Free Hand #67 (Behold, The Light)

Behold, the light

and cringe. It blinds us

and we close our eyes.

The screams are louder

now, and I have forgotten

words. There is nothing

outside of this but the endless

night that consumes a soul.


If you are reading this Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope you will return in the future!


My Favorite Tracks: Chelsea Wolfe

Chelsea Wolfe’s magnetic voice echoes across a world of emulated darkness, a darkness that is welcomed. Her music often exudes a sense of other-worldliness, or a world we have long since forgotten, with tribal drums and mysteriously magical lyrics. I would say Wolfe touches on a darker and truer form of the human psyche, one that may still believe in old Gods and worship them, or one were there is an endless abyss that is a more holistic definition of human life.

That being said, here are some of my favorite songs by Chelsea Wolfe,

I am excited for the release of her new album HISS SPUN on Septebmer 22nd of this year and her upcoming American tour!

Chelsea Wolfe is coming to SALT LAKE CITY~! Oct. 28th at the Urban Lounge


Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my posts! I hope you will return in the future! -Alina


Free Hand #65 (Sky Bends and Pulls)



Whatever the sky does, it bends and pulls me down into nowhere. The heart

of your skin pulls and sags as blood pushed through. You held onto the edge of a cloud

and fell off somewhere over the ocean. I’m bones and blood and spit and words,

at the end of this I’ll be dust. The sinking sun, the cloud that disappeared, the sky that

threw me back to earth, the heart that decayed and failed me in the end.



If you’re reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope you will return in the future!
