Alina on Patreon: Debut Poetry Reading and Writing Discussion Podcast

Originally published on my Patreon page (Public-Access) on May 28 at 1:43pm

Debut Poetry Reading and Discussion 5/28/2020

 Downloadable Link of Audio: Debut Poetry Reading and Discussion May 28, 2020.m4a

This is a taste for what’s in store for my future Patrons!

In this Reading/Discussion:

  • I read poems from my Poetry Reading set list at Central Book Exchange on September 27th, 2019.
  • I talk about how I write my poems: revision techniques, poems that are really poetic prose, or the beginnings of creative non-fiction personal essays.
  • I talk about the Utah Arts Festival, my poetry reading as a Literary Artist this year was postponed due to the spread of COVID-19 until 2021.

Link to my Poetry Reading at the Utah Arts Festival June 2018:

Link to CBE Poetry Reading: Patrons-Only Post  or Blog Post Public-Access

I’d like to thank Central Book Exchange again for hosting this event and allowing me to read my poetry, Thank you so much! I hope you are all doing well and staying safe! I miss coming in and browsing for Poetry.

CBE on Facebook

Poems I read from the set list: 

Poem: blue jays flinting 

blue jays flinting from tree to tree

Electric blue feathers, screeching at dusk and sunrise

everything’s dying, everything’s dead.


California Turkey Vultures





12lb braid, Mitchelle reel

The hundreds of white-ghost bodies of half-dead jellyfish

Floating, drifting through the cold pacific water

The rush of waves against the beach, upturning broken shells,

The cream crest of the waves, folding over, clashing with each other

A discarded empty beer bottle nestled in the exposed roots of a tree

Lonely elders, spilling their lives, when provoked, to any stranger.

Anyone who shows an interest.

The slick black body of the eel that swam to shore, weaving in and out of the floating seaweed

Disappearing under the massive stone I stood on

My hands wet from pulling off seaweed tangled on the hook of my lure

The azure water changing color with the currents, low-tide-high-tide-my-tide

The gray-black ball of baitfish swimming near the surface of the water, ripples when they jump and swim close to the surface, chased below

Poem: Teeth To Ear (originally published on

Teeth to ear 

words open and close

lips move, no sound

a gasp, escaped sentences

jump from teeth to ear

wide eyes to fists hitting flesh.

Wreck and Passenger

Nestled on a riverside

a minutes drive from the ocean

a sailboat heavy with age and time          Erodes

sailless mast, a ribcage


I am passenger

in my dad’s vehicle

we are fishermen and campers, here, in this minuscule town on the Oregon coast

his vehicle purrs, its roundish body coffin-like, bubble windows close me up

in his submarine machine

we drive over the bridge

a slight incline

to decline


we drive back and forth

over the bridge

into town for McDonalds hamburgers, for lures, for breaks between fishing

I look at the sailboat wondering if it is an abandoned dream or once a living token of memories

I am passenger

the day we drive over

the bridge

(into or out of

town I cannot


my Dad booms-arm-out-finger-pointing

“Look! The sailboat sunk!”

and I look and

the sailboat

is sunk


the river, the mast at an angle, an arrow






Dad talks, says, it’s unusual, “boats don’t just sink—someone got pissed off,” and

that makes sense but doesn’t

it also makes sense

that the water ate up the boat, or tried to, stuck in its throat

I am a passenger

and we drive over the bridge


my eyes linger on the boat’s crippled body, until

one day, we see ropes attached to mast-and-bone-and-wood,

a spider’s tight gossamer, webbed, and pulling

dragging the wreckage of this maybe-dream-maybe-token-of-memories

up out of the waters throat

I am passenger

in my father’s land-submarine dispirited for the resurrection of this wreck

a watery grave, even partial is better than crucifixion by time, a wooden corpse forced to rot

in view of all passerbys and passengers.

Thank you all for reading and listening to my words, my poems, it means everything to me. I deeply appreciate your time and consideration. 

Stay safe and stay healthy!



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Become a Subscriber! Get notified when new posts are published plus once a week I will send content just for you: poem, personal update, reading list, writing tips and more!


