My First Novel: Back to the Grind (2/22/19)

On Monday I returned to my book. I opened up the Google-doc and skimmed over it a few times. I got the printed manuscript of my second rough draft back along with some insightful information (I had given my rough draft to a trusted friend who read it in three weeks and helped me figure out my characters motives and chapter placements). Now I’m back to the grind. Today, I am about 30 pages into my second rough draft picking it apart once again, looking for grammar mistakes, punctuation, and parts of dialogue that need fixing.

Since I haven’t seen or read any drafts of my book the past three weeks, I’m surprised by how much I remember, how much I can almost recite line by line as I look over it. Did I miss my characters? Yes. Now that they’re back in my hands I want to expand and fill in the bare bones of my rough draft. Just in these first 30 pages, I’ve noticed how stripped it is, how it needs filling and fleshing out, which would help to make it more swallowable and enjoyable for readers. Of course, I’m not here to please, I’m here to write but I can see what I need to do and I’m ready to get started.

What I want to do going into my 3rd rough draft: expand and fill in necessary chapters/dialogue/scenes, rearrange a few chapters (their placement), and polish off my ending.

At first, I had about four to six different endings for my book. I wrote and rewrote from different perspectives but I cut all of that out in my second draft. I know I need a more solid ending, or at least one final chapter that doesn’t necessarily wrap everything up but most likely leaves questions and a few complications. Knowing that I still need to write a final chapter has brought me to the unsettling realization that there is more to be written, the story goes on and I can sense that my characters have more to say and do. This means that there will be a second book at some point, but I’m not even going to start thinking about that. I just need to finish this first one and then I’ll move on.

Besides my book, this week was eventful, I went out of town with my partner for a short vacation. It was good to have a brief change of scenery and some much needed alone time together. I came home yesterday and spent the day resting, now starting my work week I feel fully rested and ready to get stuff done.

What I’m reading:

Goodreads ‘currently-reading


What I’m listening to:

My Spotify Discover Weekly Playlist


Thank you for reading!





My First Novel: Week #3 Break (Feb.14th, 2019)

Today is Valentines Day. I have plans tonight with my partner but for now, I am reading and reading and reading. It is my third week on a break from working on my novel. I’ve been enjoying this time, running errands, cleaning and even baking. But now I am starting to feel that I need to get back to work.

I want to wait out the rest of the week and maybe start next week by reading through my second draft again. I’ve done a good job of ignoring my draft and printed manuscript this entire time, trying to put some space between me and my work. I need fresh eyes the next time I read my draft. I’ve been trying not to think about my characters too much and I think it’s been a healthy break. During the last few months, my obsession with writing my novel and working on my characters was taking over my life. I was thinking about my characters all the time, jotting down notes and backstories, analyzing them and trying to shape them into real people. But until I get back into my obsession, I’ll take advantage of this time by reading.

Here is my Goodreads list of what I am currently reading,

What I am listening to:

Thank you for reading about my journey writing my first novel!




Cold Coffin Holds (poem #365)

Cold coffin holds,

memories of

a life past lived now

wasting away. When

there is nothing

not even rotting wood

and bone, finally

forgotten by the

living only then

is death true.



Pulling from my archives, here’s my poem “Cold Coffin Holds (poem 365)” originally published in February 2019. What do you think? Is it spooky enough? Like this video? Tell me why! Heart and share with a friend ❤ Find more of my poems on 🤗 #poetrybyme #poetsoftiktok #poetryislife #poetryblogger #poetry #poetrytok2022

♬ Spooky, quiet, scary atmosphere piano songs – Skittlegirl Sound