9/11: A Day of Remembrance

Every year on this day America remembers the loss that we experienced on September 11th, 2001. A day that changed America dramatically. Even though I am young, I still remember that day and my own memories and experiences on that day still vividly remain with me. There are no words that can accurately describe the pain and loss that we felt as a nation 16 years ago and still do today. It is in this small way that I acknowledge the significance of today and my own responsibility as an American to give my respect.

-Alina Hansen

Free Hand #70

Following without thinking, speaking and preaching, words as weapons. Words to live and die for. If we took silence and gave it the same power. Where would that lead us? Into death? or a new existence? Ramblings of a reader, of a writer, not trying to limit or outline what is possible or what isn’t. Ramblings in need of direction.


If you’re reading this Thank you for taking time out of your day to read my writing!

I hope you will return in the future!