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Life During COVID-19 (5/28/2020): Writing to Stay Sane

I’m struggling. To stay positive, to keep it together.

I’m checking the news only twice a day now. Once, while I have breakfast and right before I go to bed. I think this practice has helped, and I’ve read about it frequently when it comes to managing stress levels about COVID-19.

But I don’t necessarily feel stressed out about COVID-19. Yes, I am concerned. I wear a mask when I go to public places like the grocery store, the only public place I’ve gone to besides Target since Mid-March. I am more worried about the next six months, the next year. I am concerned about how my life’s going to be by May 2021.

Every time I feel like I’m drowning in worry, in doubt, I have to stop and take a moment. I have to reaffirm to myself that I have to keep going, I’m not one to throw in the towel and give up. And I’m definitely not going to wallow in despair. My coping mechanism is to take action: do something. I have to. But right now, I don’t think I’m doing enough. And coming to terms that the illusion of control creates a false sense of security is my biggest problem. I am more aware now than ever that I have no control over anything, and the smartest thing I can do is keep going.

What does all this gibbering lead to? Writing

It’s all I have. It’s all I’m doing right now to stay sane. I have to write. I need to write. Writing is my anchor, keeping me right where I need to be, somewhere between my usual, level-headed, rational self and creative combustible artist.

I have regularly completed my daily goal of writing a minimum of 1,000 words a day. I recently took a crack at editing My First Novel, my first attempt over three months. I’ve been overwhelmed, let down by myself, putting my novel on the back burner. But now I have a renewed drive to finish my recent revision.

I am currently doing line-by-line edits. Revising to the structural core of my novel. Something I’ve found daunting the last year. I have tried to keep track, but I think this revision is number 6 or 7.

Completing my daily writing goal, writing half-baked poems here and there every day, and working on my novel has kept me grounded. And I’m tightly hanging on to my writing practices, the only thing that I find therapeutic and comforting during this strange time.

I don’t know what the future holds. I can’t waste time speculating. I have to take it one day at a time.

And every day, I am grateful. I think about how lucky I am to have a roof over my head, food in the kitchen, and my health. I am thankful that no one I know has died from the virus, chances are small, but it can still happen.

All I Can Do is Keep Writing

What have you been doing regularly during the COVID-19 Pandemic to keep you sane and grounded? Have you just started a new practice or hobby? I wanna know.

Besides writing, I’ve been baking like crazy, just like everyone else. I’ve revamped my Patreon page with content only patrons have access to. I’ve created a Facebook business page for my blog, started a Literary Internship for DLG Publishing Partners, and tried to make art and create music.

I want to know what you recommend. What you’ve found to be helpful. And I’d love to start a conversation with you. Feel free to leave a comment or contact me directly.

Stay safe and stay healthy, and to other writer’s out there, keep writing!


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What to expect as a subscriber? 

Once a week I will send something to your inbox, whether it’s a poem, special update, or notification that I published a new blog post. It will be personal, informative, and a conversation starter. What are you waiting for?


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I’m struggling. To stay positive, to keep it together.

I’m checking the news only twice a day now. Once, while I have breakfast and right before I go to bed. I think this practice has helped, and I’ve read about it frequently when it comes to managing stress levels about COVID-19.

But I don’t necessarily feel stressed out about COVID-19. Yes, I am concerned. I wear a mask when I go to public places like the grocery store, the only public place I’ve gone to besides Target since Mid-March. I am more worried about the next six months, the next year. I am concerned about how my life’s going to be by May 2021.

Every time I feel like I’m drowning in worry, in doubt, I have to stop and take a moment. I have to reaffirm to myself that I have to keep going, I’m not one to throw in the towel and give up. And I’m definitely not going to wallow in despair. My coping mechanism is to take action: do something. I have to. But right now, I don’t think I’m doing enough. And coming to terms that the illusion of control creates a false sense of security is my biggest problem. I am more aware now than ever that I have no control over anything, and the smartest thing I can do is keep going.

