Life during COVID-19 Personal Update: Saturday, March 21st, 2020

Today is a good day. The sun is out, the sky is clear (for the most part) and it’s beginning to feel a little bit like Spring.

I am feeling good and working as hard and as fast as possible. I am drafting up a post that will be published tomorrow to Help Support My Restaurant Family during this time. Yesterday, all of us (including management) were laid off indefinitely with no financial compensation to help us survive.

I feel fortunate and am deeply grateful because I have already had four anonymous supporters donate money to me for poems (POETRY FOR $). These people are lifesavers for me and my boyfriend right now. Since I was the main moneymaker in our household (bringing in 2/3rds of the income) we are budgeting and making plans for the next one to three months depending on how long it takes for me to find online work.

I want to help my friends, my co-workers, as much as I can and I am planning on continuing my POETRY FOR $ after I get a job. All the money I make from Poetry after I get a job I will send directly to my co-workers that need it the most. So I am going as fast as I can to apply and find work.

My family doesn’t want to work in-person during this time and I am respecting their wishes. Since I was working in a restaurant where we have tons of people from the airport coming through they are already very concerned about my health. I am young and I am healthy and am not at very high risk when it comes to COVID-19 but they want me to stay home and be cautious at this time.

Right now, I have two poems and thank you cards to write to my supporters. Afterward, I am looking for more jobs, especially possible online tutoring jobs for English/Literature Studies, Reading, and Poetry.

Best of luck to all of you out there!

Stay safe and stay well!


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