Life during COVID-19 (4/13/20): Poetry for $ and more poems

It’s almost been a month since the last day I worked (March 17th). It’s bizarre to think that time has passed so quickly and somehow so slowly at the same time. I feel like I’m utilizing my time well but I’m so frustrated I haven’t landed a job yet.


I’ve done interviews and skills tests, I’ve written cover letter after cover letter and still nothing. Right after graduation I spent six months applying to jobs requiring a BA, specifically in English or related fields, nothing. I gave up. I needed a break, now I’m doing the same thing again. What does it mean to keep pushing, keep trying for a job that requires a BA? I don’t know. I hope it’s worth it. I don’t want to cave in and get a Customer Service Rep job for a call center. I don’t want to get another job that is the complete opposite of what I want to do with my life, my career, my writing. But it is so hard.

I am grateful for my unemployment checks. They are small but something and I’m hoping the extra $600/week from the Cares Act Stimulus bill that was passed last month kicks in soon.


By some weird stroke of luck, I ended up winning the lotto for the $500 from the Downtown Alliance’s Tip Your Server donation. I’ve decided I want to help my co-workers so I am building a list of all my friends that need the money right now that are unemployed and looking for jobs and really strapped for cash. I hope to shell out at least $100 each and spread the money out. Thanks to a $100 contribution from one of my friends, this will now be $600 that I can spread out among my friends.


I’ve also had quite a bit of luck with my POETRY for $, to date I’ve completed 14 poems for supporters. I accept any $ via Venmo then write a personalized handwritten poem with a little bit of my own stylized art. I send a digital copy (pdf) via email then the original through the mail.

I’ve done two poems barter/trade style. One poem I wrote for a friend who bought me Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar (including her collection of poems). And another friend I wrote a poem for is brewing me my very own small batch of beer (he brews beer for Wasatch Brew Pub in Salt Lake City, Utah) I am so stoked for this!

Original poem I wrote/made for a $upporter


I also drafted up an outline of my upcoming digital zine in InDesign. It will have all the poetry I’ve written during the Pandemic/Stay at Home order. Pretty much since I was laid off. I am including copies of all the poems I’ve done for $upport as well as some art and photography. This is such a fun project and it will be free to the public when it is finished.

I feel so fortunate to have such caring friends and because of their generosity right now I’ve been able to pay a few bills and have extra money for groceries, saving anything extra for the future.


My Poetry Workshop at Westminster (online now) is coming to a close. There’s only a couple more assignments left and then it will be over. I am not looking forward to this since I’ve really enjoyed this workshop; reading other students poems, the poetry books, assigned reading, and pushing myself with the poetry assignments. I’m really going to miss it.


I’m bummed out because this summer I was going to start pursuing an AAS in Music Recording Technology at Salt Lake Community College but since I was laid off, I can’t afford it so I had to drop the classes I already registered for. I just plan on taking free courses online, finding tutorial videos, and continue to make music and publish my songs on soundcloud.


It’s been a good experience thus far, I’ve kept to my daily routine, and I’ve made my daily quota for the number of jobs I apply to, and I write and read and write and read and write and read…

I just have to keep going.


How are you getting through the Pandemic? Have you been ordered to Stay at Home? How are you coping?

I would love to hear about your experiences during this time.

Please feel free to comment or message me.

Thank you for reading!

Stay safe and stay well out there!


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If you enjoyed this post, check out these:

Life During COVID-19 (4/21/2020): Poetry, Sylvia Plath and My Novel(Opens in a new browser tab)

Life During COVID-19 (5/13/2020): Freelancing, Patreon and New Toys(Opens in a new browser tab)

Life During COVID-19 (5/30/2020): Reflection on George Floyd, Protests Turned Riots and Growing Tensions in the U.S.(Opens in a new browser tab)

Life during COVID-19 Personal Update: March 25th, 2020

I feel like I’ve been pretty productive for the last couple of days. I’ve applied to multiple technical writer jobs, sent story pitches to a freelance writing opportunity, and for the first time in a long time I’ve been making art.

Tree by Alina Happy Hansen 3/25/2020
Artwork in Progress by Alina Happy Hansen (March 25, 2020)

Me and my boyfriend have fallen into a pretty good routine which I think is helping us a lot right now. Our routine for quarantine doesn’t really differ from our usual routine that much.

My Quarantine Routine:

Wake-up around 9 a.m. Turn the electric kettle on and take our Boston Terrier out for a morning walk. When we get back I make my breakfast (french press coffee and oatmeal), check the news on my phone for a few minutes then either read or write.

After I’m done with breakfast I get dressed and start working. Right now that means checking my unemployment, searching for online jobs, and then applying to ones I find that I qualify for. After this, I log on to my online Poetry Workshop and get started on any reading/writing homework I have.

(I’m pretty bummed right now because I registered for Salt Lake Community College starting this Summer with the hopes of pursuing an Associate’s in Music Recording Technology. But now that I’m unemployed, I’ll have to drop the classes I already picked.)

Around noon I’ll take a break for about fifteen minutes, have a quick snack, and then get back at it. I search for more jobs on the DWS (unemployment site) then try to take a break at about five for dinner, make some food and relax for an hour.

After that, I try to do some art or read poetry but what I need to be doing is writing.

Today, it is chilly outside, and I took our dog for about an hour-long walk, keeping my distance from everyone and just trying to enjoy being outside our apartment for as long as possible. Our walk probably would’ve been longer but it was so cold we ended up heading home early. I took some great reference photos of trees on our walk that I hope I’ll be able to use for drawings this week.

For the rest of the day, I plan on writing some poetry, working on homework, and researching for about another hour or two for online jobs.

Last Monday, I applied online to a tutoring website, the next step I have to complete and finish is passing a mandatory test for English specific topics. These tests are so hard. The first two I took, one for College Essay Writing and the next for English Literature, I only got a 64%, when I need an 84% or higher to pass. Today, for the first time in days, I took another one of their tests, this time it was English Reading. I got a 74% on this test! The highest so far. I can retake the test two more times, each time with a 24 hour waiting period in between. If I don’t pass the next two tests for the English Reading section I cannot try again.

Until I find a job, I am offering POETRY FOR $. I write/create personalized handwritten poems for supporters. I send scanned pdfs of the poems via email to supporters and when this COVID-19 thing settles down a bit and people are comfortable, I will be mailing the originals to my supporters. So far I have completed 6 poem orders to date and cannot express my gratitude to these people for helping me out right now.

My Poem “Dance with You” written/created for an Anonymous Supporter

Also, I posted “LAID OFF: SUPPORT MY RESTAURANT FAMILY” a couple days ago, it is a featured page on my blog. This post has Venmo links for some of my co-workers that desperately need funds right now. This post also has key information about resources for other service industry employees that have been laid off or can’t go to work in Salt Lake City, and the rest of the U.S. Please check it out.

Thank you for reading!


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Liked this blog post? Check out these:

Life During COVID-19 (5/30/2020): Reflection on George Floyd, Protests Turned Riots and Growing Tensions in the U.S.

Why I’m Not Celebrating Independence Day This Year

My Stories on Medium: Poetry, Writing and Freelancing

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