What does all this gibbering lead to? Writing

It’s all I have. It’s all I’m doing right now to stay sane. I have to write. I need to write. Writing is my anchor, keeping me right where I need to be, somewhere between my usual, level-headed, rational self and creative combustible artist.

I have regularly completed my daily goal of writing a minimum of 1,000 words a day. I recently took a crack at editing My First Novel, my first attempt over three months. I’ve been overwhelmed, let down by myself, putting my novel on the back burner. But now I have a renewed drive to finish my recent revision.

I am currently doing line-by-line edits. Revising to the structural core of my novel. Something I’ve found daunting the last year. I have tried to keep track, but I think this revision is number 6 or 7.

Completing my daily writing goal, writing half-baked poems here and there every day, and working on my novel has kept me grounded. And I’m tightly hanging on to my writing practices, the only thing that I find therapeutic and comforting during this strange time.

I don’t know what the future holds. I can’t waste time speculating. I have to take it one day at a time.

And every day, I am grateful. I think about how lucky I am to have a roof over my head, food in the kitchen, and my health. I am thankful that no one I know has died from the virus, chances are small, but it can still happen.

All I Can Do is Keep Writing

What have you been doing regularly during the COVID-19 Pandemic to keep you sane and grounded? Have you just started a new practice or hobby? I wanna know.

Besides writing, I’ve been baking like crazy, just like everyone else. I’ve revamped my Patreon page with content only patrons have access to. I’ve created a Facebook business page for my blog, started a Literary Internship for DLG Publishing Partners, and tried to make art and create music.

I want to know what you recommend. What you’ve found to be helpful. And I’d love to start a conversation with you. Feel free to leave a comment or contact me directly.

Stay safe and stay healthy, and to other writer’s out there, keep writing!



Want to become one of my Patrons? Go to my page here and join a tier. All patrons regardless of Tier have access to all of my patron-only content right now! Tiers start at $3/month! I will also send you via snailmail a handwritten personalized Poem + Thank you card for becoming a patron.

Become a Subscriber! Get notified when new posts are published plus once a week I will send content just for you: poem, personal update, reading list, writing tips and more!


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Life During COVID-19 (5/21/2020): Novel Writing, My Birthday and Opinions

For the past couple of days, I have been working on my Novel. The one I have been telling my followers about for over a year now. This week I am focusing on doing developmental edits, something I have been doing for Freelance Clients and my Literary Internship

Recently, I’ve found myself obsessed with the structure of stories: plot, characters, dialogue. Even when I am reading, I find myself picking content apart, analyzing it from different viewpoints, and rereading. I never thought I’d become so obsessed.

The advantages of my obsession: I am more aware now than ever before when writing is working and when it’s not regardless of its form. Cons? At this point, I can’t just read. I analyze every piece of written content that comes across my path. 

Check out my blog posts about Writing My First Novel

My Birthday

This Sunday is my birthday, I will be 27, not that old but definitely not young. I keep forgetting about it. Since the entire world feels like it’s going through this surreal time with the COVID-19 Pandemic. For most of Utah, except for specific areas including Salt Lake City, we have phased to “Yellow/Low Risk”. It is bizarre to think that we’re already practically in June; half the year is gone. I’ve spent two months unemployed, applying to jobs, and staying home. 

When it comes to celebrating, My BF is planning a special dinner for me, and we might go for a quick drive to get out of the city. I am excited to relax this weekend, I need a break from it all, it’s been so stressful, and it’s been so long since life was the way it used to be. I don’t think things will ever be the same. If there is something we can do to celebrate my birthday like we’ve done in the past, to bring some kind of familiarity back into our lives, it will help.

COVID-19 in Salt Lake City, Utah

Salt Lake City is still in the “Orange/Moderate Risk” phase, with select restrictions, rules, and procedures in place to try to slow the spread of COVID-19. Our death count as of today is 90.

What I’ve got my eye on, the Navajo Nation. Their death count is at 140. They are need of supplies, food, and testing. Donations have been set up to help. In my opinion, there is very little news coverage, or just barely some attention being given to the Navajo Nation during the Pandemic. This is unacceptable. One example, in my opinion, of how particular people’s stories are not being given the attention they deserve to spread the word that they need help and resources. 

