Greetings From the Happy Poet


It’s been a while. I haven’t posted anything since June with my Creature in the Forest series but I’ve read a few books, more recently Circe which I kind of enjoyed kind of didn’t toward the end (story = meh, but the writing is good).

On the weekends, I’ve been writing less and playing Hogwarts Legacy – this is the reason behind my lack of presence via blog and social media. It’s enjoyable to get lost in another world on my days off, relax, and stop obsessing over writing. I’ve had time to breath and in the process start gearing up for this year’s NaNoWriMo.

Even though I haven’t had the itch to write these past few months – I’ve been working on three poems (really one long one that keeps morphing into two then back into one again and a faceless third). I even dared to edit a couple of chapters of my NaNoWriMo project from 2022 (it’s half of a book about, surprise, witches).

Everyday I’m thinking about my novel and as for the future – trying to decide which journals/publications I want to submit some of my work to.

Besides Hogwarts Legacy (which I won’t even talk about right now – there’s too much to say), I’ve been going to a movie or two a week just to get out. The Little Mermaid was captivating in a weird nostalgic way while Oppenheimer was meh. I loved Barbie, enjoyed the latest Spiderverse and want to see TMNT.

Between it all when I’m commuting I’ve been listening to anything I can think of from Doja Cat to Muddy Waters, 80’s New Wave, and Frank Sinatra. All over the place really, I’m in an exploratory mood and looking to shake up my routine.

What’s next? I’m not going to promise anything besides you’ll be hearing more from me closer to October/November. Until then, here’s a poem for the day, my August 2023 spotify playlist, and what I’m currently reading.

Signing off,


How to Have Fun Creating Editable Instagram Post Templates With Canva Free

Did you know that Instagram has nearly three billion people visiting its website monthly? Many people who spend time on Instagram are focused on creating an aesthetically pleasing feed that captures followers.

For me, Instagram has always been a form of entertainment, and as an artist, I love finding beautiful art from around the world to save and share with friends. But lately, I’ve begun having fun in a whole new way by creating editable Instagram post templates. Continue reading to find out how I have fun and see the designs I’ve made!

What’s Awesome About Canva Free

Canva Free is easy to use, fun, and, best of all, free! I discovered Canva earlier this year. As someone who’s struggled to get the hang of Adobe apps, I was immediately hooked. I had the Canva Pro for a few months because I wanted to try all of the elements I liked, but I quickly realized the free content was just as great. The ability to create website banners, social media posts and digital planners are fantastic. I felt like I could get creative and bring some of my digital design concepts alive.

Crafting Digital Designs and Editable Instagram Post Templates

Once I felt like I got Canva down, I fell down a rabbit hole, finding Instagram post template designs created entirely in Canva! I’m not an influencer or IG famous in any way, with a small following of around 200-ish. I love to post pictures of where I live (San Francisco) and share my poetry.

When I started creating captivating Instagram post templates for my poetry, I wanted to make more. After some research, I discovered that hundreds of people design templates and sell them on Etsy. Well, now, this sounds like fun.

Read my poem “City Dreaming

holding a smartphone that says "Canva" on the screen in front of an imac
Photo by cottonbro on

How to Have Fun and Create Instagram Post Templates

I’m a writer and spend most of my free time writing, reading, or researching writing techniques and methods, you name it. But after a while, it’s nice to take a break and do something creative with no strings attached.

For the past few months, I’ve sliced out about four to five hours a week of free time to play around and have fun in Canva. To give myself something specific to focus on, I created Instagram post templates with specific themes using elements that I like.

What happened? I’m having a blast! So far, I’ve created three themed Instagram post template packs, and making each one allowed me to relax and have fun in a way I haven’t been able to in a long time.

Read my “Reflection: Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling

Check Out My Editable Instagram Post Templates

If you like creating digital designs or want to start with Canva, try it out! I’m an artist, musician, writer, and so much more and I love how I can tap into my creativity and craft digital design templates in Canva Free. Want to take a look at the templates I’ve already created? Visit my Etsy shop, The Happy Poet Studio, today!

