I’m Sick of White Domestic Terrorists and Hate Crimes

We’re not even out of March, and there have been two mass shootings in the U.S. Places are opening up around the country, and it seems like that is an OK go signal for white domestic terrorists to start their killing sprees.

Eight Killed in Atlanta Massage Parlor Shooting

I’m so sick of the murder and death. Where are the consequences? Where is the action? How long does this country have to suffer from this infectious disease of hate?

Ten Killed in Colorado Grocery Store Shooting

It’s not enough to wait for someone with the power to take action. We have to speak up against these killings, these acts of terrorism in our country. If we can come together and put our lawmakers on the spot, we can make change happen. We need those in power to do what is right; we need more restrictions. We need to make our country a safe place for everyone.

These mass shootings take place in establishments people frequent every day. Our schools, our businesses, places we come together as a community. White domestic terrorists are killing us, and we need to act now to save lives.

I’m so disillusioned by this country. It’s no longer bittersweet, there is blood everywhere, and the majority of people still don’t seem to care.

Trump’s own corruption shed light on the rotten mess hidden in plain sight, a plague of crooks and thieves that abuse their power for their own gains as people die.

I’m not proud to be an American until there is accountability for the actions of murderers, white domestic terrorists, and every single crook in office. GOP, I’m looking at you.

Do we have the guts to ban assault rifles? Do we have the guts to enact strict gun control laws? Is this the year where we start to make the necessary changes to save lives?

My heart goes out to those family and friends who have lost someone in the mass shootings. I cannot imagine the pain you must be going through. The shock, the anger, and the despair. One morning your family is whole by the end of the day it’s in pieces.

I stand in solidarity with our Asian-American and Pacific Islander communities. Since the start of the pandemic, hate crimes toward our most vulnerable communities have become more and more common, but they have always been happening. These hateful actions are unacceptable and should not be tolerated.

“…hate crimes against Asian Americans in major U.S. cities surged by nearly 150 percent in 2020…”

Words are powerful. Rhetoric can be weaponized to incite hate and even murder. Trump’s racist rhetoric, and constant finger-pointing on “who’s to blame for COVID-19” spurred a rise in hate crimes. We are still suffering from the damage that racist has done to our country. He should be rotting in jail for what he’s done to all of us.

How can we come together and take a stand? How can we unit and communicate with our lawmakers, with our President, to demand change? Is this going to be another summer of protests? Are we going to have to show the country what needs to be done by pounding pavement day after day? If that’s what it takes, then let’s go.

GoFundMe for Atlanta’s Shooting Victims

Support Families of King Soopers Massacre Boulder

Melissa Memorial Fund

I just found out one of my father’s best friends lost his daughter today. Please if you have any extra $ for the holidays donate to her memorial fund. The death was sudden and the family is in need of help to give their daughter a memorial.

Melissa Hernandez-Perez Memorial Fund


Reflection and Poem on the Las Vegas Massacre


This is too much. All the violence, the pain, the death.


Does this happen?


Do people do these horrible acts of violence?



There is an overwhelming amount shock and sadness today that America is working through. I am appalled and horrified that someone would do such a horrendous act of violence. My condolences to all the victims and families affected by this tragedy.
