Why I’m Not Celebrating Independence Day This Year

I’m not in the mood.

This year has sucker-punched me so often on so many different levels; I’m not celebrating Independence Day. 

A bad taste in the mouth. 

Black Lives Matter protests and the fight against police brutality distorted into criminal acts by those that oppose it (I do not deny there are riots, I’m emphasizing how those against the protests are discussing the peaceful demonstrations)I live in a country where the government and its leaders have continually failed to fight the spread of COVID-19. Now other countries are banning travelers from the U.S. What does that say about how the rest of the world regards America? And The POTUS continues to try to cause even more division in this country with dismal speeches

Yeah, I’m not feeling it.

Give me hope, give me peace of mind. 

We need leaders that unite and fight to protect the health, safety, and well-being of the citizens.  

Prove me wrong, please. Stand up and take action. Care for one another, wear a damn mask, and fight against injustice. 

Is it so hard to care about people? 

Since this post is just a bundle of joy, here are some positives that have made my week a bit better.

U.S. Must Release Children From Family Detention Centers, Judge Rules

Protesting U.S. Immigration Policies, Artists Aim for the Sky

To my followers, my subscribers, dear readers, friends, everyone,

Have a fantastic, safe weekend. 



Support change! Check out these resources on where to donate for Black Lives Matter and more!

Still here? If you like what I’m writing, check out these other posts and head over to my Medium to read my latest poem: Early Morning Spring

You can also check out my previous post about writing on Medium here.


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Life During COVID-19 (4/7/2020): Unemployment, Poetry for $ and Staying Positive

UPDATE: 4/8/2020

I was notified by Squatters that our company was picked out of the Tip Your Server Lotto, and that I was one of the five tipped employees randomly chosen to receive $500 from this donation.

I have decided that after I receive this money, I will be dividing it up equally among my co-workers that need it the most. I want to say thank you to the Tip Your Server Donation, the Downtown Alliance Salt Lake City, Thank you to Ty Burrell and the Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall. Thank you for your help, I deeply appreciate it, we deeply appreciate it!


Checking my blog posts this morning, I didn’t realize the last time I posted anything was six days ago National Poetry Month!

I’ve been so busy applying for jobs and working on poem orders, the time has just flown by. I have gotten more donations from friends through my POETRY FOR $. The past three days, I had a poem request every single day which is amazing. Thanks to donations from friends, their $upport is helping me pay a few bills and put some money aside for groceries.

More about POETRY FOR $:

To date I have completed 10 personalized handwritten poems for $upporters. I accept any amount of donations via my Venmo, whatever people can give, I deeply appreciate.

How I Create Personalized Handwritten Poem:

I spend a few hours writing a poem, this takes the most time, then conceptualizing a design. My poems are more like little art pieces synthesizing my writing and my art style.

After I complete the Poem/Art piece, I offer to send a pdf copy of their poem to their email and then ask if they are comfortable with me mailing the original to their home address. I have mailed 7 poems to people. If they don’t feel comfortable receiving mail during COVID-19, I hold their poems (right now I currently holding 3). My poem also comes with a Thank you card and I mail them within 48 hours of receiving their $upport via Venmo. 

One of my original personalized handwritten poems for an anonymous supporter


I am relieved because today I received my 2nd unemployment check. If I continue to receive a check a week, which I am figuring out may be how often I receive one? (the unemployment site is not clear on this) then I will be barely getting over $1,000 a month. This doesn’t even cover rent but it’s something. Every Sunday I have to refile so I have set up reminders for myself so I don’t forget.


I have been applying to a minimum of 2 jobs a day. I have only taken two days off since I was LAID OFF from job searching/applying. It is exhausting. I have reworked and redone my cover letter and resume tons of times already and I plan on doing more revisions. I have been utilizing the unemployment job search tools and my various online work profiles such as LinkedIn and Zip Recruiter.

It’s so tiring and I am trying hard not to feel like a failure but I feel the pressure to get a full-time remote job as fast as possible. Yes, I’m being incredibly picky about what jobs I apply to right now (I am only applying to writing related work that require a Bachelors of English or similar degree). It’s my goal to take advantage of this time and try to find work that requires my degree because that would mean a minimum boost in my annual income (compared to last year) by about $15,000 or more. I am also looking specifically for companies that provide full benefits (health and dental) as well as a good 401K plan.

