Sun holds love warm and comforting to the pale blue sky. Thank you for reading! Please follow or subscribe to read more poems! -Alina
Hopeful Moments (poem #237)
Hopeful moments floating away in the wind. The mind returns to a time when it didn’t have to hope. Thank you for reading! Please follow to read more poems! -Alina
Electronic Voices (poem #236)
Electronic voices dream of heaven and lifting eyes, loosely cold and alive in the body of the night. Body of the world. Thank you for reading! Please follow or subscribe to read more poems! -Alina
Living (poem #235)
Holding the body together, laced strings are veins, blood pumping organs vibrating, a breath a light, living. Thank you for reading! Please follow or subscribe to read more poems! -Alina
The World (poem #234)
The world ends in small doses discoveries lead us to lands of explosions and pollutions. Thank you for reading! Please follow or subscribe to read more poems! -Alina