Prepping for National Novel Writing Month: Recommended Writing Books

How Long is the Closing Process for Buying a Home?

Many Americans have made life-changing decisions during the Pandemic, including buying a home, getting married, and starting a family. According to Statista, approximately 7 million homes were purchased in 2021, and that number is expected to increase steadily. Homebuyers and sellers must become familiar with multiple factors that can speed up the closing process while considering potential delays. This article will review the potential factors and quickly explain possible delays to keep an eye out for.

Potential Factors Influencing Closing Time

Type of Loan

According to data from ICE Mortgage Technology, Inc. Origination Insight Report from August 2021, conventional mortgage loans took an average of 45 days while FHA loans took 51 days, and VA loans took 52 to close

A way to lessen the time it takes to close is to either buy the home in cash or accept a cash offer when selling. This is not a realistic option for a majority Americans, but the closing process time could remain within the average by planning, staying organized, and maintaining clear communication between parties.

Find A Trustworthy Lender

Along with the type of loan, your choice of a lender can make your home-buying journey smooth and less stressful. It’s vital to research and pick a lender with excellent credentials and recommendations. A lender who communicates effectively and frequently is ideal, so little time is spent clearing up confusion or miscommunication errors.

Appraisal: For What its Worth

A lender may hesitate to proceed further with closing procedures if an appraisal is too low, according to Rocketmortgage. Often a second-party appraiser can be called in to assess the worth of the home.

The Money: Payment, Credit History and Debts

If you’re buying a home, send that money over! A potential delay in processing can occur if there hasn’t been enough time to trace the money. Refrain from making large purchases that may adversely affect your credit score during the closing process. Be sure to double-check if you may have any unpaid debts. Fluctuations in your credit score or a history of debt can slow or halt the process, requiring another more thorough review of your application details.

Title, Insurance and Repairs

Obtain title and home insurance promptly and ensure a preliminary inspection is completed. Have the title checked to ensure there are no discrepancies or issues. Potential delays can occur if any problems are found in these details. A last-minute walkthrough could also reveal impediments that need to be removed before the sale, according to Homelight.

Closing Day

The closing itself takes approximately one to two hours, requires proper identification, and involves signing various legal documents. Rejoice in getting the keys to your new home!

A Personal Response: Domestic Terrorists Riot at the Capitol

January 6th, 2021, a day that will go down in history.

I expected there to be Pro-Trump protests. I expected there to be violence and, at worst, shootings. But, domestic terrorists planting pipe bombs? Rioting at the Capitol, halting the certification progress? A woman shot by police dies, plus four others dead after the violence. Our country is disgraced.

No, I wasn’t expecting this. But I shouldn’t be surprised, and neither should others.

The signs were all there. We were approaching a climax of violence centered around insurrection and a desired coup by the dictator wannabe Donald Trump. 

Even before we began voting in 2020, Trump said if he lost, the election was rigged. He set the stage for this violence, brought this disgrace, and the politicians who stood with him and continue to are not American Patriots. They are accomplices in an attempt to destroy our democracy and our country.

I’m not surprised this is where we are. I figured Trump would continue to throw a fit and incite even more violence. Especially after the events in Charlottesville, when he made it clear what side he stands on.

His strongest weapon: dangerous rhetoric hidden in plainspeech. He used his weapon on Wednesday at his rally when he told his cult of followers to go to the Capitol. Then, as they overwhelmed Captiol police, who were questionably few in numbers, he waited and waited to call for peace.

When he did, he tells these terrorists, these rioters “I love you.” When last year his tweets threatened prison sentences for BLM protesters he called “thugs”.

Is it not clear where he stands?

