Poetry Practice: Word of the Day “Dreary”

Poetry practice: create a list of words with a theme, pick a word of the day and write an impromptu poem. For today, I have chosen “dreary”.

raining in the city
Photo by Josh Hild on Pexels.com

Dreary eyes scan a sunless airspace.
Gray clouds suffocate skyscrapers.
A drizzle of rain slicks cement, steel, and glass.
Cityscape comprised of pulverized dreams.

This practice is used to push the boundaries of a poem. Have a word suggestion? Leave a comment below.

Staying Focused at the End of Pandemic Year One

February is already here, and COVID-19 is still running rampant. I can’t believe it’s almost been a year of this craziness, and that’s just counting the pandemic. I’m tired of staying inside, but I don’t care. I’d rather stay inside than run the risk of getting sick and infecting people.

Since I work remotely, I’m fortunate to be able to stay home, but it’s become a balancing act, so I don’t feel like I’m turning into an agoraphobiac.

I’ve been focusing on revising my novel this month while reading a slew of books, including Stardust by Neil Gaiman and Salem’s Lot by Stephen King.


I have mixed hopes about Biden and Kamala. All I care about is they do what they say they’re going to do. With Democrats having control in the House and Senate, this time shouldn’t be squandered. And I’m sure if republicans win back control or if

I’m beyond relieved Trump is out of the office and a bonus, no more tweets, no more misinformation, and no more support from the most influential social media platforms.

The Capitol Riot is quickly being twisted or forgotten entirely by the GOP and most republicans (which was expected). But I really hope people don’t forget.

What’s frustrating are the conversations already happening about the Riot. People complained that we need to move on, and it wasn’t as bad as it’s being made out. Ridiculous. We’re still not over 9/11. Why the hell should we sweep an attempted coup, a domestic terrorist event, under the rug and pretend everything’s all right?
This is a problem: sweeping things under the rug.

Another problem? (a tiny rant)

People get sick of the pandemic and decide they’re done being safe and taking responsibility for their actions. Or worse, the ones who’ve refused to wear masks or follow safety precautions since day one.

Almost 13% of the population has been vaccinated with a first dose. For the U.S. to go back to normal, we have to have a minimum of 75% of the population vaccinated for herd immunity to work.

I’m so sick of anti-maskers. I’m so sick of people being selfish. It’s not about a single person being comfortable and doing what they want. It’s about being responsible and thinking of others.

What’s hilarious is the argument that somehow masks requirements and safety precautions are the government controlling you. Really? The government knows where you live, what you do, how much money you have, and where you travel. Wearing a mask and getting vaccinated crosses the line? Give me a break.

Oh, and by the way, the government doesn’t need to chip people when we’re all assigned a social security number at birth. Unless you live in the middle of nowhere on land you don’t own, are self-employed, pay only in cash, and don’t pay taxes. Chances are you’re leaving a digital trail of your entire life that the government has access to.

I’m sick of the selfishness. I’m sick of the greed. People are starving, losing their homes, and some have been unemployed for months. Children need help; families need help. And the politicians just squabble over bills that will affect their cash flow.

Staying Focused

But despite the distress, it’s all about endurance. I’m doing my small part by staying home and practicing social distancing. It’s the least I can do.

Focusing on my writing and reading helps me stay balanced during all of this. I’m thinking about a few art projects, and I have a few song ideas floating around in my head. (I’m dying to record a few tracks solely using my Theremini.)

Stuff to Check Out

Watching Movies to celebrate Black History Month

More Info about Black History Month

Chinese New Year 2021

Get Some Rest

For anyone losing their minds inside, I strongly suggest cultivating those newfound Pandemic hobbies or finding something you haven’t done yet. Remember to allot time just for yourself and make sure you’re getting enough rest. I think one of the biggest issues I’ve been having during this whole thing is unwinding at the end of my day and making sure I get plenty of sleep.

What are your new Pandemic hobbies? Have you had to deal with sleep-loss, anxiety or depression during this time? Do you have any suggestions? Leave a comment below and start a conversation.

Stay safe and stay strong out there!


