“Bertha” is a short story about a strange woman who frequents a local bar. The bartender has a habit of noticing peculiarities about this woman and creates little stories about her in his head each time she visits.
Author: Alina H. Hansen Writer & Poet
Poem #196 (Hearts Holding)
Hearts holding each other eachother eating each other the night envelops bodies. Thank you for reading my work! I hope you will return in the future! If you would like to read more of my poems please follow or subscribe to the email list! -Alina
Poem #195 (Spinning Stars Overhead)
Spinning stars overhead dreams that lick the heart and suffocate within ribcages a light in the darkness an echo of whisper inaudible. Thank you for reading my work! I hope you will return in the future! Please follow to read more poems! -Alina
Poem #194 (time moving)
time moving under over through the words that lace around your lips Thank you for reading my work! Please follow or subscribe to the email list to read more of my poems! -Alina
Summer or Spring? [poem #193]
“Sun boils and burns, the summer heat is coming…”