NaNoWriMo 2019 & MCR is BACK!

Although I am still working on editing the final draft I have of MY FIRST NOVEL, I have decided to participate in this year’s National Novel Writing Month.

The intended goal is to write a 50,000 worded novel over the course of the month of November. Each day your writing goal is around 1,600 words in order to accomplish this. So far I have about 3,700 words written and I need around 1,700 written today to keep up.

I love to write Horror, scary stories, fiction in general with disturbing twists and turns that dabble with the strange, unusual, and surreal. For this NaNoWriMo I have decided to try my hand at realistic fiction. Keeping it in the ‘real’ world the best I can. So, of course, the book I’m working on right now is a Mystery/Crime/Thriller. Let’s see if I can pull it off.

What I’m listening to:

Pinterest Board/Inspiration:

Thank you for following me! And coming along on this new and exciting journey!



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p.s. MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE is BACK TOGETHER! I could not be more happy or shocked. I’m still trying to process this information so bear with me…

Image result for my chemical romance reunion memes"

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Currently Reading: Patti Smith, Hunter S. Thompson and Chuck Palahniuk(Opens in a new browser tab)

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Summer Fiction List: News(Opens in a new browser tab)

My Monthly Spotify Playlists for 2018

Every month I make a playlist on Spotify filled with songs I just discovered, I love, I can’t get out of my head but ultimately the songs that reflect my mood during the month. This is the first time I’ll be making a massive post on my blog featuring my monthly playlists of 2018. For some months I became really obsessive over my music, Discover Weekly playlist and I found a lot of great new music so there are “prt.2’s” for a few months in 2018.

The Spotify widgets just feature snippets, if you want to listen to my playlists in full click on the Spotify link to the playlists page.

January 2018: The beginning of my last semester of college

February 2018: just dawned on me it is my last semester, bizarre

March 2018: so close to graduation, don’t know what to do with myself

April 2018: finals, finals, finals

May 2018: Graduated finally, got my BA in English and feeling lucky, turned 25 and feeling useless

June 2018: Job hunting and not enjoying the weather, too hot, Poetry Reading at the Utah Arts Festival

July 2018: A month of sweating, scorching heat and irritation

August 2018: more irritation…the job market is looking daunting

September 2018: Hard at work looking for writing jobs and working on my blog, began crocheting a giant blanket…I still haven’t finished.

October 2018: Crazy about Halloween, spent the entire month watching horror films, reading scary stories and obsessing over Elvira. Created a Patreon page.

November 2018: Spent the entire month of November participating in NaNoWriMo

December 2018: Kind of in a daze, obsessed with my book and trying to work on draft #2 so far only half way through.

Thanks for poking around and taking a look at my music selection. I hope you find something new maybe even something you like.


Celebrating NaPoMo: A Fear of Poetry


Image result for pile of papers
Wikimedia Commons


This month is NaPoMo, an entire month of poetry! I have not been able to participate in the “poem a day” because of class, so I thought I would share my piece “A Fear of Poetry” which I wrote for a speech contest I recently participated in.


A Fear of Poetry

When I tell people “I’m a Poet,” the light kind of vanishes from their eyes.

If they don’t know anything about poetry or haven’t read a poem, instantly there is this wall that comes up between us.

They may get the impression I’m some kind of snob, who thinks that I’m smarter than them just because I am a Poet.

The obscurity surrounding poetry, half bard-magic and half highbrow literature, all contributes to this idea that poetry is somehow incomprehensible to the average person.

I understand this reaction because I had the same one seven years ago when I finally found myself learning about poetry.

I was in my first creative writing class my freshman year here at the U of U. We read Maggie Nelson’s “Bluets” which changed my life forever. We were encouraged to explore words and art and I found myself diving head first into poetry, scared and in love.

Although I was unsure and I felt that I was not smart enough to understand poetry I decided to pursue it.

Now, seven years later I’ve had a handful of poems published and I plan on self-publishing a small book of poems in the near future.

My message to the audience is that Poetry matters and it’s not as scary as you think.

Poetry is all around us and hides in plain sight.

Poetry is not a static form, it’s not just ballads and sonnets from hundreds of years ago. It’s alive and changing with us.

It’s the words that reverberate within our souls, the words, and phrases that make our hearts jump and dive. Words we remember for the rest of our lives.

So what do I suggest to those curious about poetry?

Become familiar with poetry.

Dip your toes, start with small with poems like William Carlos Williams “Red Wheelbarrow”.

Eventually, you may have to tread water, you may think you will drown but the surface is closer than you think.

And even if you do drown a little there is joy in drowning in poetry.

Poetry allows us to connect with ourselves and our community, it is a love for a lifetime and you don’t have to be a poet, a writer, or an English major to understand it.

All you have to do is read.


Thank you for reading my work! 