It’s difficult but I’m not going to give up. I don’t want to live off of unemployment. But I have a plan that if I get close to depleting my savings, I will get a Customer Service Rep job (remote call center work) or maybe a Data Entry job to tie me over while I continue my search. The downside of those jobs, I’ve found that the hourly wage is significantly less by $10-$15 of what I used to make working in a restaurant and more importantly about the same amount less as a job that requires a BA. So I will persist and not give up.


So many of my friends are my co-workers and more than half of them had only their jobs at restaurants as their sole income. Many of my friends don’t have degrees, or any other work experience besides restaurant/service/hospitality. Most of them have been able to file for unemployment successfully and have started to receive their checks but many of them are having issues with DWS (unemployment) and issues with discrepancies on their file, so they have still not received any checks.

As for our employer Squatters Pub Brewery and Wasatch Brew Pub (owned by CANarchy) there has been little help. Thankfully, they have started offering to LAID OFF employees the choice to come and get free fresh fruit and produce that is extra from the bi-weekly deliveries and have given the option (within the last week) of getting two free meals a week from the restaurant. I have received emails from our Human Resources department and it has been suggested that they don’t plan on opening in May which means another month of no work.

If you would like to help out my friends, I have posted in LAID OFF: HELP MY RESTAURANT FAMILY Venmo links to some of co-workers (that wanted to participate) and need $ help right now. I think that direct donations are best.

We were expecting some help from the Downtown Alliance “Tip Your Server” donation program but it has been revealed this is a lottery donation,

excerpt taken directly from https://downtownslc.org/tipyourserver

Fund Distribution FAQ

Q: How does selection work?
A: Recognizing that there are more restaurants and more servers than we can fund, we pulled a list of all eligible establishments licensed with approved NAICS codes. 560 restaurants and bars licensed in SLC were compiled and then randomized. Owners from randomly selected restaurants will be contacted in rounds by the Utah Restaurant Association, with the first round consisting of 40 establishments. Once contacted, those owners may submit up to five displaced workers to receive a $500 grant. Owners may select the workers based on their own criteria, whether those individuals with the greatest need, a random selection, or otherwise. 

Once the employer has filled out the form, the employees will be contacted directly by the Downtown Alliance with a request to submit a W-9 in a specified period of time. Payment will be sent directly to the employee within two business days.  

Additional notification rounds will commence as long as funds are made available through the Tip Your Server program.

Workers that have applied for unemployment are eligible for this grant. However, workers who have not been displaced or currently have income in an establishment should not be included. 

This has been a complete let down and I have not heard of a single one of my co-workers receiving any funds from TIP YOUR SERVER.


It is so important to stay positive during these strange days. I keep up with the news but stay busy. I am positive that I can turn these events into something beneficial for my life. I am focused on my job search, reading, art, and writing as much poetry as possible and I think this has really helped.

Thank you for reading about my experience and I hope you are doing well and staying safe out there!


Follow me on Instagram!

For National Poetry Month I am doing live videos on Instagram of me reading a poem a day and talking about poetry. I am doing this around the times of 2-7 p.m. MST, and posting my LIVE feed to my story which is available for 24 hours.

Liked this blog post? Check out there:

‘Poem to Read Aloud’ by Alina Happy Hansen (April 11th, 2020)

Podcast Sesh #2 June 18, 2020: Writing, Freelancing and Coping with the George Floyd Protests

Life During COVID-19 (5/30/2020): Reflection on George Floyd, Protests Turned Riots and Growing Tensions in the U.S.

Become a Subscriber! Get notified when new posts are published plus once a week I will send content just for you: poem, personal update, reading list, writing tips and more!


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Celebrating National Poetry Month 2020: Poems I Love and Poetry for $

The month of April is National Poetry Month.  A whole month dedicated to celebrating poetry and poets. While staying home, and looking for work, during this strange time with the COVID-19 Global Pandemic, it is vital to take some time and relax and what better way to do this than by reading a few great poems.