Check out this article for break down on How a Pro-Trump Mob Stormed the U.S. Capitol

I seriously question the motives behind the Capitol police. The Chief has already resigned. But I’ll say this; if Trump had won the 2020 election, and BLM protesters were at a rally nearby and then began to walk to the Capitol to protest there, the National Guard would have been deployed ASAP, there would have been swat, there would have been a wall of police in riot gear to meet them. The stark difference in response AND response time shows what most of us already know: there is a double standard and white supremacy reigns in this country. Check out this article comparing the police response.

That disgraceful day is cemented into the history of the U.S., and I will never forget it.

Now in the final countdown to January 20th, I am hoping no one else will die. I am hoping for a peaceful transition of power. I hope that Trump, the domestic terrorist/rioters, and his allies will be prosecuted for their crimes against this nation.

A call for the 25th, Impeachment? It’s a little late for that. Trump should have been removed from office permanently within the first year of his term.

Revisiting The Past

Four years ago, I found myself dazed and unable to grasp the fact that Donald Trump was going to be President.

Looking back, I combed through my blog to see if I had written about that year, and I did. I forgot about this blog post until the summer of 2020, and today I want to include a few excerpts (below) in my response. Reading my words now, my heart breaks. It’s almost over, but the journey we had to take to get here was a bloody one.

The night the election results came in, I was working, people started crying in the restaurant. An angry couple stormed out, the man said, “We are so fucked.” His words have echoed in my head since then over and over again.

The excerpts below are dated December 19th, 2017.

“The results of the election last year were devastating. Not only had Trump won but suddenly the surreal feeling of living in a twilight zone-like reality began. Watching Trump’s inaugural speech on January 20th on TV, the strange and gloomy streets as he paraded in Washington D.C. Suddenly, it felt like something had dramatically changed. I couldn’t exactly put my finger on it but now I think I’ve realized what it was that I felt. This was the beginning of a new time, a new block of time that would have to be sectioned off, highlighted, and analytically picked apart day by day in the future. It has been termed an Era: The Era of Trump. I think this term is correct because now it is apparent 2017 is the start of another chapter in U.S. history.”

“There is little room to breathe when his ego is threatened when his words are analyzed and questioned when his behavior is criticized as being inappropriate and extremely insensitive. But the division between pro and anti-Trump supporters is creating unsafe spaces full of animosity and possibly dangerous eruptions.”

Charlottesville was a turning point. The protest turned violent and deadly, the POTUS fumbled and went back and forth on his own response to the events. The ‘Unite the Right’ rally featured white supremacists, who try to camouflage their hate and identity with terms such as ‘white nationalist’, protesting the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue. Counter protestors were present and violence quickly ensued. Finally, counter-protestor Heather D. Heyer was killed when a white nationalist plowed his car into the crowd…

“Trump’s response was inappropriate and strange. I think his words will be highlighted and remembered forever as he said there was blame “…on many sides.” This did not make sense, it still doesn’t. Suddenly people who do not believe in hate, racism, and bigotry were equated with white supremacists? Both parties were somehow guilty? This is when I think America finally began to understand where the POTUS stood in terms of hate, racism, and bigotry if they hadn’t already clued in with his behavior before the presidency. It was so apparent when his quick on the draw tweets and responses were delayed…possibly for once a response was being thought over by Trump himself before coming out of his mouth.”

“I have been conducting research since then on white supremacist groups. My findings are horrifying and I am now more aware than ever that America may have to again fight against racism (a never-ending fight) on a publically large-scale level similar to that of the civil rights movements of the 1960’s. (Oftentimes I found that white supremacist groups say they are not racists but just have certain beliefs regarding who should be a recognized citizen, including who should have rights, which for them means only specific people of white European-descent. Their definition of what an ‘American’ is, rests solely on their beliefs of race)…”

Excerpts from my blog post, “Personal Response: Surviving 2017 in the Trump Era

It didn’t take long for this new era to take hold. The shock of dealing with blasphemous tweets, misinformation, and straight out lies.

