Sun peaks out, summer
waking and getting ready
to burn and illuminate
clouds fluffed float on by.
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Writer in San Francisco, CA
But I’ve felt stuck for a while, distracted by everything else going on in my life. I think I’m also distracting myself, starting and finishing new books while I have a whole pile that I’ve been meaning to finish for a couple months now. How does it feel to hit a wall? Like I can’t get anything done and the world is leaving me behind. I just can’t get back on the fast track to finishing my book right now.
There is also an overwhelming feeling of pressure whenever I think about my book. I know I need to work on the ending and solidify each chapter, rework dialogue here and there and round out my characters but I am worried about what comes after. Will I ever have a final product? Is it even worth my time to look for a publisher or should I think about self-publishing through kindle? I think I’m getting too caught up in my doubts.
I feel like I need a reset to clear my mind and get back to it.
My distractions:
Joan Didion’s Play It As It Lays
like my Patti Smith bender, I think I’m gonna dive deep into Didion to keep my mind fresh
Listening to:
good music is always required
Overall, I already know what I need to do, just write. I’m sticking to my daily writing schedule and for last month wrote over 31,000 words. My daily writing consists of writing 1,000 words minimum a day, doesn’t matter what I’m writing, poetry, fiction, non-fiction as long as it is writing. I try not to make my daily writing into journal entries if I am lacking a focus and this is one of the hardest things to do. I know that as long as I stick with my daily writing, I can eventually get back into the groove of working on my novel.
To all my followers/readers and you, thanks for sticking with me,
the spaces between the night that plague
and bodies that move.
Thank you for reading!
And the spaces between them hold me together
in the unknown dark space of the night.
Thank you for reading!