Celebrating National Poetry Month for 2017!

Hello Readers!

I wanted to announce my plans for my blog this month and what to expect with special consideration for National Poetry Month.

I plan on publishing mainly poetry pieces and book lists (emphasizing heavily on poetry) in celebration. I will also probably write up pieces on a few of my all time favorite poets (and why I love them so much).

I am so exited to read as much poetry as I can find on wordpress this month and look forward to reading your work (if I follow you or find you). If you’d like to leave a link to your poetry/writing blog below go for it. Or if you have any suggestions for topics/posts this month that you’d like me to consider please leave a comment.

Again, super excited about this month and can’t wait to give you all some fresh poetry!

Thank you for taking the time to read my writing and announcements. I hope you return in the future!

Thank you!