A little boy, a bully, who turned the cabinet into a revolving door. Who spouted rhetoric reinforcing the structural racism that continues to rot this country out from the inside.

This man, this crook, spent four years dividing the country, mastering manipulation and putting to question facts, truth, and justice, spinning his followers a new reality where they could choose to believe facts if they wanted to.

Now we suffer the consequences of anti-maskers in a pandemic. People are purposely putting the lives of others in danger. And over 350,000 Americans are DEAD.

What happens now?

We are in year two of the Pandemic. Thousands of Americans are dying every day from COVID-19. The country is in turmoil, divided, and sick from the Era of Trump.

Can Biden and Harris bring justice and order to the chaos? Can they help the nation unite and defeat COVID? Can they help us heal the festering wounds Trump has made.

I hope so.

I’ll end this with one last quote because now more than ever I still believe:

“…If having Trump as POTUS is what it takes for the U.S. to wake up and realize we need to address specific issues that have continued to be swept under the rug or falsely believed to be ‘solved’ then so be it. This is the time for change to happen. This is not a time to be silent and pretend that something isn’t already happening in our country. The political turmoil, the continual protests on “both sides”, the issue of sexual harassment, these events are crucial in understanding that right now is not the time to stick our heads in the sand. We must be vocal and supportive and uphold the rights that we have worked so long and so hard to gain as Americans. If a diverse society cannot be, or cannot function, if a belief in rights and equality for all people in this country is not possible then our country would be exactly the same as it was in previous centuries. If it is not possible then why did change happen in the past?”

Excerpts from my blog post, “Personal Response: Surviving 2017 in the Trump Era

If you are reading this, Thank You. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my words. Stay safe out there.



Day after SLC Earthquake: March 19th, 2020

Today is a good day. I still have a roof over my head, all my utilities are working, and me, my boyfriend and our dog are all well and safe.

Yesterday, was one of the most bizarre days of my life.

I woke up to our apartment shaking. I bolted for our dining table and got under and called out my bf’s name, he was sleeping on the couch (he was having a hard time sleeping the night before). He grabbed our boston terrier and we were under our dining table for a good while. The first quake felt massive, I had a clock fall off the wall and break, broken glass on the floor, and a picture frame on the bookshelf right next to our dining table fell off and broke right next to us, more broken glass on the floor.

We checked our phones and I prepped for aftershocks. After the second quake, not as strong as the first, I did what I wasn’t supposed to and got out from under the table and ran around the apartment with my boots on taking anything with glass and putting it on the floor, picture frames, breakables. I took all of our glasses off the shelves in the kitchen and put them on the floor. All day yesterday and even this morning (at 6:45 a.m.) we’ve been feeling aftershocks. Only one, yesterday at about 1:10 p.m. made us get under our dining room table again, it was a 4.6 earthquake in Magna, UT.

more info: USGS Earthquake March 18, 2020 SLC, UT 

The tremors, movements of our apartment building are weird and bizarre. It’s disorienting and I feel like I’m in a shaking funhouse.

We moved into our apartment the first week of March and barely got everything organized and settled before the situation with COVID-19 escalated nationally last week. Now it’s a little bit disorganized again and lacking decoration since I took all the framed pictures and other breakable trinkets down.

Our place is a 104-year-old brick building and luckily we are on the top floor. But when we moved in we already noticed it had a few unusual tilts and cracks here and there; crooked door jambs, windows, you name it. So far everything looks about the same or just a little shifted but I am just grateful the building still stands. It was a moderate earthquake but the continuous aftershocks (to be expected up to three weeks after) are what can cause more shifting or falling debris and damage.

