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope that you will return in the future!