Opinion: Trump and Voting in the 2020 Election

Another concern of mine: voting. Trump continues to try to hinder multiple states move to the mail-in ballot voting system. Luckily, Utah is one of the few states that have already been doing this for years. In my opinion, Trump’s obvious efforts to stop any kind of progress in making voting safer during this Pandemic, accessible, and easy for all is evidence that he is well aware he could lose by a landslide if more people can vote. 

There has always been obstacles in place to prevent people from voting. From having voting centers only open specific hours and days, when many full-time working people can’t take time off to go vote. Now, Trump pushes for more rules and regulationsHis argument that mail-in ballots allow for fraud, and people voting multiple times, again like his other claims, are not backed up by any facts, data, or substantial evidence.

Unemployed: Searching and Applying for Jobs

I’m still looking for full-time work. But I have become increasingly open to having two part-time jobs. I think that this may be more likely since I am finding more part-time job postings for copywriting, content writers, and freelance writers online. Yesterday, I applied to ten jobs. This week I’ve done two interviews but have still to hear back from anyone. 


I have been doing more Freelance Writing the past two weeks. This has been fun but my friends think that I am employed because of this. It’s contract; on a case-by-case basis, and I’ve had to seek out clients. It’s not full-time regular, dependable employment or pay. Starting in March, I have been pitching story ideas to various online journals that pay. It is a laborious and grueling process, you have to stick with it. I am hoping to get the OK-Go on a couple articles from Editors soon. 

Staying Positive, Staying Strong and Not Giving Up

It has become increasingly hard for me to stay positive. Spending the last two months searching and applying to jobs with what feels like no progress is devastating. I am constantly reminded by my BF that these are weird times and it can take longer for me to find a job or two because of the Pandemic. The unemployment rate for the U.S. is skyrocketing still. An estimated 14.7% of the U.S. is unemployed. I can’t give up. I have to be persistent. There is no other choice. And I feel, now more than ever, that returning to work in a restaurant would be unwise. 

I’ve taken stock of what’s important to me, in my life, how I want to spend my time, and the growing awareness that all of us don’t know how much time we really have to live. No more BS, or messing around, I have to make changes in my life. 

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read about my life during COVID-19. My goal is to document my life, at least once a week, during this Pandemic. It is vital to archive what we’re going through during strange events like this one, so we need as much documentation as possible about our individual lives. I believe that this information will be crucial for future generations when they find themselves in similar situations. My message to you, to them; don’t give up, no matter what, DON’T. GIVE. UP. 



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Want to become one of my Patrons? Go to my page here and join a tier. All patrons regardless of Tier have access to all of my patron-only content right now! Tiers start at $3/month!

Become a Subscriber! Get notified when new posts are published plus once a week I will send content just for you: poem, personal update, reading list, writing tips and more!


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( mm / dd )

Why I’m Not Celebrating Independence Day This Year (Opens in a new browser tab)

Life During COVID-19 (6/6/2020): George Floyd Protests and My White Woman Privilege(Opens in a new browser tab)

Podcast Sesh #2 June 18, 2020: Writing, Freelancing and Coping with the George Floyd Protests(Opens in a new browser tab)

My Stories on Medium: Poetry, Writing and Freelancing(Opens in a new browser tab)

Life During COVID-19 (5/13/2020): Freelancing, Patreon and New Toys

What a crazy week! I am spinning from how much has happened. 

This will be a short and sweet post because I am swamped with stuff I need to get done.

Freelancing on

Yesterday, I completed my first ever Fiverr gig. It was a fun experience, and the buyer that I worked with amazing. Check out my services on, I offer Beta Reading, Blog/Article Writing, and Critiquing Creative Writing. 


After a week-long break, I am back to work for my internship. I am excited to read new submissions and gain more experience. This internship has been incredibly fun so far, and I think this is because it is a professional and well-organized internship. So much better than my last internship!

Freelancing for Friends

Yesterday, I was called by one of my close friends and asked to help them edit and format their short stories. I am excited to be doing this extra freelance work on the side. I never thought people I know would be reaching out to me for my help on things I love to do! 

