Bowie cancer ate
you and I wonder how you
are up in the stars
Bowie i am here on Earth
listening singing dancing
Written in Tanka form. What do you think? Leave a comment.
Writer in San Francisco, CA
Bowie cancer ate
you and I wonder how you
are up in the stars
Bowie i am here on Earth
listening singing dancing
Written in Tanka form. What do you think? Leave a comment.
breaking into this
i pulled and pried your heart and
tore through something in
you and you you cried so loud
cause no one was supposed to
Written in Tanka form. What do you think? Leave a comment.
screen capture my face
how pretty how sad how true
this lighting is harsh
skull skin eyes teeth hair hair hair
don’t filter refine post it
Written in Tanka form. What do you think? Leave a comment.
pad of butter on
toasted bread cup of green tea
thoughts twist and turn in
dawn light a sip a bite of
memories waking screaming
Written in Tanka form. What do you think? Leave a comment.
The rain continued through February, but today there is a bright blue sky, and the Chinese New Year parade will crawl through downtown.
I’ve been missing, busy working on The Happy Poet Studio releasing creepy crawly inspired products.
Reading here and there, I’ve already finished five books this year. Do What They Say or Else was an intriguing stream of consciousness of a young woman. Indelicacy pulled me into a poor fabulous world of obsession and evolving relationships. Poor Things took me for a ride I wasn’t expecting with the last chapter a full 180 degree turn.
Listening to music as usual, I’m trying to expand my tastes and try something new, but the Spotify algorthims are keeping me in place.
Writing? Well, a poem here and there, and daily writing exercises when I can. I’m scribbling a few hundred words at the end of the day, but now mostly completing my writing on the weekends. I’m looking for journals to submit a few mismatched lonesome poems – recommendations welcome.
What are you reading/writing/listening to? I want to know.
Wishing for sunny days, this is The Happy Poet signing off.