Freehand Poem #24

Can’t wait for summer to be over. The heat is unbearable and winter is sounding better and better.


Summer days end, and the hell in my heart

rages on. After the wind dies down, after the seas

calm into winter iciness. I am still full of the fire

from days long past. To calm my spirits, and sleep

in the winter, sleep through it all, to awaken

in spring once again. Fire to ice, ice to fire.


If you are reading this, Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope that you will return in the future!


Freehand Poem #23: Desert Death

Good morning! or Good Afternoon!

It’s only getting hotter in SLC right now. I am trying not to melt and keep my wits about me.

Listening to: Night Beats- Who Sold My Generation (Full Album)


Desert Death


My body, my bones. Dried up and sour. Cracked to the core

I begin to crumble. The sun beats down on me and I crawl

across the desert floor. Mr. Rattlesnake go home, leave me

alone. Coyote and vultures, cacti and dire measures

just to find a road to burn on. Just to find an end to the pain

I’m living on.



If you are reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope you return in the future!


Freehand Poem #22: Words like Honey

Listening to: Double Vanity (Full Album) by BRONCHO


Words Like Honey


Your words sunk into me like honey. Crisp and clear,

but still sticky. I couldn’t breathe and felt my lungs swell

with pain. The words that fall from your lips keep me

alive in an amber chrysalis, I try to struggle to break free

but something inside me tells me to, Be Still.



If you are reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope you return in the future!


Freehand Poem #21: Sun for Sin

Yesterday the heat was unbearable. I’m pretty tired today but still alive!!!

I’m fascinated by the old belief that if people sinned God/s would punish them through destruction and really really horrible weather.


Sun for Sin


The sun melts me down, to a pile of flesh and blood.

Feel my skin loosen and moisture seeps out of every

pore. Thinking of Dante’s hell, thinking of the different levels

with different kinds of torture based on sins committed.

Wondering what sin of mine inspired the sun to burn me

alive today.


If you are reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope you return in the future!


Death and Kittens: Flash Fiction Series #2

approx. word count: 140


Death and Kittens


Alina Happy Hansen


Mama cat cradled her kittens, suckling softly on her underbelly. Somewhere there was a gunshot. Somewhere, somebody died. The ones that can’t reach the nipple mew and cry. There are tire screeches around the corner of the alley and the sound of car doors opening, feet pounding on the cement, a chorus of men shouting. Mama cat peaks out her head from the side of the moldy cardboard box to look. Men are running towards her and her kittens, red and blue flashes against the brick buildings. Mama cat tenses up, moving slightly, kittens fall off her swollen nipples. Loud shots echo through the air. A man falls, his body smacks the pavement. Blood in his eyes, he sees a dilapidated cardboard box next to a dumpster, tiny eyes glowing in the darkness stare at him as he loses consciousness.