Picture of a poem written by Alina Happy Hansen on a piece of handcrafted painted cardstock. Poem reads "Dance with You, Sunshine dancing rays twisting, twirling warmth reflecting inner glow, Move, let your body beam shattering light illuminate the room, IGNITE, the fire dormant in my heart."
One of the personalized handwritten poems that I did for a $upporter 

I am still offering POETRY FOR $ while I am unemployed and looking for a job. It has been a hard few weeks since I was laid off from my job as FOH employee at Squatters Pub Brewery in Downtown Salt Lake City. I have been applying to a minimum of 2-5 jobs a day and thankfully just received my first unemployment check yesterday (not a lot but something) which is helping me pay some of my bills right now.

I have celebrated NaPoMo on my blog quite a few times, here is one National Poetry Month

Some great resources/websites to check out during NaPoMo:

Poetry Foundation


My Favorite Poems: William Carlos Williams and Marianne Moore

Kora in Hell: Improvisations XIbY WILLIAM CARLOS WILLIAMS


Why pretend to remember the weather two years back? Why not? Listen close then repeat after others what they have just said and win a reputation for vivacity. Oh feed upon petals of edelweiss! one dew drop, if it be from the right flower, is five years’ drink!


     Having once taken the plunge the situation that preceded it becomes obsolete  which a moment before was alive with malignant rigidities.


When beldams dig clams their fat hams (it’s always beldams) balanced near Tellus’s hide, this rhinoceros pelt, these lumped stone—buffoonery of midges on a bull’s thigh—invoke,—what you will: birth’s glut, awe at God’s craft, youth’s poverty, evolution of a child’s caper, man’s poor inconsequence. Eclipse of all things; sun’s self turned hen’s rump.

Cross a knife and fork and listen to the church bells! It is the harvest moon’s made wine of our blood. Up over the dark factory into the blue glare start the young poplars. They whisper: It is Sunday! It is Sunday! But the laws of the country have been stripped bare of leaves. Out over the marshes flickers our laughter. A lewd anecdote’s the chase. On through the vapory heather! And there at banter’s edge the city looks at us sidelong with great eyes—lifts to its lips heavenly milk! Lucina, O Lucina! beneficent cow, how have we offended thee?


     Hilariously happy because of some obscure wine of the fancy which they have drunk four rollicking companions take delight in the thought that they have thus evaded the stringent laws of the county. Seeing the distant city bathed in moonlight and staring seriously at them they liken the moon to a cow and its light to milk.

Source: Imaginations (New Directions Publishing Corporation, 1970)

Excerpt from poetryfoundation.org

“You Are Fire Eaters” by Marianne Moore – 1887-1972

       Not a mere blowing flame—
       A clinking ash, I feel—with shame,
          At malendeavor in your service.

But as Jehoshaphat said on that occasion in
              Old Testament history,

       "The battle is not mine,"
       And strategy laid down—in fine
          Surrender, may be conquest.

Excerpt from poets.org

I love National Poetry Month and it is something I can enjoy during this hard time. I hope that you can find some poems to enjoy, or better yet find a poet you haven’t read before who’s work you end up loving.

Thank you for reading and being a part of my journey! Stay safe and stay well out there!

Liked this blog post? Check out more post from this series!

Life During COVID-19 (3/28/2020): Personal Update, Rant and Unemployment

Life During COVID-19 (4/13/20): Poetry for $ and More Poems

Life During COVID-19: Reflecting on the Murder of Robert Fuller, Trump and A Personal Update

LAID OFF: Support My Restaurant Family during COVID-19

UPDATE 4/21/2020:

On April 19th, I equally divided the Tip Your Server Donation fund plus a $100 contribution from a friend, a total of $600 among me and four other co-workers. I contacted all of the co-workers listed in this post below as well as fellow co-workers from Wasatch that I used to work with. Four co-workers came forward and said they were in need of some help $. On Sunday, I disbursed the funds equally among us, $120 each. I am glad that I could help my co-workers and I am so grateful to the Tip Your Server Donation and my friend that contributed $100, Thank you.


