person crossing the street

NaNoWriMo23: End of Week Two

It’s a cold, crisp Sunday morning. There is a reassuring calm to the quiet streets even though APEC starts soon.

Dry, crunchy leaves litter the sidewalk. My Boston Terrier stops to sniff a lamp post.

The sky is a vibrant blue, speckled with cream-colored clouds, providing a pleasing stark contrast to the looming buildings downtown.

It’s the end of week two of NaNoWriMo23 and I haven’t made much progress. I’ve done enough thinking about my book but had little time to write another chapter this week.

At the minimum, I’ve been completing more of my daily writing goal (minimum 3k words) either in the morning before I leave for work or after I get home. This is helping me stretch my writing legs for the weekend when I do the majority of my writing.

Today, my goal is to write a chapter, researching freelance opportunities, and will probably sneak in some time to play Hogwarts Legacy (finished Herodiana’s Puzzles yesterday).

How’s your writing progress going for NaNoWriMo23? Leave a comment, or you can find me at NaNoWriMo.

What else have I been up to? Going to Lori’s Diner, seeing What Happens Later, and racing to finish No Time to Spare.

Here’s to another week! Thank you for reading.