How to Come Up With Ideas for Poems in 3 Easy Ways

Writing poetry isn’t easy, but I’d say coming up with ideas for poems is even more challenging. Did you know that it can take decades for some poets to write a poem? C.K. Williams once said that writing one of his poems took him 25 years.

I’m not surprised. I have a few poems germinating in a digital file. Sometimes I imagine my poem drafts morphing into gorgeous pieces that blossom like magnolias all on their own, but this is never gonna happen.

Since I have difficulty coming up with ideas, I thought I’d share with you, my fellow poet, the three ways I come up with ideas. Continue reading to learn them and find out how I can help you write poetry.

white paper with black text in the form of a poem
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on

What Kind of Ideas for Poems Makes “Good” Poetry?

Everyone has their own definition of what makes a poem “good.” I’ve spent a lot of time thinking and reading about the subject, only to find that there are varying interpretations of what “good” is.

Without getting into a cyclical debate on “good” poetry, I’ll say that I think poetry successfully does its job when it strikes an inner cord with the reader. And you’ll also feel this cord struck when ideas for poems suddenly come to you.

An emotional response, a human truth, a relatable scene or moment that digs deeper into what is happening on the surface. The point of poetry is to convey human experience with the bare bones of the language.

When you write poetry, you’re using essential communication tools to convey a profound experience (it doesn’t matter if you’re writing with an audience in mind or not). So, getting into what kind of ideas make good poetry?

We can always say the usual: life, love, and death. Breaking these three essential elements down is easy, and what could be said has been said before. But the point is to write poetry in your unique style and voice because there’s always another way to say the same thing.

The life experience that is unique to you influences your poetry. So, when you think about what kind of ideas are present in “good” poetry, what do you think of first?

close up shot of a book
Photo by Nothing Ahead on

3 Ways You Can Come Up With Ideas for Poems

I don’t just use these ways to develop ideas for poems. I also use them to start brainstorming about short story or novel ideas, but those processes have multiple levels. Different parts of my brain shift gears and work in various ways depending on what I’m writing.

On a side note: For me, it’s also crucial to collect words, so when I find words that I’d love to use in poems, I quickly jot them down in a tiny notebook I keep with me.

I hope you find my ways as helpful as I do!

1. Pick an Object Near You

Doesn’t matter where you are. I want you to pick something. It can be mundane, like a window, door, chair, or even a half-eaten meal or cold cup of coffee. Anything will do; the point is to pick an object and write about it.

From here, we can go in any direction we want. What I do is write a long description of the object, going into as much detail as possible. I love describing shapes and colors and will often research particular shades of colors until I find the closest match.

Freewrite, and don’t stop until you feel like you’ve wrung the object dry. Ask yourself, “if someone read my description, could they picture the [object] without seeing it in person?” Once you have that begin stripping it.

Cut out unnecessary words, and chisel the writing down to your absolute favorite parts of it. Take this piece, a very rough draft of a poem, and use this as a baseboard. Start playing with what you have as you think about an idea for your poem.

You’re waiting for pieces to click together in your mind, for connections to be made that jump instantaneously out at you. By giving yourself a starting point, you’ll be able to build the framework of a poem.

2. Using the Five Senses to Come Up With Ideas for Poems

I love using the five senses in my poetry. Mainly, I emphasize sight and sound since these senses are so strongly connected with my memories. I prefer relying heavily on the senses when coming up with ideas because I love imagery poetry.

Take a moment, close your eyes, and slowly think about what your body senses. Go over the five senses: taste, touch, smell, sight, and sound, and really think about what’s happening around you.

Now, write down your observations in detail. Put your writing away for a few minutes. I usually give it five to ten minutes, then reread it and pick out parts that stand out to you.

Take these parts and begin playing with them, put them together, rearrange them, expand or trim them, or build a scene. Once you begin playing with your words, your mind will open up, and the ideas will start coming.

Looking for a book about how to write poetry? I highly recommend Poemcrazy ?

3. Choose a Moment You Experienced This Week

Were you taking out the trash, and the bag broke right before you could put it in the bin? Did you receive a letter from a loved one out of the blue? Or how about you were out walking and saw an interaction between two people that made you pause?

There must be a moment that you have from this week that you can draw from. I love noticing the mundane things like if a product changes the color of its packaging labels or if the same three cigarette butts are in the same spot in a gutter I pass every day as I leave my apartment.

Not very exciting, I know, but there are many moments to think about. And you can write about any moment you want, from what you had for breakfast on Tuesday to how the people restlessly moved while in line at the post office.

Your goal here is to nail down a moment, write about it (you guessed it, in great detail), and then go from there. You’re looking for tiny slices of the human experience outside of yourself that you can dive into.

Write about the world around you, and don’t be afraid to write gibberish. Get all the details down so you can parse through them. I often find that ideas for poems will surface after I analyze my notes. 

scrabble tiles near a typewriter that spell out "Poetry"
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on

Ideas Are Everywhere You Just Have to Find Them

I meet a lot of flustered people that are trying to write. Whether they want to write more or get started, most of them don’t have any ideas for poems. Frustrated, they sometimes ask me for help.

