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Category: Poetry
Life during COVID-19 (4/13/20): Poetry for $ and more poems
It’s almost been a month since the last day I worked (March 17th). It’s bizarre to think that time has passed so quickly and somehow so slowly at the same time. I feel like I’m utilizing my time well but I’m so frustrated I haven’t landed a job yet.
‘Poem to Read Aloud’ by Alina Happy Hansen (April 11th, 2020)
Decided to do something different, here is a video of me reading one of my poems, this one titled (for now) ‘Poem to Read Aloud’.
I wrote this poem as an assignment for the Poetry Workshop at Westminster that I’m in.
Life During COVID-19 (4/7/2020): Unemployment, Poetry for $ and Staying Positive
I’ve been so busy applying for jobs and working on poem orders, the time has just flown by. I have gotten more donations from friends through my POETRY FOR $. The past three days, I had a poem request every single day which is amazing. Thanks to donations from friends, their $upport is helping me pay a few bills and put some money aside for groceries.
Celebrating National Poetry Month 2020: Poems I Love and Poetry for $
I am still offering POETRY FOR $ while I am unemployed and looking for a job. It has been a hard few weeks since I was laid off from my job as FOH employee at Squatters Pub Brewery in Downtown Salt Lake City. I have been applying to a minimum of 2-5 jobs a day and thankfully just received my first unemployment check yesterday (not a lot but something) which is helping me pay some of my bills right now.