30 Poetry Books You Must Read: How-to’s, Collections and Anthologies

Here is an extensive list of 30 poetry books I highly recommend! You’ll find how-to’s on writing poetry, collections, and anthologies of poems.

Do you have poetry books that you’d recommend? Leave a comment below and let’s chat!

rings on the book
Photo by Ioana Motoc on Pexels.com

Books on Writing Poetry

Here are my top four reference poetry books that I use to write my poems. Complete with how-to’s, advice, and details on countless poetry forms.

Poemcrazy: freeing your life with words by Susan Goldsmith Wooldridge

New Rhyming Dictionary and Poets Handbook by Burges Johnson

Modern American Poetry Edited by Louis Untermeyer

Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics

A Book of Women poets from Antiquity to Now Edited by Aliki Barnstone and Willis Barnstone

open on white picnic blanket
Photo by Leeloo Thefirst on Pexels.com

Poetry Collections & Anthologies

These are some of my absolute favorite poetry collections and anthologies. They span the old and the new, and I just can’t get enough of them. If you’re looking to dive into poetry, I recommend you pick up one of these and give it a go!

The Vintage Book of Contemporary American Poetry Edited by J.D. McClatchy

The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson

Selected Poems and Letter of Emily Dickinson Edited by Robert N. Linscott

Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman

The New Modern American and British Poetry Edited by Louis Untermeyer

The Collected Poems of Wilfred Owen Edited by C. Day Lewis

The Faber Book of 20th Century Verse Edited by John Heath-Stubbs and David Wright

The Complete Poems of Marianne Moore

Birds, Beasts, and Seas: Nature Poems from New Directions Edited by Jeffrey Yang

Howl and Other Poems by Allen Ginsberg

open book and a dry twig lying on white bedsheets
Photo by Dilruba Sarıçimen on Pexels.com

Love Poems of Ovid

Ovid: the Metamorphoses Translated, and with an Introduction by Horace Gregory

Rilke: A Life by Wolfgang Leppmann

The Collected Poems of Theodore Roethke

The Selected Poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke Edited and Translated by Stephen Mitchell

The Odyssey Translated by Robert Fagles Introduction and Notes by Bernard Knox

i six nonlectures by E.E. Cummings

Herman Hesse Poems Selected and Translated by James Wright

A Season in Hell and The Drunken Boat By Arthur Rimbaud Translated by Louise Varese

man resting his head on woman while reading book
Photo by Yaroslav Shuraev on Pexels.com

A Wild Patience Has Taken Me This Far: Poems 1978-1981 by Adrienne Rich

Selected Poetry of Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

The Laurel Poetry Series: POE

One Hundred Modern Poems selected with an introduction by Selden Rodman

Anthology of Modern Japanese Poetry translated and compiled by Edith Marcombe Shiffert Yuki Sawa

No Nature: New and Selected Poems by Gary Snyder

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Inktober 2020 and Currently Reading

I’ve been m.i.a. for a while and I thought I’d share why: I’m participating in Inktober this year, putting my own spooky spin on it. Plus I’ve been reading like crazy.

Keeping my mind busy outside of work has helped me process a lot of the ups and downs of this week and last when it comes to politics, events, and COVID-19. Plus Election day is getting closer and I find myself increasingly anxious, I think a lot of people are.

So here we go, my first ten ink/pencil drawings for this year’s Inktober plus what I’m currently reading Lovecraft Country by Matt Ruff (it’s amazing!)

I’m also reading The Simulacra by Phillip K. Dick and Dark Carnival by Ray Bradbury. I’ve been feeling like horror/scary stories and sci-fi more and more not only because of Halloween but because of how crazy this year has been.

I’d love to know if anyone is participating in Inktober or if you’re currently reading anything wonderfully spooky. Let me know! Leave a comment below or contact me directly.

Have a wonderful day and thank you for reading!


October Update: The Shining, Halloween, and My Novel

October has flown by and with less than two weeks left there isn’t much left to do but wait for November.

Image result for the shining book
Wikimedia Commons

The famous line from the movie, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” was nowhere in the book. A creative add-on by Kubrick.

The Shining

Yesterday, I finished reading Stephen King’s classic THE SHINING. At about four-hundred-something pages this novel took me on the ups and downs of the Torrance family at The Overlook Hotel. What I loved about the book that was different from the movie (directed by Stanley Kubrick) was the building of tension between the characters through their POV’s. Seeing The Overlook from the perspectives of all the important characters added to the sheer terror of their situation while emphasizing how malicious the hotel really is. Plus the character of Danny Torrance is captivating, a clever little boy born with second-sight who has to fight evil forces to try and keep his mom and dad alive. This was a quick read for me and now I am planning on devouring DOCTOR SLEEP before the movie comes out at the end of the month, or at least before I see it.


This year I haven’t done any ‘Halloween’ themed posts. To be honest, it is because I haven’t had any time. A little over a week ago, I finally quit my internship as an Intern for SG BOOK SCOUTING. After a month of working (unpaid) some 25-30 hours a week, I was worn out, irritated, and found myself with little to no time for my own writing or reading. Initially, the internship was for three months but I barely made it over one month. I found myself doing anywhere from 2-8 hours of work a day as an intern. On Fridays I would be given an assignment due on Monday morning, usually, this was to read an entire book (around 50,000 words or more) and write an extensive review. This weekend assignment wasn’t too bad except that I usually do doubles on the weekends at my job working 9-12 hour shifts, leaving me with little time to do the assignment. Since quitting, I’m less stressed out and I have had time to catch up on my daily writing and read whatever I want. I have been incredibly happy, enjoying my freedom again and I have decided that for the future any internships I apply to will have to be paid. My time is too precious for me to work for free.

I’m not sure if I’m going to have any time to write a few Halloween themed posts before the end of the month but if I do, chances are they will be centered around movies (of course).

My Novel

The last time I took a look at my novel it was September 9th, according to my google docs. Now I’m going to take another crack at it. Whenever I approach my novel, again and again, I do a read through from start to finish. Doing my best not to edit or change anything. I want to read it just to read it. When I go back over it to start the second reading, I will edit part by part (so far it’s three parts). I want to get a good portion of this done before November because I think I’m going to try to write another book (totally unrelated to the one I’ve been working on) for NaNoWriMo this year. I have a few story ideas and weird plot lines shifting around in my head and I think what I’d work on would be realistic fiction. A change of pace, something different, from the weird supernatural stories that are always floating around in my head.

I will keep you all updated and expect a new post soon in MY FIRST NOVEL series.

Thank you for reading!




Poetry Reading @CBE Sept. 27th

I had a great time reading some of my poetry at Central Book Exchange’s Fall Reading.

(Alina Happy Hansen POETRY READING photo credit: Dallas Basta copyright 2019)


I read a selection of poems I have been currently working on, plus a few poems I recently published here on my blog. It was a great experience and I was so happy I could participate in the Fall Reading after the Spring Reading back in April.

Spring Reading @ CBE April 2019

I want to keep participating in events like this and I need to gain more experience in reading my poetry to the public. My goal is to do at least half a dozen readings per year that will hopefully turn into more.

Thank you!

