Hounds crawling up
through the dirt, from
firey depths below,
snarls and howls
pierce the midnight air.
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Writer in San Francisco, CA
Hounds crawling up
through the dirt, from
firey depths below,
snarls and howls
pierce the midnight air.
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Auburn fur, thick and full
around blue eyes glittering
in the darkness. Silver teeth
gleam wet with hunger
approaching the city.
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Feathers glossy,
pressed against the body,
black eyes reflecting
the sky and sea.
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Jack White performing in Salt Lake City 2018 Photo: David James SwansonEarlier this year I set an alarm for the exact hour tickets for Jack White’s 2018 tour would go on sale. I remember waking up to my alarm heart pumping buying my tickets. I spent the next few months looking at the tickets I had printed out and pinned up above my calendar, August seemed so far away then but suddenly it was here. Last night, finally, I went and saw Jack White at Saltair in Salt Lake City, Utah.
By the time I got to Saltair with my boyfriend, Tyler Childers was finishing up. We were in line to get in about to experience something we never have before. What was different about this concert experience was YONDR. This was a “NO-PHONE” show. While in line we were given small green pouches to put our phones in. They had a security retail clasp that sealed the pouch and could only be opened with certain magnetic disks.
Security was pretty thorough and everyone in line was searched. Yondr employees were everywhere and we had to go through about two layers of them before even entering Saltair. The first layer handed out the pouches and helped guests put their phones in them. The second layer past security checked every pouch to make sure it was closed. You keep the pouch on you which is a little awkward since it really sticks out of a back pocket.
As a “No-Phone” show, there were no photos or recordings allowed and you could only get your phone out of the pouch in specific areas. It was a little strange to see everyone phone-less walking around and talking. A little bizarre but at the same time, it was refreshing. I had to communicate with my boyfriend a place to meet just in case we got separated but overall I thought it was really cool to have a couple hours phone-less. My boyfriend, on the other hand, thought it was ridiculous and impractical. Both of our experiences with this phone-free show were different but I think important in understanding both sides of this kind of event. I think no access to phones during a concert is cool and definitely “old school”, devices make the experience different today and we are constantly distracted, not fully paying attention and devoting our time to “here and now”. While on the other hand our phones are so incorporated into our daily lives that without access to them could handicap us.
Around 9 p.m. stage lights blacked out and the crowd roared. Jack White came on and everyone was bathed in blue and white lights. His band all dressed in black were vibrant and professional, banging their heads together as Jack White moved across the stage singing and playing guitar exuding his unique magnetism. Alternating between drums and guitar for a few songs Jack White was energetic and connected with the audience the entire time.
I noticed that without the distraction of phones, there were no tiny screens blocking my view of the stage just bobbing heads. The audience’s response and interaction with White was fast paced and instantaneous. In the end, just when everyone thought it was over and White exited the stage, singing began to grow into a loud chorus from the audience in front to the very back, clapping and singing the popular “Seven Nation Army”. The crowd kept up the singing for a couple minutes before bursting into a roar as White came back on stage with his band, the drums began to pound and the crowd erupted as White played “Seven Nation Army” and then a few more songs.
Overall, I have to say I had a great time and not having access to my phone really gave me a different (arguably better) experience at this concert than other ones I’ve attended in the past. Jack White was electric, he lit up the stage and his band matched him perfectly in skill and energy. The words that keep popping up in my mind about this performance are “magnetic and professional”. I could tell just from watching the show, these were professional musicians, these are artists that take their work seriously and have a deep devotion for the music and the audience, an attitude, and approach that I have rarely if ever seen before.
Alina’s Rating: 5/5
More Jack White Stuff
Jack White’s Spotify Playlist: Boarding House Reach Tour Set Lists
“Corporation” https://jackwhiteiii.com/news/
Drifting and dreaming
in the cold night. Against
the moonlight, chrome and
smoke, eyes lulled by
intoxicants. Drifting
and dreaming.
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