Free Hand #12

It’s pretty hot in SLC today, the heats getting to me.


The sun beats down

and I am pulverized

meat, rotten in the heat

against the pavement

my blood trickles

into gutters, full

of garbage and



If you are reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing! I hope you return in the future!


Publication: Sand and Sky Launch Party

Yesterday I attended Rumi Poetry Club’s, Sand and Sky Launch Party. It was a fun event that included many key speakers who are prevalent poets in Utah. I want to say Thank You to Rumi Poetry Club for publishing my poem, Climbing up the Wasatch Mountains, and I would also like to thank my boyfriend, Dallas, who kindly took photos for the event.

Here is a link to the anthology on amazon available for purchase!

Sand and Sky: poems from Utah

Free Hand #9

In the night

My mind spins. Blood boils, oh boiling not in rage. Not in peace, oh why why.

The sun shines. Shining and sweet against the flesh. 

How the blood runs cold. In the night. Your eyes bury themselves. Into your skin. Into your body. Why cold, why now?

Ramblings, into the darkness. The eyes are here watching us all go off into the night.


If you’re reading this, thank you for taking time out of your day to read my writing. I hope you return in the future! 