More Freelancing…

Currently, I am reaching out to numerous online magazines and journals, pitching them stories. Hopefully, I will catch a Freelance assignment soon and make some more extra cash. 

Free Online Classes

Right now I am taking free online courses through

I am enrolled in the following courses

  • Writing for Social Media
  • Intro to Music Theory
  • Ancient Masterpieces of World Literature
  • The Icelandic Sagas

And I have already enrolled in English Grammar & Style that starts on July 26th. I think this course will help me hone my editing and writing skills. 


I am updating my Patreon page. I haven’t worked on it since last Spring, and it has been severely neglected. It’s been on my mind lately, and I’ve been thinking about how I could utilize my Patreon page and provide more of an intimate “behind-the-scenes” access to my personal writing life to my blog and social media followers. Here is what I am putting together:

For PATRON-ONLY Access (Monthly Subscribers)

  • Scanned copies of my handwritten poems (not published anywhere else online)
  • Scanned copies of my daily writing notes (not published anywhere else online)
  • Exclusive videos available to PATRONS-ONLY featuring me reading some of my poetry and writing
  • Podcast-like updates about what is going on in my life related explicitly to pursuing my writing career, working on my novel, submitting poems to literary journals, and what I am currently reading

Starting today, I will be offering “Handwritten Thank You Card + Poem” to all Patrons; this unique offer is scheduled to end on 06/30/2020 at 12:00 p.m.

These handwritten Thank You Cards with be accompanied by one of my handwritten poems, unique and never published. Thank you, cards, and poetry will be mailed to Patrons directly via snail mail. 

 I will be updating posts and content on my Patreon page for the next week, and I will be posting new PATRON-ONLY content starting Friday. 

New Toys!

My bf got me a Rocketbook for my birthday and decided to give it to me early. It is so cool. What it is is a reusable notebook that you use to write and scan pages directly to your email and/or Google Drive cloud. This is a fantastic tool, and I will be using it all the time. It will be my tool of choice for posting PATRON-ONLY handwritten poems, notes, and writing to my Patreon page.

New Kindle! For the first time since I was laid off back in March because of COVID-19, I have bought something I don’t need a new kindle! It is beautiful, waterproof, and I love it. 

Job Search & Interviews

Lately, I have been burning out. In the last three days, I have applied to an average of eight jobs every day. It has been exhausting, and I feel like my brain is fried. I am trying to not stress out, but with June fast approaching, I am worried I won’t be able to find full-time work before the CARES ACT unemployment runs out (end of July). But I am staying positive, I have been able to save money, pay off debt, and pay my rent and bills. 

This week I had an excellent interview for an Editor Position at a local business. Fingers crossed I make it to the next round of interviews. This position is part-time and would be perfect for my schedule. I also have a video interview through HireVue that I have to complete, it is for a Copywriter position, so I hope that that one goes well. 


It has been a great week, and my days are packed. From 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. I am working in my office at home getting as much done as I can until dinner time.

Thank you for reading about my personal life during these strange days. What I think is bizarre right now is how it is beginning to feel normal staying home all of the time because of COVID-19. This new normal is unsettling to me and my bf, but I can’t help feeling that this will be the new normal for the rest of the year. Staying home, working from home, being…home.

Stay safe and stay healthy!


Want to become one of my Patrons? Go to my page here and join a tier. All patrons regardless of Tier have access to all of my patron-only content right now! Tiers start at $3/month!

Subscribe! Get notified when new posts are published plus once a week I will send content just for you: poem, personal update, reading list, writing tips and more!


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( mm / dd )

Why I’m Not Celebrating Independence Day This Year(Opens in a new browser tab)

My Stories on Medium: Poetry, Writing and Freelancing(Opens in a new browser tab)

Life During COVID-19 (6/6/2020): George Floyd Protests and My White Woman Privilege(Opens in a new browser tab)

Life During COVID-19 (5/5/2020): Tutoring, Freelancing on Fiverr and Job Searching

In the past week I feel like I have finally made some progress. Varsity Tutors accepted my application and invited me to join their platform. I spent all day yesterday filling out forms, uploaded documents, and completing my tutor info. I also made a profile on for freelance work.

