Back in SLC. Super tired. Here are some random mutterings. Listening to: Restless Babe by SKATERS The sun peaks over the horizon. Moving through clouds, sitting on, waiting for, the end of one more day then another. Closer, it keeps ticking by and my blood boils under fire, in the heat, my mind explodes….
Free Hand #16
I am going out of town this week. So if I don’t post as much, that’s why. Will return by Friday! The blue light streaks across the sky like 1955. The dreams passed us by. Time changes everything. I’m growing into someone new and the pains are the worst. You followed up to the…
Announcement: Flash Fiction and more!
I will be posting ‘Flash Fiction’ pieces (100 words or less) starting next week. This is my way of practicing while also showing my creative process! There will be one or two posts a week of my flash fiction next to my regular ‘Free Hand’ poetry posts.
Free Hand #15 (Give Me My Music)
It’s been raining all week. Nice weather, I like it very much. Currently reading about four books simultaneously on different things, fiction and poetry books. Also listening to Lady Gaga’s latest album Joanne (2016). Cannot see the sun, the blood in my mouth bubbles over my lips and my mind swims in the dark….
Free Hand #14 (Speculative Poetry)
It’s only Tuesday and it feels like the end of the week for me. I often take into account the weather when I start my daily writing. I try to work through my environment before writing on other subjects. Also, listening to: Veruca Salt, Album: Ghost Notes (2015) SPECULATIVE POETRY Daytime with…