Waves swell crawling over sand, discarding shells, broken abandoned, or picked clean hold me land says, swallow me let me sink back under your skin a gull croaks, shakes its head, cries out against the wind and takes flight waves overlap over sand, over shell, over land, climbing, withdrawing, tide in, tide…
Boiling Eyes [poem #576]
Boiling eyes the world opens…
bloodied heart (poem #575)
bloodied heart pulverized, dreams lie pulsating in the words of the dead Thank you for reading! -Alina
Sun moves (poem #574)
How the sun moves, across the golden expanse dreams criss-cross and pull the mind, overlap the skin, teeth, jaw, skull. Thank you for reading! -Alina
January 2020 Update: Workshop, Writing, and Music
Today is my first day in a Free Poetry Workshop! Last September I bought Windows and Doors: A Poet Read Literary Theory by Natasha Sajé. I read a few chapters and then looked up Natasha Sajé, I found out she is a professor at Westminster right here in Salt Lake City.