Free Hand #8 (Worn Out)

It’s Finals Week and between my huge assignments and work, I’m exhausted.



Creeping, itching

tick tick tick, side of the face.

I break off, a bone, a word to string

together more bones more words

for an essay, easy, no ese!

essay…stuck drinking coffee,

want to drink some beer. Tired and

distraught, the pressure is mounting

till up up up I go, ready to crash back down



If you’re reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing! I hope you return in the future!


Free Hand #7 (Dark Storm)

The weather’s pretty gloomy outside, my favorite kind of weather. Raining and grey clouds all day hahahaha. This is a rough piece directed to those that may not love the rain as much as I do.


The rain that covers

the roads, the pavement,

the house with electric

green grass where you sit inside

with your bitterness and coffee, waiting for

the sun to come out. It’s not

coming out today. You should learn

to enjoy a dark storm every once

in while.


If you’re reading this, Thank Your for taking time out of your day to read my writing! I hope you return in the future!


Short Story: Amelia (Part #1)

This is an excerpt from a short story series I started working on three years ago. Found these remnants earlier today and I am thinking about working on these stories again and posting my work.

Amelia brushed her long blonde hair, applied a little make up here and there, smoothing out her frazzled black skirt, she grabbed her long coat and pulled it on, more similar to a cloak than an actual coat, it was inky black with numerous pockets and a long hood that hung low when she put it over her head. Besides her blonde hair, she was all in black and ready for the night.

Her boots made  heavy clomping sounds as she stalked through the old house she called home, she opened the front door did a quick check over her shoulder to make sure the house was silent, no ghosts or dead would enter her house tonight, then shut it, and locked the door.

Tonight was the full moon, and it had been a while since everyone had gotten together. They were meeting at a local diner before sunset to eat before they commenced their rituals. There were seven of them now, even though there had been about fifteen only a few years ago. Many had moved on, gotten married, died, or disappeared. It was a constant struggle to keep the clan together.

The house was on the outskirts of town, and it took Amelia a little over fifteen minutes to walk to the diner. She could already hear them before she opened the door. The infectious laughter and arguments had already begun.

If you’re reading this Thank You, for taking time out of your day to read my writing! I hope you return in the future!


Free Hand #6

It is a beautiful day today. This is a rough draft of a poem I am working on. Deals with sight, ignorance and acceptance. I will probably post a revision of this poem in the next couple of days.


Sun crystallizes,

rays break into glass, sharp enough to cut.

your eyes glitter, always shining, reflecting

sight, images collide. My eyes shut,

I only see the darkness under lid. Feel the

warmth of the sun

on my skin. Let you

be my eyes.


If you’re reading this Thank You, for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope you return in the future!


Freehand Poem #5

The sun is out and glistens. The tree bends under breeze. The electric blue sky holds more than my mind. Ramblings; words that mean nothing in the static, nothing in the sky. Birds are only specks way up high, moving like fish against the blue. An eye that opens to see the edge before it breaks. The sun drips light onto the city, the tree breaks. 


If you’re reading this, Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing. I hope you return in the future!
