Free Hand #101 (Story of Humanity)

There is nothing to be done

it will all repeat itself again

one fight is another victory

is another defeat and so

the story of humanity

continues. But

does that mean, I will

shut my mouth

and lay down to die

in the futility of it all?

No, I will not shut my mouth

and I will not lay down to die

a quiet death.


Thank you for reading my writing! I hope you will return in the future! 


Free Hand #100 (Sun and Moon)

Obsession with a sun that never shines

a cold disk of pale yellow that rises and falls above me,

where is it that you go at night? I can never find you.

The moon is solid and full, sits calmly in the black sky

he can never quite catch up to you, and that’s how you like it.


Thank you for reading my writing! I hope you will return in the future! 


Free Hand #98 (Rise above your Hell)

There is a hell inside that reigns

it grips you by your soul and pulls you under

until there is nothing but you and the abyss

of your sorrow. You must overcome your hell

and rise above it, only you can do this

no one else can.


Thank you for reading my writing! I hope you will return in the future! 


Free Hand #97 (Fall Reflections)

Blue sky and bright eyes

looking up up up to trace the jet lines

that criss-cross across the horizon.

The cold bitter air that bites, the leaves

that pile up and lay dead on the ground.

A whispering wind that foretells snow.


Thank you for reading my writing! I hope you will return in the future! 
