Free Hand #16

I am going out of town this week. So if I don’t post as much, that’s why.

Will return by Friday!


The blue light streaks across the sky

like 1955. The dreams passed us by. Time

changes everything. I’m growing into

someone new and the pains are the

worst. You followed up to the hills

and lost me in the trees. Where do

you go from here? Not sure. Don’t

ask me. I’ll resurface in some ocean

if you want to come find me.


If you’re reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing! I hope you return in the future!


Free Hand #15 (Give Me My Music)

It’s been raining all week. Nice weather, I like it very much. Currently reading about four books simultaneously on different things, fiction and poetry books. Also listening to Lady Gaga’s latest album Joanne (2016).


Cannot see the sun,

the blood in my mouth bubbles over my lips

and my mind swims in the dark. Twisting

thoughts and reminiscing about days

that never happened. You turn up and turn down

the music. I am angry and want nothing more

than a beat and voice to keep me going.

Life isn’t all dances and fun. There’s

heartache too.

oh well, never thought you’d be so rigid

about things like that.

Feel the dust in the air rise, right before it rains

right before a peel of thunder, shakes the house

with you and me inside.

I cannot see the sun anymore,

all I want is my music on a dark rainy day

give that to me, would you?


If you are reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing. I hope you turn in the future!


Free Hand #14 (Speculative Poetry)

It’s only Tuesday and it feels like the end of the week for me. I often take into account the weather when I start my daily writing. I try to work through my environment before writing on other subjects. Also, listening to: Veruca Salt, Album: Ghost Notes (2015)





Daytime with night sky and thunder

overhead. Trying to keep myself warm

with coffee and electric ideas that

shimmer under the surface of my mind.

Twisting words into sentences, chiseling

and carving out a paragraph takes an

entire day. It’s raining and I am attempting

to connect thoughts with reality. The bitterness

in the back of my throat, music keeps me going,

words are only tools. Use your tools wisely.



Thank you for reading!



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Free Hand #13 (Synthetic City)

Today is one of those days that I struggle with SLC. This is a rough piece that I jotted down about my own personal conflict with SLC.


My blood is hot and the water

boils against my skin. The cool wave

of wind holds tight to my skin,

breathing through my clothes

and outlining my body.

You look up into the sky and wonder

if there is anything at all, I say,

don’t bother looking, does it

even matter?

My bones begin to crack under

the strain of living in a city

built over plains. A synthetic

place made of hopes and tears,

fake a smile and let it all

go, this place died long ago.



If you are reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing! I hope you return in the future!


Questions about Writers Resist

I’ve been reading about Writers Resist. An organization to defend democracy and rights in America in which writers get together and use their talents to resist corruption. I’m interested by this since for the past five months I’ve been struggling along with everyone else at the state of our Nation and the politics that are now becoming a very large obsession in everyone’s day to day lives. The feeling of tension and uncertainty is almost palpable sometimes. It’s hard to adjust to this extremely hyperactive obsessive society and I feel like at this moment the fight for human rights is as important as ever.

I am trying to familiarize myself with the Writers Resist and was wondering if anyone had more information on this.

I’ve noticed that there are two websites,


I am going to keep researching this movement and would love to take part. But I would like to know the differences between the two sites and if these differences relate to a solid organization versus an informal gathering and events. I will post my findings soon. Please leave any info or reflections on Writers Resist in comments below.
