Life During COVID-19 (4/21/2020): Poetry, Sylvia Plath and My Novel

It’s disturbing how normal this is all starting to feel. Staying home, my routine, knowing what to expect at almost every hour of the day. It is becoming tiresome so I am trying to invigorate my days by switching my schedule around.

Normally, I get up read, write a little, have breakfast and then start my 3-4 hours of job searching and applying. I’ve changed this the last few days because I realized applying to jobs, checking my email, and getting no response or just responses that say “we are moving onto other candidates” or “this position is no longer open” was stressing me out. So now I spend my mornings reading as much as I can and then I start looking and applying to jobs around four or five in the afternoon.

Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar

Trade gift from a friend for a Poem

I finished The Bell Jar yesterday and it was amazing. I can’t believe I’m almost 27 (next month) and I haven’t read this. It was brutal, depressing, heart wrenching and woven with poetic language, I loved it. I couldn’t get enough of it. Now I am reading Plath’s The Collected Poems now; It was included with The Bell Jar copy I have. This was a trade gift for a poem that I wrote for one of my friends a couple of weeks ago and I completely love it!

Original Poem by Alina Happy Hansen (a Poem for $)


My Poetry Workshop is coming to an end. I just finished submitting the last assignment on Sunday and now I am working on revising 3 poems and putting together my final portfolio for submission. This is hard, considering the 3 poems I have chosen to revise need A LOT of work and it will take up the rest of this week to even try to get these poems near “finished”.

I am sad that the Poetry Workshop is coming to an end and I have scrambled to find other classes. I ended up enrolling in four free courses through Harvard’s Free Online Courses.

I’ve enrolled in, Intro to Music Theory (I was going to take this class at SLCC but it would’ve costed me around $500), Ancient Masterpieces of World Literature, The Icelandic Sagas, and Writing for Social Media (starts on April 25th). Besides Writing for Social Media, the other courses are self-paced which will help me complete them all.

There is the option for all four to be “verified” so you can receive a certificate for completing the course but you have to pay. I don’t think it’s worth the money for three out of four of those but I am debating on getting a certificate for Writing for Social Media to put on my Linkedin profile, I don’t think hiring managers are going to care about a certificate when they want experience but I am still debating on it.


I’ve been trying to sketch, paint, anything really to take my mind off of things. A couple things I’ve done or that I’m working on:

two works in progress, blue haired gal has been a work in progress for years now but I actually worked on her a couple days ago


April 20th, 2020 visit to the Salt Lake City Cemetery (practicing social distancing works great here so I can enjoy the weather and fantastic view)

Yesterday I ended up going to one of my favorite places, the Salt Lake City Cemetery in the Avenues. It has been a place I go to for over a decade now to get some peace and quiet so I can relax.

I think cemetery’s are beautiful and the memories, the tombstones, the act of remembering and respecting the dead is a wonderfully unique human habit that shows compassion and love for those that have come before us and reminds us to respect life and not waste it.


This is a first in a long time. I don’t think I’ve posted any updates about My First Novel in months. Finally because of COVID-19, being stuck at home has made me pull out my manuscript and start the final editing process which I should’ve-could’ve started back in January. One of my friends, who is a Grant Writer, actually read my entire manuscript and made notes, edited it for grammar and punctuation. I’m using her notes finally to work on it.

Yesterday I completed about five chapters. I have realized that my book jolts and jumps gears frequently after I completed another read through last week. So right now I am rewriting, rephrasing, mixing around the sentences for each chapter so it flows better. I know this means I will need to have it proofed again and most likely by a couple different people to get a more accurate estimate as to what needs to be fixed but this is just a necessary step in making my novel better, more coherent, and readable.

This is exciting for me and I finally feel like I’m making progress so this has relieved a little bit of stress and tension that I’ve been feeling lately.

Thank you for reading and being a part of my journey!

How has your Stay-at-Home time been for you? Are you reading or writing or doing both? Do you have any recommendations for keeping life interesting during these strange times? If so, please comment below!


