Today is my first day in a Free Poetry Workshop! Last September I bought Windows and Doors: A Poet Read Literary Theory by Natasha Sajé. I read a few chapters and then looked up Natasha Sajé, I found out she is a professor at Westminster right here in Salt Lake City.
Matching Heart [poem #573]
“Slip down into oblivion, a matching heart…”
Eyes (poem #572)
Where are the eyes? the eyes of the dead, watching from the darkness. A flame erupts, ignites the iris, reflecting back.
I sink (poem #571)
I sink, and welcome the cold water, rising up to my neck and over.
My Moon (poem #570)
Sun turnstiles and I am revolving around you. In orbit, you do not glow, glitter, or emanate a light source, life source. You are a moon, created out of cataclysm, but reflecting light nonetheless you are the center.