On 4/7/2020 I was notified by Squatters that our company was picked out of the Tip Your Server Lotto. I was one of the five tipped employees randomly chosen to receive $500 from this donation.

I have decided that after I receive this money, I will be dividing it up equally among me and my co-workers that need it the most. I want to say thank you to the Tip Your Server Donation, the Downtown Alliance Salt Lake City, Thank you to Ty Burrell and the Salt Lake City Mayor Erin Mendenhall. Thank you for your help, I deeply appreciate it, we deeply appreciate it!

The goal of this post is to provide VENMO links to my fellow employees of Squatters and Wasatch Pubs in Salt Lake City, Utah. We have been LAID OFF INDEFINITELY with no financial compensation during the COVID-19 Pandemic. For most of us, our only job(s) were as restaurant employees. Any amount you can spare to help us get through this hard time would be deeply appreciated as we file for unemployment and look for new jobs.

On Monday, March 16th, 2020 Salt Lake City was ordered to stop all dine-in service at Restaurants and Bars by 11 p.m. Only to-go and curbside service are allowed right now.

I am a full-time employee at Squatters Pub Brewery in Downtown Salt Lake. This job was the only source of income for me and countless fellow employees. After the restaurant ‘closure’ for dine-in service our corporate office communicated with us that we could come in and clean the restaurant for hourly pay. They were never clear as to how much that hourly was going to be and I have yet to hear what that hourly was for those that went in and worked when they could.

Squatters Brewpub
Squatters Pub Brewery

In the state of Utah, employers are not required to pay servers more than $2.15/hour. We do not get paid/sick leave and for many of us (before COVID-19) we couldn’t even request time off for vacations/emergencies.

On Wednesday, March 18th, 2020 at 7:09 a.m. MST a 5.7 Magnitude Earthquake hit Magna, Utah less than 20 miles from Salt Lake City. The Earthquake was felt throughout Salt Lake County and many other parts of Utah. Aftershocks have continued since the initial quake.

On Friday, March 20th 2020, all employees (including management) for Squatters Pub Brewery and our sister company Wasatch Brew Pub were LAID OFF INDEFINITELY, approximately 98% of all labor until the COVID-19 pandemic blows over and restaurants can open again. They decided to do this so we could file for unemployment. I was just notified by a fellow employee of Squatters (Server Chelsea: her info below) that her first unemployment check is not due to arrive for another 3 weeks.


We have rent/mortgages & bills to pay, we need groceries and supplies. More importantly, we need help and jobs asap.

Below are VENMO links to my fellow employees of Squatters and Wasatch. Any amount you can spare to help us get through this hard time would be deeply appreciated as we file for unemployment and look for new jobs. 

LINKS, NAMES, and VENMO’s have been deleted as of 7/25/2020 for the safety of persons involved.

Other Resources to help Service Industry Employees in Utah right now:

TIP YOUR SERVER Downtown Alliance Salt Lake City, Utah

This donation program is amazing, all thanks to a local business owner and Actor Ty Burrell and our Mayor Erin Mendenhall.

ty burrell and mayor erin
photo source: tipyourserver

All local SLC restaurants and bars must register their businesses with this donation then employees can be verified and money distributed after March 25th. So far this donation has raised approximately $141,000 for the estimated 15,000 restaurant employees in Salt Lake City.

Our company has registered with this donation.

If you want to help us and donate to other restaurant employees in SLC please donate to tipyourserver .

More resources to help Service Industry Employees in the U.S.

(I will be adding to this list)

Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation


United States Bartender Guild


More info about where I used to work:

Squatters Pub Brewery

Wasatch Brew Pub

About the Author,

My name is Alina and I am a writer, artist, poet, and musician. I have been blogging and posting original content on alinahappyhansenwriter.com since March 2017. I am a graduate from The University of Utah with a Bachelor’s of Arts in English with a Minor in Writing and Rhetoric Studies. I have had half a dozen poems published in the last five years and have actively been reading my Poetry locally in Salt Lake City since my Utah Arts Festival Reading in June 2018.

