Announcement: What to expect this month and next…

Here’s what I’ve been thinking about doing during September,

  • One to three short stories (expect Horror and Mystery, Halloween is upon us!).
  • Short reviews/reflections of a handful of newly released movies (right now I am thinking, Ingrid Goes West)
  • A compilation list of my favorite Halloween movies!
  • A review/reflection of a select Musician.

Basically through September and all of October Halloween and related themes (Horror, Mystery, Thrillers, select Sci-Fi) will be the main subject of my posts. Halloween is my favorite holiday out of the entire year and I would love to take this opportunity as the first Halloween with my blog to show my love for it.

Any suggestions, and/or comments are welcome!



Featured Image is Original Artwork by Drazen Kozjan

Writers Resist Info

Writers Resist Logo

This is belated but I have done more research on Writers Resist. The website (about page) link above gives plentiful information about this movement that is taking form as publications featuring various forms of art and writing that focuses on fighting for human rights. It is more important than ever that we unite against hate, bigotry, and racism in America.

Here is some quick info about Writers Resist,

“Writers Resist is a national literary collective born of the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. We publish creative expressions of resistance by diverse writers and artists, and we’re dedicated to challenging all things that diminish our nation’s quest for equality, freedom, justice and a healthy planet for all—while having a bit of fun.”

Information about how work is credited and shared on Writers Resist,

“We publish with the intent that the works will be shared far and wide—in keeping with the Creative Commons guidelines for proper attribution of the author and Writers Resist, non-commercial use, and no derivatives. So share with abandon—but please do acknowledge the author and Writers Resist.”

And lastly, a flyer which can be downloaded that helps to spread the word about Writers Resist,

“Last and not at all least: Help spread the word to writers, artists and readers: Download a Writers Resist flyer here. Carry it with you, hand it out at readings, drop it in cafés, because spreading the word about resistance is a spiffy little act of resistance.”

The Writers Resist website also gives information regarding organizations that function to fight for various human rights, this information can be found on the Action Page There is also contact information for, subscription information, and donations to keep Writers Resist going.

If your interested in submitting work to Writers Resist, info and link is here.

Works that are published (featured online) are found on the Contents page.

The most recent works include “Going to Ground” by Sarah Einstein (August 10th, 2017) and “Clarion Reminder” by Laura Grace Weldon (August 10th, 2017).

This is a good place to find works that express the tension and turmoils taking place in America presently. So far, 2017 has become an even more turbulent year for Americans that struggle with the Trump Administration and President Trump himself. The recent events at Charlottesville, VA were horrific and have left many Americans feeling scared and in fear of violence after President Trump’s response.



I hope this information helps fellow writers and artists out there that seek a platform for their work!

Thank you for reading my posts!



Free Hand # 57 (Tensions Rising)

Left with no purpose but to keep on going.

Bleeding on the pavement, a war starting

in the background. You want to hold me down

under the water, till I don’t fight back anymore.

Feeling suffocation in these times of trouble.

Keeping my words sharp, and my eyes open.

Ready to fight.


If you’re reading this Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope you will return in the future!


Free Hand #54 (Future?)

Stressed out and overwhelmed with everything happening this year…


What are we to do

when the room goes dark?

When blood runs?

When hate reigns?

What are we to do

as the light fades?

Drums of war

beating in the distance

getting louder.

We die like our fathers-fathers,

we die in the mud like

all that have come before us.

We die due

to ignorance,


and hatred.



If you’re reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope you will return in the future!