Subjects I Tutor on Varsity Tutor:

College Application Essays Approved
College English Approved
Creative Writing Approved
English Approved
English Grammar and Syntax Approved
Essay Editing Approved
High School English Approved
High School Writing Approved
Introduction to Poetry Approved
Other Approved
Study Skills Approved
Study Skills And Organization Approved
Writing Approved

My Services I Offer on

  • Writing Article/Blog Posts (includes research, resources and citations, readability test)
  • Critiquing Your Poem, Short Story and/or Fiction (includes MS formatting and Minor Edits/Rewriting)
  • Beta Reader (I will read and review your MS/document/ebook and provide an in depth critique)

Applying for jobs everyday has become tiresome and repetitive so I have switched up my daily schedule. 

Mixing Up My Routine…

Usually I start job searching and applying right after breakfast but I have pushed those four to five hours for later in the day. Reading and completing my daily writing first has refreshed my motivation to search and apply for jobs. I have cast my net further into Remote Data Entry, Project Coordinator, and Administrative Assistant positions. 

I have rewritten and reformatted my resume and will be rewriting my cover letter this week as well. It is hard to keep up the momentum and not give up but I do not have a choice; I have to keep trying.

I have decided I will not be working in restaurants in the future and I am focusing on finding safer and more reliable work.

Opening Up Utah: COVID-19

It has not even been a week since Utah moved from Red to Orange (Moderate Risk) due to COVID-19. Surprisingly many restaurants have remained closed or only open for to-go orders. I think there are many local business owners that do not want to risk their employees or customers health and safety by opening prematurely.

I have also noticed from going to the store yesterday, wearing a homemade mask a friend made for me, that almost every single customer and employee was wearing face masks. It has been recommended by the Utah Department of Health that when in public you wear a face mask, it is good to see people following these recommended guidelines. Although we do not have more than a few thousand of case numbers and only 56 deaths, it is better to stay safe. The tension is still there, a frantic hurry in their eyes, as they shop quickly.

Homemade Masks My Friend Made for Me and My Boyfriend

Since the National Parks have reopened there has also been noticeably fewer parked cars and neighbors gone camping. I think this is great, considering so many people in Utah are “outdoorsy” people. I am hoping this trend continues because it has been considerably quieter in my neighborhood although I think there has been an increase in daily traffic.

Literary Internship for DLG Publishing Partners…

I have had an amazing first week of my Literary Internship. It has been fun and extremely informative. The skills I am learning are invaluable and I know that I will love being an Intern for DLG. I am so excited for this opportunity and I feel so fortunate. Although this Internship is unpaid it will be incredibly beneficial experience that I can add to my resume.

Another Day of Gratitude…

Everyday I think about what I am grateful for: a roof over my head, food in my fridge, and weekly unemployment checks that pay my rent and bills. I am so fortunate to be in my current situation and there are so many people that are worse off. Although I am unemployed right now and I still need to find full-time work and get health insurance, I feel like I can actually focus on finding work and staying sane during this strange time.

I am also deeply grateful for the people in my life. My boyfriend, friends, and family, their kindness, love and support is an incredible comfort.

Thank you for reading about my life during COVID-19. I hope you are well and safe.

Stay safe and stay well!


Want to become one of my Patrons? Go to my page here and join a tier. All patrons regardless of Tier have access to all of my patron-only content right now! Tiers start at $3/month! I will also send you via snailmail a handwritten personalized Poem + Thank you card for becoming a patron.

Become a Subscriber! Get notified when new posts are published plus once a week I will send content just for you: poem, personal update, reading list, writing tips and more!


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( mm / dd )

Life During COVID-19 (5/30/2020): Reflection on George Floyd, Protests Turned Riots and Growing Tensions in the U.S.(Opens in a new browser tab)

Why I’m Not Celebrating Independence Day This Year(Opens in a new browser tab)

My Stories on Medium: Poetry, Writing and Freelancing(Opens in a new browser tab)