I have been working in the Service Industry/Restaurants since 2016. From 2016 to 2018, I worked at Wasatch Brew Pub sister company to Squatters Pub Brewery. At Wasatch, I worked full-time as a Hostess, in charge of training new hires to host, restaurant policies and procedures, and most importantly providing the best customer service possible. In June 2018, I moved to Downtown Salt Lake City and started working as a full-time Hostess at Squatters Pub Brewery. I worked full-time at Squatters until March 20th, 2020 when I was LAID OFF INDEFINITELY with NO PAY due to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Pandemic. As an employee of Squatters, I excelled at my job as a Hostess and later trained and worked other job duties including Expediter and Busser.

I miss my job and my friends at work and I just want to help in any way I can during these uncertain times. 

If you would like to support me,  I am handwriting Poems for $. For more info on this please go to SUPPORT ALINA: POEMS FOR $. So far I have already completed FOUR POETRY ORDERS FOR $ as of 3/22. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your support both financially and emotionally during this time.

When I get a job I will continue to write POEMS FOR $ and I will be sending all the money I earn directly to my fellow employees of Squatters and Wasatch who need it the most.

Thank you for your time, your consideration, and your love.

Best of luck to you all, stay safe and stay well out there!


Want to become one of my Patrons? Go to my page here and join a tier. All patrons regardless of Tier have access to all of my patron-only content right now! Tiers start at $3/month! I will also send you via snailmail a handwritten personalized Poem + Thank you card for becoming a patron.

Become a Subscriber! Get notified when new posts are published plus once a week I will send content just for you: poem, personal update, reading list, writing tips and more!


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Liked this blog post? Check out these:

SUPPORT ALINA: POETRY FOR $(Opens in a new browser tab)

Life During COVID-19 (4/21/2020): Poetry, Sylvia Plath and My Novel(Opens in a new browser tab)

Life during COVID-19 (4/13/20): Poetry for $ and more poems(Opens in a new browser tab)

Day after SLC Earthquake: March 19th, 2020

Today is a good day. I still have a roof over my head, all my utilities are working, and me, my boyfriend and our dog are all well and safe.

Yesterday, was one of the most bizarre days of my life.

I woke up to our apartment shaking. I bolted for our dining table and got under and called out my bf’s name, he was sleeping on the couch (he was having a hard time sleeping the night before). He grabbed our boston terrier and we were under our dining table for a good while. The first quake felt massive, I had a clock fall off the wall and break, broken glass on the floor, and a picture frame on the bookshelf right next to our dining table fell off and broke right next to us, more broken glass on the floor.

We checked our phones and I prepped for aftershocks. After the second quake, not as strong as the first, I did what I wasn’t supposed to and got out from under the table and ran around the apartment with my boots on taking anything with glass and putting it on the floor, picture frames, breakables. I took all of our glasses off the shelves in the kitchen and put them on the floor. All day yesterday and even this morning (at 6:45 a.m.) we’ve been feeling aftershocks. Only one, yesterday at about 1:10 p.m. made us get under our dining room table again, it was a 4.6 earthquake in Magna, UT.

more info: USGS Earthquake March 18, 2020 SLC, UT 

The tremors, movements of our apartment building are weird and bizarre. It’s disorienting and I feel like I’m in a shaking funhouse.

We moved into our apartment the first week of March and barely got everything organized and settled before the situation with COVID-19 escalated nationally last week. Now it’s a little bit disorganized again and lacking decoration since I took all the framed pictures and other breakable trinkets down.

Our place is a 104-year-old brick building and luckily we are on the top floor. But when we moved in we already noticed it had a few unusual tilts and cracks here and there; crooked door jambs, windows, you name it. So far everything looks about the same or just a little shifted but I am just grateful the building still stands. It was a moderate earthquake but the continuous aftershocks (to be expected up to three weeks after) are what can cause more shifting or falling debris and damage.