Poetry Practice: Word of the Day “Gale”

Poetry practice: create a list of words with a theme, pick a word of the day and write an impromptu poem. For today, I have chosen “gale”.

Gale strong dancing across

An ocean. a torrent whirls underneath

the surface, a pelican-struck wave crests

White foam frothing, a fish squirms, captured

Inside gullet. Feathers skim the water

And rise, up, up, higher disappearing into

A thin mist. A forceful wind whips 

And twirls toward the shore.

This practice is used to push the boundaries of a poem. Have a word suggestion? Leave a comment below.

Have a wonderful day and thank you to all of my subscribers!



A Personal Response: Domestic Terrorists Riot at the Capitol

January 6th, 2021, a day that will go down in history.

I expected there to be Pro-Trump protests. I expected there to be violence and, at worst, shootings. But, domestic terrorists planting pipe bombs? Rioting at the Capitol, halting the certification progress? A woman shot by police dies, plus four others dead after the violence. Our country is disgraced.

No, I wasn’t expecting this. But I shouldn’t be surprised, and neither should others.

The signs were all there. We were approaching a climax of violence centered around insurrection and a desired coup by the dictator wannabe Donald Trump. 

Even before we began voting in 2020, Trump said if he lost, the election was rigged. He set the stage for this violence, brought this disgrace, and the politicians who stood with him and continue to are not American Patriots. They are accomplices in an attempt to destroy our democracy and our country.

I’m not surprised this is where we are. I figured Trump would continue to throw a fit and incite even more violence. Especially after the events in Charlottesville, when he made it clear what side he stands on.

His strongest weapon: dangerous rhetoric hidden in plainspeech. He used his weapon on Wednesday at his rally when he told his cult of followers to go to the Capitol. Then, as they overwhelmed Captiol police, who were questionably few in numbers, he waited and waited to call for peace.

When he did, he tells these terrorists, these rioters “I love you.” When last year his tweets threatened prison sentences for BLM protesters he called “thugs”.

Is it not clear where he stands?

Check out this article for break down on How a Pro-Trump Mob Stormed the U.S. Capitol

I seriously question the motives behind the Capitol police. The Chief has already resigned. But I’ll say this; if Trump had won the 2020 election, and BLM protesters were at a rally nearby and then began to walk to the Capitol to protest there, the National Guard would have been deployed ASAP, there would have been swat, there would have been a wall of police in riot gear to meet them. The stark difference in response AND response time shows what most of us already know: there is a double standard and white supremacy reigns in this country. Check out this article comparing the police response.

That disgraceful day is cemented into the history of the U.S., and I will never forget it.

Now in the final countdown to January 20th, I am hoping no one else will die. I am hoping for a peaceful transition of power. I hope that Trump, the domestic terrorist/rioters, and his allies will be prosecuted for their crimes against this nation.

A call for the 25th, Impeachment? It’s a little late for that. Trump should have been removed from office permanently within the first year of his term.

Revisiting The Past

Four years ago, I found myself dazed and unable to grasp the fact that Donald Trump was going to be President.

Looking back, I combed through my blog to see if I had written about that year, and I did. I forgot about this blog post until the summer of 2020, and today I want to include a few excerpts (below) in my response. Reading my words now, my heart breaks. It’s almost over, but the journey we had to take to get here was a bloody one.

The night the election results came in, I was working, people started crying in the restaurant. An angry couple stormed out, the man said, “We are so fucked.” His words have echoed in my head since then over and over again.

The excerpts below are dated December 19th, 2017.

“The results of the election last year were devastating. Not only had Trump won but suddenly the surreal feeling of living in a twilight zone-like reality began. Watching Trump’s inaugural speech on January 20th on TV, the strange and gloomy streets as he paraded in Washington D.C. Suddenly, it felt like something had dramatically changed. I couldn’t exactly put my finger on it but now I think I’ve realized what it was that I felt. This was the beginning of a new time, a new block of time that would have to be sectioned off, highlighted, and analytically picked apart day by day in the future. It has been termed an Era: The Era of Trump. I think this term is correct because now it is apparent 2017 is the start of another chapter in U.S. history.”