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If you enjoyed this post, check out these:

Life During COVID-19 (5/5/2020): Tutoring, Freelancing on Fiverr and Job Searching(Opens in a new browser tab)

Life During COVID-19 (5/30/2020): Reflection on George Floyd, Protests Turned Riots and Growing Tensions in the U.S.(Opens in a new browser tab)

My Stories on Medium: Poetry, Writing and Freelancing(Opens in a new browser tab)

January 2020 Update: Workshop, Writing, and Music

Today is my first day in a Free Poetry Workshop! Last September I bought Windows and Doors: A Poet Read Literary Theory by Natasha Sajé. I read a few chapters and then looked up Natasha Sajé, I found out she is a professor at Westminster right here in Salt Lake City. Then I found out she was doing a free Poetry Workshop this Spring. To sum it up, I applied to the workshop and got in. Today is the start of this four-month workshop and I am so excited. I am hoping to get a lot out of this workshop and make progress with my poetry.

Besides my poetry, I have been doing my daily writing routine, a mere 1,000 words a day required. I feel like I’ve been hitting a wall lately when it comes to my writing. On the backburner is My First Novel which I talked about regularly in my posts last year. At this point, I have only one tiny chapter to write and the book is done. After that I need to have it fully edited/proofed and then I want to start submitting it to Literary Agents for representation. I have very little left to do, maybe a couple rewrites here and there and some more polishing but I have put my book on the back burner since November and haven’t had the guts to break it open again.

(More about My First Novel)

Instead, I’ve been working on my music. I’ve been researching and learning Ableton (DAW), I’ve been practicing guitar, recording, and learning the ins and outs of my midi keyboard. I’ve also lately become interested in Modular Synthesizers, so I’ve been taking a course on the basics through and messing around with a Cherry Audio Virtual Mod Synth I got with the purchase of Computer Music magazine (what a cool find!). It’s been a fun and time-consuming venture. Currently, I have about five songs in the works. A few of these songs will finish the playlist I started on my SoundCloud, taking inspiration from Dante’s circles of hell.

Image result for dante's circles of hell

That’s it for this update! I want to say THANK YOU to all my followers and those that read my poems regularly, I deeply appreciate your interest and readership.


Liked this post? Check out these:

NATIONAL POETRY MONTH!(Opens in a new browser tab)

Why I Write: Poetry #1(Opens in a new browser tab)

Currently Reading: Postmodernism, 1920s, and Fiction(Opens in a new browser tab)

NaNoWriMo 2019 & MCR is BACK!

Although I am still working on editing the final draft I have of MY FIRST NOVEL, I have decided to participate in this year’s National Novel Writing Month.

The intended goal is to write a 50,000 worded novel over the course of the month of November. Each day your writing goal is around 1,600 words in order to accomplish this. So far I have about 3,700 words written and I need around 1,700 written today to keep up.

I love to write Horror, scary stories, fiction in general with disturbing twists and turns that dabble with the strange, unusual, and surreal. For this NaNoWriMo I have decided to try my hand at realistic fiction. Keeping it in the ‘real’ world the best I can. So, of course, the book I’m working on right now is a Mystery/Crime/Thriller. Let’s see if I can pull it off.

What I’m listening to:

Pinterest Board/Inspiration:

Thank you for following me! And coming along on this new and exciting journey!



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p.s. MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE is BACK TOGETHER! I could not be more happy or shocked. I’m still trying to process this information so bear with me…

Image result for my chemical romance reunion memes"

Liked this post? Check out these:

Currently Reading: Patti Smith, Hunter S. Thompson and Chuck Palahniuk(Opens in a new browser tab)

Reflection/Response: Wuthering Heights and Pride and Prejudice(Opens in a new browser tab)

Summer Fiction List: News(Opens in a new browser tab)

October Update: The Shining, Halloween, and My Novel

October has flown by and with less than two weeks left there isn’t much left to do but wait for November.

Image result for the shining book
Wikimedia Commons

The famous line from the movie, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” was nowhere in the book. A creative add-on by Kubrick.