The initial earthquake was a magnitude of 5.7 in Magna, Utah. We are barely on the outskirts of it, so what we felt was nothing compared to those who live in Magna and West Valley.

march 18 2020 earthquake utah

This is from this morning. The blue dot is my location.

march 19 2020 earthquake

Map of SLC Earthquake 3/19/2020

On Tuesday, I got up applied for unemployment, dressed and went down to the Pub where I work. They were allowing us to come in and clock in for hourly and clean the restaurant, we could show up whenever and work however long we wanted to. I was there scrubbing stairs for about three hours before I went home, took the dog for a walk and decided I should do laundry, thinking that it might be my only chance this week in case things get worse. I got home around six from the laundromat and discussed our budget and made plans with my bf. He works for eBay and went in that day for overtime, once he showed up they gave him a computer and equipment and told him to go home, set up and work the remainder of his shifts from home. Tuesday feels like it was a week ago right now and waking up to an earthquake Wednesday morning did not help my already high-stress levels, talk about timing.

I think what is good is that naturally, my response was to take action and get everything with glass off the walls or down from up high where it could fall and break. I took the initiative yesterday and even packed a couple emergency bags for us in case we lost power for more than 24 hours. I communicated with my family a backup plan in case things get worse too. Preparing for the worst and making a plan with my family and bf has given me so much peace of mind. I found myself more positive, less stressed out, and overall happier after the earthquake. For the rest of the day, we relaxed, watched funny movies and TV shows and laughed. The mood was light and we were really happy, I think in general we were just relieved to still have our place and know we were going to be okay for the day.

As for work,

I don’t think I’ll be qualified for unemployment because I recently found out that all Pub employees are not being “fired” technically. They have dropped the hour requirements for our health and dental benefits down to 0 for the next 30 days that they plan on being closed due to the statewide closure of all restaurants and bars. This is good because it means I still have my benefits while all of this is going on.

So now I am looking for online work because I have no income for the next 30 days. Initially, I wanted to find an in-person job as a cashier or stocker somewhere in SLC. But my family has convinced me that I should wait it out and stay home. I was reluctant but I gave them my word I would do this. They don’t want me to put myself in any kind of situation that is an unnecessary risk, not just my health (I’m a spry 26-year-old woman) but the health of others since I worked at a Pub that gets regular airport travelers up until the last day we were open for dine-in service (March 16th, 2020). At this point, I agree with my family and in case COVID-19 is more widespread than we know, I have to take responsibility for the well-being of others.

Today, I plan on looking for an online job, anything to do with writing. I’ve been looking for jobs in copywriting, content writing, marketing, technical writing, journalism, and blogging for the last 3-4 years already. Looking for a remote job now I think is vital in case the 30-day ban on restaurants and bars is extended.

Besides looking for a job, my Poetry Workshop at Westminster has been moved online and I am excited to get in touch with the other students and my professor. I have so much poetry to read and I have so much writing to do. I think it is important that I chronicle what’s going on, on a day-to-day basis, as I writer, I feel it is my duty at this point.

But I cannot express my happiness and relief that we are ok, that my family is ok, and my friends. I feel incredibly lucky that we have running water, electricity, and gas. So incredibly lucky.

Yesterday, it was estimated around 70,000 Utahns did not have electricity.

As of Today at 11:10 a.m. MST according to Rocky Mountain Power there are only “39 outages affecting 448 customers”.

power outages rocky mountain power utah march 19 2020

Right now, me and my bf are going to be taking it one day at a time. To everyone out there I hope you are well and safe. Stay calm and find funny things to laugh at and fun things to do (especially if you are already stuck at home).

Best of luck to you all! And please feel free to leave comments or message me, especially if anyone has any leads on remote work for my line of work. I would really appreciate it.



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Want to become one of my Patrons? Go to my page here and join a tier. All patrons regardless of Tier have access to all of my patron-only content right now! Tiers start at $3/month! I will also send you via snailmail a handwritten personalized Poem + Thank you card for becoming a patron.

Become a Subscriber! Get notified when new posts are published plus once a week I will send content just for you: poem, personal update, reading list, writing tips and more!


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Liked this blog post? Check out these:

Life During COVID-19: Reflecting on the Murder of Robert Fuller, Trump and a Personal Update(Opens in a new browser tab)

Life during COVID-19 (4/13/20): Poetry for $ and more poems(Opens in a new browser tab)

Life During COVID-19 (4/28/2020): Job Search, Internship and Opening Up Utah(Opens in a new browser tab)