Reader Poll: What do you want to read?


I am planning on publishing posts regularly now that I will have more time this summer (graduating finally!). I would love to know if there are any topics/subjects that you would be interested in reading. Please complete the poll and feel free to leave comments or contact me with any suggestions!

Thank you to all my followers and regular readers (and new ones too!), I really appreciate your time and dedication in reading my writing.


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Poem #190 (Dice)

Image result for playing dice

Die that spins and falls

the sides, side one, side four,

six, eight? White, black, white

dot, dot, dot. Die that spins

and falls.


Thank you for reading my work! I hope you will return in the future! Please follow or subscribe to the email list to be notified when I publish new work! 

Thank you,


Blood, Bones, Sweat [poem #189]

Image result for dead bird
Wikimedia Commons

Bloodied fingers, set small skins apart

the bones that crunch in the jaws of

the dog. I am the birds feathers, strewn

across the grass. Droplets of sweat, saliva,

and blood permeate the air.


Thank you for reading my work! I hope you will return in the future! If you would like to be notified when I publish new material please follow or subscribe to the email list.

Thank you, 


Finalist for MOE AWARDS 2018!

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photo source:

I am an official FINALIST for the Mark of Excellence Award in Feature Writing for 2018!

The Mark of Excellence Award is presented by the Society of Professional Journalists to collegiate student newspapers, journals, and writers.


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My Finalist Article that I wrote for The Daily Utah Chronicle: 5 Horror Movies that Subvert Tropes of Gender, Race and Politics

I am so honored to be a finalist and to be selected in a pool of over 10,000 student writers! Even though I was not a winner this is a huge achievement. I want to thank The Daily Utah Chronicle, my Editors for the A&E desk, and my fellow staff writers.

Thank you!


Poem #188 (Power of the Mind)

Image result for universe

The power of the mind

comes alive in the darkness

of the dreams,

they drift and

destroy the world, fading

into the sun,

into the sky.


Thank you for reading my work! I hope you will return in the future! If you would like to read more of my poems or be notified when new poems are published please follow or subscribe to the email list!
