Itching words under the surface under the mind and there where the eyes glow. Thank you for reading! Please subscribe or follow to read more poems! -Alina
Poetic Forms: What is a Sestina?
Today’s discussion of poetic forms is on Sestina’s! Link for the History of the Sestina The basic form of Sestina: 39 lines (6 stanzas, 6 lines each) with a final stanza of 3 lines unrhymed use of same six end-words in every stanza in a pattern “the first line of the second stanza must pair…
Thoughts Left Impressions (poem #279)
Thoughts left impressions on skin and hair like dust…
Visions That Linger [poem #278]
“Eyes wash lips hold secrets unfold, unfolding…”
Poetic Forms: Villanelle
Here we go! Another discussion on the basics of poetic forms, this time Villanelles. (Link for History of Villanelles) A Villanelle is comprised of nineteen lines, 5 stanzas of three lines each with a final stanza of four lines, the rhyme scheme is aba here’s where it gets tricky, 1st line of 1st stanza repeats as…