Freehand Poem #21: Sun for Sin

Yesterday the heat was unbearable. I’m pretty tired today but still alive!!!

I’m fascinated by the old belief that if people sinned God/s would punish them through destruction and really really horrible weather.


Sun for Sin


The sun melts me down, to a pile of flesh and blood.

Feel my skin loosen and moisture seeps out of every

pore. Thinking of Dante’s hell, thinking of the different levels

with different kinds of torture based on sins committed.

Wondering what sin of mine inspired the sun to burn me

alive today.


If you are reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope you return in the future!


Freehand Poem #20: What does the sky say?

Weather has been great. I am so behind in writing.

Listening to: The Dead Weather Album Dodge and Burn


What does the sky say? As it echoes explosions across the valley?

Torn up and red like a stormy sunset on the ocean. Doused

with rouge, doused with passion. Sky bleeding down on me,

whispering words of warning. There’s something coming.



If you are reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope you return in the future!


Freehand Poem #19: Waiting instead of Going

Long day yesterday. I am feeling pretty beat from it still.

Listening to: Twin of Myself by Black Moth Super Rainbow


Sun blazes above me. Another day, another moment

after this one, after that, and then I find myself waiting

for nothing because nothing happens when you are

waiting instead of going. You lift me up into the sun

and my skin begins to burn, charred black and falling

off my bones, till I am just ash, till I am just nothing.

Waiting, waiting, waiting instead of going.



If you are reading this, Thank You, for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope you return in the future!


Freehand Poem #18

Cool day in SLC. I have today off, planning on relaxing all day. Here are more mutterings of mine.

Listening to: Coachella-woodstock in my mind by Lana Del Rey


The sun heats the glory, in my blood, a vein

of rage rushes on. The end of the night, and

the gold in my mind resonates with hell below.

What dreams become reality when the sun

rises over those mountains? Silver light and

calm, blissful, embalm me. Save me

from the endless night that plagues my mind.



If you are reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing! I hope you return in the future!


Free Hand #17

Back in SLC. Super tired. Here are some random mutterings.

Listening to: Restless Babe by SKATERS


The sun peaks over the horizon. Moving through clouds,

sitting on, waiting for, the end of one more day then another.

Closer, it keeps ticking by and my blood boils

under fire, in the heat, my mind explodes. Why are you so quiet?

Why are so cold? That’s what happens when you live up in the sky.


If you are reading this Thank You for taking time out of your day to read my writing! I hope you return in the future!