Still, I can only say so much because I feel that writing poetry is a personal experience and it’s very easy to find a list of poetry prompts.

So what are the benefits of my three ways to come up with ideas? They work.

I gave up on poetry prompts a while ago because I was tired of trying to write about the same old stuff. I don’t want to write poetry about anything. I want to pinpoint my unique experiences and observations and root my poetry in them.

Your Favorite Creative Writing Mentor

I hope my ways help you come up with ideas for poems. There’s nothing I love more than helping my fellow poets and writers succeed. And I’m always looking for the best books on writing and new resources I can share.

But if you feel like you need some extra help writing poetry or any type of creative writing project you’re working on, I can help. You can book a 90-minute zoom session with me, and I’ll work with you one-on-one as your favorite creative writing mentor.

I’m always open to finding a budget and schedule that works for both of us! ?

Interested? You can learn more about how I’ll be your favorite creative writing mentor and the additional services I offer. Feel free to email me anytime at, I can’t wait to connect with you!

Want to read some of my poetry? Check out my Poetry Archives!

My Stories on Medium: Poetry, Writing and Freelancing

I’m writing on Medium now. Why not? I’ll give it a shot.

Here are friend links to my Medium stories, check them out!

(with a friend link you have access to my story that is behind Medium’s paywall)

How I Made Over $450 in Two Weeks Freelancing on Fiverr

3 Reasons Why I Struggle To Write Poetry Now

Why I Think Everyone Should be an Avid Reader

What To Do When You Suck at Revising Your Novel

These are my latest four stories. Check out my Medium profile here.

What is coming: 

  • Another “Life During COVID” blog post this week
  • Podcast sesh #3 (by next week)
  • Poems (I will start to post poems again. I haven’t since March)

Become a subscriber and receive one of my poems in your inbox every Monday plus exclusive updates and links to my latest Medium stories!

Thank you so much for reading, subscribing, and following.

Stay safe and stay healthy!




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Podcast Sesh #2 June 18, 2020: Writing, Freelancing and Coping with the George Floyd Protests

Originally posted on on June 18th, 2020
Podcast Sesh #2 June 18, 2020, Personal Update: Writing, Freelancing and Coping with the George Floyd Protests

Hello Everyone! In today’s baby podcast sesh, I give an update on what I’ve been doing since my Debut Poetry Reading and Discussion 5/28/2020

What I’ve been up to:

  • Freelancing on Fiverr, I made over $450 this month with my Beta Read Gig
  • Getting back on Medium, I will be writing content (about writing) just for Medium
  • Working on my novel, revising and editing
  • Balancing out my Literary Internship, Job Search, and Freelance Work
  • Coping with the George Floyd Protests

As you can see I’ve been pretty busy and I feel like I’m making progress. I’d love to hear from you all and know what you’ve been up to and how you are coping with everything happening right now.

Here are some links to the work I talk about in this session:

Alina Happy Hansen Writer on Medium

Freelancing on Fiverr (I offer Beta Reads, Developmental Edits, and Critique gigs)

My Latest Blog Post, “Life During COVID-19: Reflecting on the Murder of Robert Fuller, Trump and a Personal Update

If you want to find me on social media click here.

Support change! Check out these resources on where to donate for Black Lives Matter and more!

I hope you are all doing well, staying safe and healthy.

Thank you for your time and your support and have a fantastic day!

If you liked this post check out these:

Why I’m Not Celebrating Independence Day This Year

My Stories on Medium: Poetry, Writing and Freelancing

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Life During COVID-19: Reflecting on the Murder of Robert Fuller, Trump and a Personal Update

Alina Happy Hansen May 2020 Photo Credit: Dallas Basta

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. To be honest, it’s because I am swamped with freelance and internship work. And I’m having a hard time processing the unrest and events that are happening in the U.S. right now on top of COVID-19.

Besides my freelancing, internship, and revising my novel, I am struggling to have hope for the future. Last night I read about Robert Fuller and the three other Black Americans that were found murdered, hanging from trees.

Read more about the hangings here.

THIS is happening in 2020. What year are we living in? Horrifying. Devastating. I was trying my best not to cry last night, and I need to stop checking the news before I go to bed but, I’m glad I found out. It is heart-breaking. 

These murders are the same as lynchings; this vile inhuman act represents the worst of humanity. I am in shock and I am afraid. Black lives matter and my deepest sympathies go out to the family and friends of the murdered, the dead. 

I struggle to keep hope that things can change. That there is some light at the end of it all, at the end of this year, but this is too much. I think I may be hitting a breaking point. I feel useless, helpless, unable to do anything. How can I? I am just one white woman, one privileged white woman.

But I have to keep doing something. I’ve been signing petitions and donating. I’ve donated almost $100 to various Black Lives Matter organizations and George Floyd’s family. I’m signing and sharing petitions every single day. I just know I can do more.

On top of it all, Trump’s blatant acts, his rally, the timing, and the place, disgusting. Racist, cheat, lying, crook. This is not a leader for our country; this is a tyrant who wants to be a dictator.

