personal reflections, updates, what’s happening locally during the stay-at-home order in Salt Lake City, Utah, due to the Covid-19 global pandemic
Life During COVID-19 (4/21/2020): Poetry, Sylvia Plath and My Novel
It’s disturbing how normal this is all starting to feel. Staying home, my routine, knowing what to expect at almost every hour of the day. It is becoming tiresome so I am trying to invigorate my days by switching my schedule around
Life during COVID-19 (4/13/20): Poetry for $ and more poems
It’s almost been a month since the last day I worked (March 17th). It’s bizarre to think that time has passed so quickly and somehow so slowly at the same time. I feel like I’m utilizing my time well but I’m so frustrated I haven’t landed a job yet.
‘Poem to Read Aloud’ by Alina Happy Hansen (April 11th, 2020)
Decided to do something different, here is a video of me reading one of my poems, this one titled (for now) ‘Poem to Read Aloud’.
I wrote this poem as an assignment for the Poetry Workshop at Westminster that I’m in.
Life During COVID-19 (4/7/2020): Unemployment, Poetry for $ and Staying Positive
I’ve been so busy applying for jobs and working on poem orders, the time has just flown by. I have gotten more donations from friends through my POETRY FOR $. The past three days, I had a poem request every single day which is amazing. Thanks to donations from friends, their $upport is helping me pay a few bills and put some money aside for groceries.