The Shining

Yesterday, I finished reading Stephen King’s classic THE SHINING. At about four-hundred-something pages this novel took me on the ups and downs of the Torrance family at The Overlook Hotel. What I loved about the book that was different from the movie (directed by Stanley Kubrick) was the building of tension between the characters through their POV’s. Seeing The Overlook from the perspectives of all the important characters added to the sheer terror of their situation while emphasizing how malicious the hotel really is. Plus the character of Danny Torrance is captivating, a clever little boy born with second-sight who has to fight evil forces to try and keep his mom and dad alive. This was a quick read for me and now I am planning on devouring DOCTOR SLEEP before the movie comes out at the end of the month, or at least before I see it.


This year I haven’t done any ‘Halloween’ themed posts. To be honest, it is because I haven’t had any time. A little over a week ago, I finally quit my internship as an Intern for SG BOOK SCOUTING. After a month of working (unpaid) some 25-30 hours a week, I was worn out, irritated, and found myself with little to no time for my own writing or reading. Initially, the internship was for three months but I barely made it over one month. I found myself doing anywhere from 2-8 hours of work a day as an intern. On Fridays I would be given an assignment due on Monday morning, usually, this was to read an entire book (around 50,000 words or more) and write an extensive review. This weekend assignment wasn’t too bad except that I usually do doubles on the weekends at my job working 9-12 hour shifts, leaving me with little time to do the assignment. Since quitting, I’m less stressed out and I have had time to catch up on my daily writing and read whatever I want. I have been incredibly happy, enjoying my freedom again and I have decided that for the future any internships I apply to will have to be paid. My time is too precious for me to work for free.

I’m not sure if I’m going to have any time to write a few Halloween themed posts before the end of the month but if I do, chances are they will be centered around movies (of course).

My Novel

The last time I took a look at my novel it was September 9th, according to my google docs. Now I’m going to take another crack at it. Whenever I approach my novel, again and again, I do a read through from start to finish. Doing my best not to edit or change anything. I want to read it just to read it. When I go back over it to start the second reading, I will edit part by part (so far it’s three parts). I want to get a good portion of this done before November because I think I’m going to try to write another book (totally unrelated to the one I’ve been working on) for NaNoWriMo this year. I have a few story ideas and weird plot lines shifting around in my head and I think what I’d work on would be realistic fiction. A change of pace, something different, from the weird supernatural stories that are always floating around in my head.

I will keep you all updated and expect a new post soon in MY FIRST NOVEL series.

Thank you for reading!




My First Novel: Breaking Through (5/12/19)

A few days after my last post I had a breakthrough. I was working on my daily writing one morning and finally got up enough courage to look over the rough draft of my book I’ve been working on. I ended up editing and rewriting a few pages and before I knew it I had worked my way all the way to Part 3 of my book. I was surprised, after more than a month of struggling I had just slipped back into working on my book. After a couple more days I finished my third rough draft of my book at a local coffee shop. The final chapters still need quite a bit of work and I need to solidify a final ending but the climax action scenes (the most important stuff) is all done.

I am so relieved that I was finally able to break through my wall, whatever it was. The expectations, the stress, the pain of doubting myself and my work. I know there is still more work to be done and I’m barely even close to having a finished manuscript but the progress I’ve made this last week pushes me to continue.

What else have I been up to?

I’m currently reading Rosemary’s Baby by Ira Levin, I forgot that I have read this book before and I get a sneaky feeling it might’ve been last year. I love the way this story is written and Levin’s style is something that I respond to, how he synthesizes facts and real-world events with the otherworldly and supernatural. By grounding his horrifying story with descriptions pulled from the real-world, he creates a foundation in which I can easily find myself falling for the trick of ‘is this possible?’ (of course not).

I”m also reading, Leonard Cohen’s Beautiful Losers. This work feels like a surreal dreamscape interwoven with sex. It is compelling, funny, and a little disorienting but I like Cohen’s writing. His style is different, free-flowing and almost scattered but when I take a closer look, I think it only feels ‘scattered’ because Cohen wants me to think it is.

What I’m listening to:

Thank you for reading and following me on my journey,