Fuck Trump. 

Does it help that he moved the date of his rally from Juneteenth? Too little, too late, America received your message Trump. You are racist and continue to display leadership to your white supremacist supporters. 

I have the deepest hatred for Trump. He continues to use rhetoric that actively aims to obliterate the validity of the existence of my friends, my family, me, EVERYONE who is not a wealthy white male. 

I have to stay strong, stay healthy, stay safe. I have to keep going, and so should you. We can’t give up hope. We can’t give up now. We have to keep fighting for the future, for lives yet lived.

And I’m exhausted.

My brain feels fried and I am worn out.

On a lighter note, updates about my work…

Besides freelancing, I’ve been working on my novel. I have an amazing opportunity with my literary internship. My editor has offered to read and help me edit my novel. She is doing this because helping me work on edits for my own novel will help me hone my skills as a developmental editor for the publishing house. 

This is amazing. I spent the week working on revising the first three chapters. I added detail to my manuscript (MS), tightened it up, and even wrote a rough draft of a book blurb and my best query letter to a literary agent. This is such an incredible opportunity for me, and I am still in shock at my luck.

I am getting feedback and help with my novel, AND I am gaining invaluable work experience as a literary intern. It’s like everything that I’ve been working so hard for is finally starting to line up. The dominoes are in place, I just need the right push, and it’ll all work out perfectly in the long run. I’m sure of it.

Balancing my personal and work life with everything else that’s going on right now is incredibly difficult. I’m having to micro-manage my time and news intake because I have been so stressed out and anxious. It’s hard for many people right now but we have to keep going. And we have to keep fighting.

Stay strong, stay healthy, and stay safe my friends.

Much Love,

Black Lives Matter Resources/Info: has compiled amazing resources/info, you can find the link too all of them in my profile:




Also, if you are a fellow Utahn support Utah’s own Black Lives Matter!

If you liked this post check out these:

Why I’m Not Celebrating Independence Day This Year

Podcast Sesh #2 June 18th, 2020: Writing, Freelancing and Coping with the George Floyd Protests

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Life During COVID-19 (6/6/2020): George Floyd Protests and My White Woman Privilege

I’m trying to process everything that’s happening in the U.S. right now. The pain, rage, frustration; it’s infectious. Last week, watching the news, the protests and riots, I felt like I was falling.

Falling into an abyss of hopelessness. How many Black Americans have to die at the hands of police? This question has been repeating through my head every single day, over and over again.

In my last post “Life During COVID-19“, I talked about the growing tension emanating from the protests and riots and my fear that people would die. Sadly, people have died, people have been injured, and businesses destroyed.

What was weird, was that morning I wrote my blog post (May 30th) it crossed my mind about the possibility that there would be protests in Salt Lake City. I remember thinking, But would there be riots?


On Saturday, May 30th, exactly one week ago. Salt Lake City had a peaceful protest that turned into a riot. One cop car was flipped and set on fire in front of the Salt Lake City’s Public Library downtown. Another car was flipped and set on fire, belonging to the man that shouted, “ALL LIVES MATTER!” with a bow in hand, arrow aimed and pointed at protesters at point-blank range. The protesters thankfully descended on him, preventing him from harming anyone.

I watched this happen, live, on the news. I watched the riot less than a mile away from my home for over six hours that day. And I had a hard time sleeping. My fear, my worry, my concern for my friends, my family was so overwhelming, I felt like I was being crushed. Worried about the people in my life I care about being brutalized by police, or worse, hunted down and killed by white supremacists.

What’s happened since then?

I participated in #blackouttuesday. I didn’t post black squares on Instagram, I didn’t post on any of my social media profiles. I chose not to even go on social media all day. It was a day of reflection for me. A day to reflected on my white woman privilege, and my duty to my fellow Americans to be a better person.

What do I mean by “better person”? I mean, an individual who cares for others’ well-being, who believes in fighting for equality and creating opportunity for those our system directly oppresses and aims to obliterate.

I tweeted the next day my experience reflecting on my white woman privilege,

I feel strongly about the events that are happening all across the U.S. right now. The timing of it all, I think, makes sense. The devastation of the spread of COVID-19 across the globe, unemployment sky-rocketing, and the need for our society to dismantle and reconstruct core foundations on which the U.S. operates. This has to happen in order for the rotten roots of systemic racism to be pulled up and destroyed. We must strive for a future where Black Americans can flourish and prosper in safety and security. We must continue to fight.

If you’re still with me, here are some resources, recommended reading, and petitions that are important,

Salt Lake City peeps! BLM Utah Next scheduled BLM Peaceful Protest in SLC!

Anguish and Action

Recommended Reading:

How to Make this Moment the Turning Point for Real Change


Click here to donate to The NPAP to help keep Black families safe by ending police brutality

Please sign our super-petition demanding that these officers be charged for murdering Breonna, ok?


Also, this Google Doc has amazing information and resources for protesters.

Stay safe, stay healthy, and keep fighting!

With Love,


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