Dinner: Flash Fiction Series #5

Here’s the first of many weekly Flash Fiction pieces I will be posting. All pieces will have less than 150 words.


He hums to himself sharpening his knives. Her voice echoes down the hall. He positions himself, ready to slice. Her voice grows louder from down the hall. He looks at the meat, the red, bloody slab and begins to cut, cut it all up, into tiny bitty pieces until there is nothing left to cut up any more. Her voice echoes, a scream, from down the hall. The sizzle of the meat in a hot pan.

She calls out, “WHERE’S MY DINNER?!” at the top of her lungs.


Read Next:

Cowboy in the Desert

Hospital Stay


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The Lighthouse: Flash Fiction Series #4

The Lighthouse


Alina Happy Hansen


There she stood. Her figure silhouetted against the moon, distant and lonesome,  looking out towards the sea. The spinning light reached out across the void, touching waves, touching clouds until disappearing back behind the trees. Lighthouse, candle, and a memory of a death. He calls out to her from the door, hoping she’ll come back inside, inside his arms, inside the house, and forget it all. Forget the blood, the pain and the small grave.


If you are reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope you will return in the future!


When Words Lose Meaning: Flash Fiction Series #3

Here is a rough version of a Flash Fiction piece I am working on.


approx. word count: 130

When Words Lose Meaning


Alina Happy Hansen


His eyes are black, she drones on, picking up her wine glass. Sips and mutters something under her breath. Her beauty blossoms in the candlelight but her words are poison, tarnishing her image. He wonders how such a beautiful woman could be so cruel. After weeks of being with this woman he has found himself growing more and more disgusted by her. Suddenly her freckles become abrasive markings, her lips stained and creased, her teeth yellow and her eyes, a dark abyss that swallows him whole. Her image begins to slip in front of him as she reveal who she really is. In the end he will marry her because everyone admires her beauty but he will no longer value words and live a life of deceptive imagery.


If you are reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope that you will return in the future!



Death and Kittens: Flash Fiction Series #2

approx. word count: 140


Death and Kittens


Alina Happy Hansen


Mama cat cradled her kittens, suckling softly on her underbelly. Somewhere there was a gunshot. Somewhere, somebody died. The ones that can’t reach the nipple mew and cry. There are tire screeches around the corner of the alley and the sound of car doors opening, feet pounding on the cement, a chorus of men shouting. Mama cat peaks out her head from the side of the moldy cardboard box to look. Men are running towards her and her kittens, red and blue flashes against the brick buildings. Mama cat tenses up, moving slightly, kittens fall off her swollen nipples. Loud shots echo through the air. A man falls, his body smacks the pavement. Blood in his eyes, he sees a dilapidated cardboard box next to a dumpster, tiny eyes glowing in the darkness stare at him as he loses consciousness.

Flash Fiction Series #1: The Cup

Here’s the first of many weekly Flash Fiction pieces I will be posting. All pieces will have less than 150 words.

The Cup

The dog barks at the sound of the mail man shuffling onto the porch. Marie walks into the kitchen, the coffee maker almost done gurgles the last bits of hot water and spits out the hot black nectar. She pours herself a cup and listens to the dog walking through the house. There is something a little hard, a little chewy in her mouth. She sighs, frustrated, getting rinds in her coffee again? Marie dumps out the rest of her cup into the sink, her stomach turns. The dead washed up body of a giant spider lays lifeless in a pool of coffee slowly dripping down the drain, a leg missing.


Read Next:

Cowboy in the Desert

Hospital Stay


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