My Summer Soundtrack Sample : Girlpool, Slutever, Death from Above 1979, Hasley, IAN SWEET, Dilly Dally, Colleen Green

Here are a few songs I’ve been listening to since Summer started for me (about a month ago).

Featuring artists/bands: Girlpool, Slutever, Death from Above 1979, Hasley, IAN SWEET, Dilly Dally, Colleen Green

information/video sources: and


Death from Above 1979 (song: White is Red)


Girlpool (song: It gets more blue)


IAN SWEET (song: Knife Knowing You)


Dilly Dally (song: purple rage)


Hasley (song: Now or Never)


Colleen Green (song: I want to grow up)



Freehand Poem #23: Desert Death

Good morning! or Good Afternoon!

It’s only getting hotter in SLC right now. I am trying not to melt and keep my wits about me.

Listening to: Night Beats- Who Sold My Generation (Full Album)


Desert Death


My body, my bones. Dried up and sour. Cracked to the core

I begin to crumble. The sun beats down on me and I crawl

across the desert floor. Mr. Rattlesnake go home, leave me

alone. Coyote and vultures, cacti and dire measures

just to find a road to burn on. Just to find an end to the pain

I’m living on.



If you are reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope you return in the future!


Freehand Poem #22: Words like Honey

Listening to: Double Vanity (Full Album) by BRONCHO


Words Like Honey


Your words sunk into me like honey. Crisp and clear,

but still sticky. I couldn’t breathe and felt my lungs swell

with pain. The words that fall from your lips keep me

alive in an amber chrysalis, I try to struggle to break free

but something inside me tells me to, Be Still.



If you are reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope you return in the future!


Book Review: Beautiful City of the Dead

‘Books I love’ is a sub part of my ‘Book Lists’ posts. It is a post that contains a review/reflection of one specific book that I have read.


Beautiful City of the Dead by [Watts, Leander]

(picture source:

Beautiful City of the Dead by Leander Watts (a.k.a. Th. Metzger) is a young adult novel about a girl named Zee in a band who battles supernatural forces (not entirely sure how to define it, supernatural or sci-fi?). Yes, sounds cheesy I know. But actually this story is written in a style that I recognize now to be closer to prose and poetry. Initially I remember being captivated by the very first chapter which discusses Zee’s obsession with fire (almost a pyromaniac frenzy but not quite) which always led me into binge reading half the book in one sitting (the entire book is only 254 pages). The sentences are often jagged but so clear cut that I can recall certain lines even today.

I think about this book often because of its ability to sear certain images and events (that take place in the story) in my mind. It is a strange synthesis of music appreciation and teen problems meets the unknown (other dimensions? fame? or a bunch of old geezer’s with super powers?). I can never quite put my finger on exactly how to categorize this book and because of this I also love it dearly. I have always wanted a sequel but I know that the book stands alone as a unique piece that needs no continuation, it is only out of my adoration that I’d love to read more about these characters and their extremely weird heavy metal life.

I’d recommend this book to anyone, teen or adult, and especially persons that read poetry on a regular basis. It also has wonderful references to the first ‘Heavy Metal’ bands in RocknRoll. Since I love both poetry, heavy metal music and bands, this book is one in a million for me.


If you are reading this, Thank You, for taking time out of your day to read my writing! I hope you return in the future!


Nine Inch Nails: Soundtrack to a Life I’ve Never Lived

Among the countless bands that I listen to there is not a single one that can compare to Nine Inch Nails. Founded by Trent Reznor in the late 1980’s (wiki) who has outlasted so many of his contemporaries. NIN (latter ‘N’ should be reversed) and other bands/projects by/with Reznor have a heart of their own, beating with the electric pulse of the modern world. Reznor has gone beyond as a musician, artist and composer. His unique style and technique in the production of music is like no other. From the raw hell of Pretty Hate Machine to the echoing screams of Not the Actual Events ( the works of NIN/Reznor are unmatched.

I can’t remember the first moment I heard NIN  but I feel like they must’ve been playing in the background for a good part of my childhood. My parents and relatives were always listening to music and between my Aunt, Uncle, and my Father I was exposed to a variety of music from the 1980’s on.

In High School I became deeply obsessed with bands like Nine Inch Nails, Marilyn Manson and Tool. I would spend hours looking through my Father’s CD collection, picking out random ones and popping them into my portable disk player. There was a huge range of music that I was exposed to thanks to my Father’s open mindedness and I credit my ability to explore and reference music to these days.

Every month I revisit multiple NIN albums and find myself re-exploring familiar territory but discovering something new every time.  I love it all to death and back but always pick up Pretty Hate Machine (spinning it on vinyl, nothing can compare), Ghosts I-IV, Hesitation Marks, and The Downward Spiral ( Usually I climb back and forth between these albums and others but always return to the brutal hearts of these four albums.

I immerse myself into the music, usually taking time out of my day to just sit down and listen to a record or a handful of songs at a time, trying to pick out parts and pieces. The words within the exploding lyrics that still echo in my mind after all these years haunt me and now I realize that these words inspired me early on to write. The time I take to do this is priceless and I feel that it is ultimately therapeutic. Next to Art and Writing, Music is as crucial part of my life that has contributed to a large collage soundtrack of memorable, horrible, dark, and wonderful moments of my life; not only echoing or playing in the background but expressing my life on a deeper level; emotionally audible.

The magnetic pull back to NIN and Reznor’s music keeps me going. Maybe I am responding to the rawness of it all, the anguish, pain and isolation that is expressed within the music. Maybe it is the tone and technique that feels like a synthetic world and an old world are colliding. Maybe it is the exploration of the digital and technological paired with the struggle of a self reflective mind and animal instincts that still possess humankind. Maybe it is the fresh wound made from living in this world that will never heal. Maybe NIN is the soundtrack to a life I’ve never lived.


If you’re reading this, Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing! I hope you return in the future!


Reflection: Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling