Why I’m Not Celebrating Independence Day This Year

I’m not in the mood.

This year has sucker-punched me so often on so many different levels; I’m not celebrating Independence Day. 

A bad taste in the mouth. 

Black Lives Matter protests and the fight against police brutality distorted into criminal acts by those that oppose it (I do not deny there are riots, I’m emphasizing how those against the protests are discussing the peaceful demonstrations)I live in a country where the government and its leaders have continually failed to fight the spread of COVID-19. Now other countries are banning travelers from the U.S. What does that say about how the rest of the world regards America? And The POTUS continues to try to cause even more division in this country with dismal speeches

Yeah, I’m not feeling it.

Give me hope, give me peace of mind. 

We need leaders that unite and fight to protect the health, safety, and well-being of the citizens.  

Prove me wrong, please. Stand up and take action. Care for one another, wear a damn mask, and fight against injustice. 

Is it so hard to care about people? 

Since this post is just a bundle of joy, here are some positives that have made my week a bit better.

U.S. Must Release Children From Family Detention Centers, Judge Rules

Protesting U.S. Immigration Policies, Artists Aim for the Sky

To my followers, my subscribers, dear readers, friends, everyone,

Have a fantastic, safe weekend. 



Support change! Check out these resources on where to donate for Black Lives Matter and more!

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