The initial earthquake was a magnitude of 5.7 in Magna, Utah. We are barely on the outskirts of it, so what we felt was nothing compared to those who live in Magna and West Valley.

march 18 2020 earthquake utah

This is from this morning. The blue dot is my location.

march 19 2020 earthquake

Map of SLC Earthquake 3/19/2020

On Tuesday, I got up applied for unemployment, dressed and went down to the Pub where I work. They were allowing us to come in and clock in for hourly and clean the restaurant, we could show up whenever and work however long we wanted to. I was there scrubbing stairs for about three hours before I went home, took the dog for a walk and decided I should do laundry, thinking that it might be my only chance this week in case things get worse. I got home around six from the laundromat and discussed our budget and made plans with my bf. He works for eBay and went in that day for overtime, once he showed up they gave him a computer and equipment and told him to go home, set up and work the remainder of his shifts from home. Tuesday feels like it was a week ago right now and waking up to an earthquake Wednesday morning did not help my already high-stress levels, talk about timing.

I think what is good is that naturally, my response was to take action and get everything with glass off the walls or down from up high where it could fall and break. I took the initiative yesterday and even packed a couple emergency bags for us in case we lost power for more than 24 hours. I communicated with my family a backup plan in case things get worse too. Preparing for the worst and making a plan with my family and bf has given me so much peace of mind. I found myself more positive, less stressed out, and overall happier after the earthquake. For the rest of the day, we relaxed, watched funny movies and TV shows and laughed. The mood was light and we were really happy, I think in general we were just relieved to still have our place and know we were going to be okay for the day.

As for work,

I don’t think I’ll be qualified for unemployment because I recently found out that all Pub employees are not being “fired” technically. They have dropped the hour requirements for our health and dental benefits down to 0 for the next 30 days that they plan on being closed due to the statewide closure of all restaurants and bars. This is good because it means I still have my benefits while all of this is going on.

So now I am looking for online work because I have no income for the next 30 days. Initially, I wanted to find an in-person job as a cashier or stocker somewhere in SLC. But my family has convinced me that I should wait it out and stay home. I was reluctant but I gave them my word I would do this. They don’t want me to put myself in any kind of situation that is an unnecessary risk, not just my health (I’m a spry 26-year-old woman) but the health of others since I worked at a Pub that gets regular airport travelers up until the last day we were open for dine-in service (March 16th, 2020). At this point, I agree with my family and in case COVID-19 is more widespread than we know, I have to take responsibility for the well-being of others.

Today, I plan on looking for an online job, anything to do with writing. I’ve been looking for jobs in copywriting, content writing, marketing, technical writing, journalism, and blogging for the last 3-4 years already. Looking for a remote job now I think is vital in case the 30-day ban on restaurants and bars is extended.

Besides looking for a job, my Poetry Workshop at Westminster has been moved online and I am excited to get in touch with the other students and my professor. I have so much poetry to read and I have so much writing to do. I think it is important that I chronicle what’s going on, on a day-to-day basis, as I writer, I feel it is my duty at this point.

But I cannot express my happiness and relief that we are ok, that my family is ok, and my friends. I feel incredibly lucky that we have running water, electricity, and gas. So incredibly lucky.

Yesterday, it was estimated around 70,000 Utahns did not have electricity.

As of Today at 11:10 a.m. MST according to Rocky Mountain Power there are only “39 outages affecting 448 customers”.

power outages rocky mountain power utah march 19 2020

Right now, me and my bf are going to be taking it one day at a time. To everyone out there I hope you are well and safe. Stay calm and find funny things to laugh at and fun things to do (especially if you are already stuck at home).

Best of luck to you all! And please feel free to leave comments or message me, especially if anyone has any leads on remote work for my line of work. I would really appreciate it.



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Liked this blog post? Check out these:

Life During COVID-19: Reflecting on the Murder of Robert Fuller, Trump and a Personal Update(Opens in a new browser tab)

Life during COVID-19 (4/13/20): Poetry for $ and more poems(Opens in a new browser tab)

Life During COVID-19 (4/28/2020): Job Search, Internship and Opening Up Utah(Opens in a new browser tab)