“There is little room to breathe when his ego is threatened when his words are analyzed and questioned when his behavior is criticized as being inappropriate and extremely insensitive. But the division between pro and anti-Trump supporters is creating unsafe spaces full of animosity and possibly dangerous eruptions.”

Charlottesville was a turning point. The protest turned violent and deadly, the POTUS fumbled and went back and forth on his own response to the events. The ‘Unite the Right’ rally featured white supremacists, who try to camouflage their hate and identity with terms such as ‘white nationalist’, protesting the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue. Counter protestors were present and violence quickly ensued. Finally, counter-protestor Heather D. Heyer was killed when a white nationalist plowed his car into the crowd…

“Trump’s response was inappropriate and strange. I think his words will be highlighted and remembered forever as he said there was blame “…on many sides.” This did not make sense, it still doesn’t. Suddenly people who do not believe in hate, racism, and bigotry were equated with white supremacists? Both parties were somehow guilty? This is when I think America finally began to understand where the POTUS stood in terms of hate, racism, and bigotry if they hadn’t already clued in with his behavior before the presidency. It was so apparent when his quick on the draw tweets and responses were delayed…possibly for once a response was being thought over by Trump himself before coming out of his mouth.”

“I have been conducting research since then on white supremacist groups. My findings are horrifying and I am now more aware than ever that America may have to again fight against racism (a never-ending fight) on a publically large-scale level similar to that of the civil rights movements of the 1960’s. (Oftentimes I found that white supremacist groups say they are not racists but just have certain beliefs regarding who should be a recognized citizen, including who should have rights, which for them means only specific people of white European-descent. Their definition of what an ‘American’ is, rests solely on their beliefs of race)…”

Excerpts from my blog post, “Personal Response: Surviving 2017 in the Trump Era

It didn’t take long for this new era to take hold. The shock of dealing with blasphemous tweets, misinformation, and straight out lies.

A little boy, a bully, who turned the cabinet into a revolving door. Who spouted rhetoric reinforcing the structural racism that continues to rot this country out from the inside.

This man, this crook, spent four years dividing the country, mastering manipulation and putting to question facts, truth, and justice, spinning his followers a new reality where they could choose to believe facts if they wanted to.

Now we suffer the consequences of anti-maskers in a pandemic. People are purposely putting the lives of others in danger. And over 350,000 Americans are DEAD.

What happens now?

We are in year two of the Pandemic. Thousands of Americans are dying every day from COVID-19. The country is in turmoil, divided, and sick from the Era of Trump.

Can Biden and Harris bring justice and order to the chaos? Can they help the nation unite and defeat COVID? Can they help us heal the festering wounds Trump has made.

I hope so.

I’ll end this with one last quote because now more than ever I still believe:

“…If having Trump as POTUS is what it takes for the U.S. to wake up and realize we need to address specific issues that have continued to be swept under the rug or falsely believed to be ‘solved’ then so be it. This is the time for change to happen. This is not a time to be silent and pretend that something isn’t already happening in our country. The political turmoil, the continual protests on “both sides”, the issue of sexual harassment, these events are crucial in understanding that right now is not the time to stick our heads in the sand. We must be vocal and supportive and uphold the rights that we have worked so long and so hard to gain as Americans. If a diverse society cannot be, or cannot function, if a belief in rights and equality for all people in this country is not possible then our country would be exactly the same as it was in previous centuries. If it is not possible then why did change happen in the past?”

Excerpts from my blog post, “Personal Response: Surviving 2017 in the Trump Era

If you are reading this, Thank You. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my words. Stay safe out there.



Poetry Practice: Word of the Day “Evergreen”

Poetry Practice: Pick a word for the day and write an impromptu poem. You can also create a list of words and write a poem for each. This practice is used to push the boundaries of a poem and force you to flex your writing skills.

For today, I have chosen the word “Evergreen”. Have a word suggestion for future poetry practices? Leave a comment below.

Tall, spiney

a twirl of ivy,

evergreen touching

frosted blue skies

a soft down of

snow below.

Liked this poem? Read this one or this one here.