Poetry Reading at Utah Arts Festival 2018

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This is an announcement about an upcoming event.

I will be doing a Poetry Reading at the 2018 Utah Arts Festival

Scheduled for June 21st @ 2:30 p.m. at Big Mouth Stage

I will be reading some of my original poetry with a possibility of selling printed copies of selected poems after the reading.

This is a great opportunity and I am so grateful to the UAF, thank you thank you thank you!



Poetry Reading: Utah Arts Festival 2018

Image result for utah arts festival



This is an announcement about an upcoming event.

I will be doing a Poetry Reading at the 2018 Utah Arts Festival

Scheduled for June 21st @ 2:30 p.m. at Big Mouth Stage

I will be reading some of my original poetry with a possibility of selling printed copies of selected poems after the reading.

This is a great opportunity and I am so grateful to the UAF, thank you thank you thank you!



Words in the Void (Poem #197)

Image result for words+outer space
Blue Luna by PJ Nelson on Flickr


Words boiling under the skin

hearts pulsing and drifting into

the sky. A light in the darkness.

A recurring thought, circles and

circles, spinning into the void.


Thank you for reading my work! I hope you will return in the future! 

To read more of my poems and short stories please subscribe or follow! 
