in the darkest place [poem #582]

linger eyes

and look to me,

in the darkest place

where your heart

rots and corrupts

your soul, brain

no matter, soul

and bone, and

feathers shed

your wings torn out

don’t matter. linger

eyes and look at me

where your heart lies

in the darkest place.

Visions That Linger [poem #278]

A Note About This Poem: Questioning how we ‘see’ our dreams, how we ‘talk’ about them (to ourselves or to people). The strange occurrence when dreams seem to have a plotline (a story to tell) and how we think about these stories as somehow linked to each other.

Eyes wash lips hold

secrets unfold, unfolding

like dreams that link

together into visions

that linger, simmering

in the back of the brain.

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