“What We Do in the Shadows” is a mockumentary film that takes the classic vampire tropes in horror and sheds a little bit of humorous light on them. I recently watched this film for the first time (can’t believe that I haven’t seen it earlier considering my taste in movies) and I thought this…
Category: Spooky Stuff I Love
Here you’ll find screams, horror, and a love of the macabre in my Spooky archives. A huge Halloween and Horror Film fan, I write about Samhain, movies, share my creepy art, and more!
A Review that Bites: “Dark Shadows” TV Series(1966-1971)
In this short blog post, I review one of my favorite campy horror shows “Dark Shadows” the TV Series that ran from 1966 to 1971.
Halloween Favorites : ‘Kid’ Movies
Here are a few more of my favorite Halloween movies! These ones are considered more appropriate for younger audiences.
A Few Favorites: Halloween Movies…
Here are a few of my favorite Halloween movies that I love! Including, Trick ‘r Treat, Drag Me to Hell, and more!
iZombie: Why the Living Dead matter
(photo source: imdb.com) iZombie is a series based on the DC comic of the same name originally released in 2010. The TV show began in 2015 and is still running. There are currently four seasons out but I will be covering just the first three. The main premise of the show is about an underground…