In this post, I’ll discuss why I choose to obsess over writing poetry. How I was first exposed to it and why my passion for reading and writing has led me to where I’m at today with my writing routine. I also provide multiple lists of recommended reading, book reviews, and other blog posts I’ve written about poetry.
Living in San Francisco: A Writer Reflects on Life
My cup of chamomile tea is cold. I glance out the window down at St Mary’s Square. I’m on the seventh floor of a nearby building in a community space typing away on my not-a-Mac laptop.
Dreams Crease [poem #427]
A short abstract poem about dreams. Excerpt: “A night bleeds, always dreams crease and bend around your head…”
What’s happening? A Reflection on Ukraine, COVID-19 and More
Take four minutes and read my reflection about what’s happening in Ukraine, moving on or forward after COVID-19, attacks on LGBTQIA+ and AAPI communities, and restrictions on abortion access in Red states in the U.S.
How to Read a Poem [Explained in 140 Characters]
In 140 characters I tell you how to read a poem!