Coming Soon: My Personal Response on ‘Surviving 2017 in the Trump Era’ and ‘Combating the quote-unquote brainwashed College Student Theory’

I have been thinking about two topics recently in light of personal experiences and conversations I have had with numerous people such as family, friends, and fellow students.

These two topics I plan on writing MY OWN PERSONAL RESPONSES to:

“Surviving 2017 in the Trump Era”….did anyone really survive? and how do I feel now that 2017 is coming to an end. This will be my own little synopsis of how my year has gone including my reflections on the insanely horrifying events that have happened this year…so far… in American.

“Combating the quote-unquote Brainwashed College Student Theory” this has been a reoccurring conversation that has been happening between me and my family. I found this theory (as I am going to call it) to be more laughable than a serious issue to address. But after talking to other students in my Major (English, the Humanities) and doing a bit of research on my own, it appears that this little theory is a persistent issue that conservative parents and families have been “dealing with” for a very long time in America.

My responses will be posted by the end of this year so keep a lookout. I would also love to hear about any experiences that college students have had dealing with this “brainwashed liberal” thing. I find it an interesting little concept that now aides in dividing families and the nation even more than it has been this year.

This is also me lighting a candle in my own little lighthouse in this continuous storm, is there anybody out there with similar thoughts?

I want to thank my faithful and regular readers and followers that take time out of their day to read my work on my blog. Thank you so much for the support you give to me and my writing! I hope you will (and others) return in the future! 


Puerto Rico Relief

Here is some info on how to help and give relief to Puerto Rico right now in its time of crisis.


Also here is some info about what is going on in relation to the discussion of helping Puerto Rico. It is an extremely stressful discussion and there is frustration on both sides (that either argue Puerto Rico has enough help already or that they need more help).



I have been recently posting a few reflections or poems on current political/crisis issues lately. I feel it is necessary right now to acknowledge specific events that are happening in the U.S.  I do not feel it is appropriate to just go about my business and post my usual stuff (poems, stories, etc.) without acknowledging on my blog or other social media that this particular time is climacteric for the U.S. I feel that spreading information or contributing in this small way to the conversation is crucial right now.

I want to say thank you to all my regular readers for reading my posts and keeping up with my blog. I really appreciate the attention and time that you give to my work and my efforts.



It’s just one thing after another. What to do about DACA?


And what is left of us now?

Our values that we preach as a country,

the words within and without that we

define and create what is real. 

Who is valued and who is who,

creating definitions, creating borders.

This leads us nowhere towards a future for all.


If you’re reading this Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my writing.


Freehand Poem #26: Working to Survive

I’ve been thinking about issues such as minimum wage and the wage gap for women lately.

This is some scribblings in response.


Worn out and torn up. The skin begins to crease,

in lines of worry, lines of hunger and fear. We are

trodden on, under foot as they walk all over us.

How much do we have to work? Until our knuckles

bleed? Until our backs break? There is no relief.

There is no end.


If you are reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope that you will return in the future!


Questions about Writers Resist

I’ve been reading about Writers Resist. An organization to defend democracy and rights in America in which writers get together and use their talents to resist corruption. I’m interested by this since for the past five months I’ve been struggling along with everyone else at the state of our Nation and the politics that are now becoming a very large obsession in everyone’s day to day lives. The feeling of tension and uncertainty is almost palpable sometimes. It’s hard to adjust to this extremely hyperactive obsessive society and I feel like at this moment the fight for human rights is as important as ever.

I am trying to familiarize myself with the Writers Resist and was wondering if anyone had more information on this.

I’ve noticed that there are two websites,


I am going to keep researching this movement and would love to take part. But I would like to know the differences between the two sites and if these differences relate to a solid organization versus an informal gathering and events. I will post my findings soon. Please leave any info or reflections on Writers Resist in comments below.
