green parrot feather
on sidewalk smeared words carved in
cement I was here
sunshine warms bones and spreads wings
clouds billow and drift eastward
Writer in San Francisco, CA
green parrot feather
on sidewalk smeared words carved in
cement I was here
sunshine warms bones and spreads wings
clouds billow and drift eastward
early morning i
sit drinking tea and listening
to raven croaking
gliding through the air to land
on lamp post slick with dew drops
Liked this poem? Read Fog Slips Down the Hill and Chinatown Night Market.
Fog slips down the hill
kissing windows and roads I
slide into my mind
and wonder where you are
who you have become
A Tanka.
lions dancing and
dragons fly in Chinatown
drumming Spring sunset
full of dim sum hot green tea
to the bar gin and tonic
little one you look
so cute in your pink hoodie and
i think how i’ve known
you for ten years little pup
little girl with more gray hairs
This poem is written in Tanka form. What do you think? Leave a comment.