Failing NaNoWriMo 2019

November has flown by and I have failed NaNoWriMo this year. With only five days left of November, I have over twenty-five thousand words to write if I want to complete the challenge. My fiction piece ‘Jack’s Story’ is a baby, barely over seventeen-thousand words and full to the brim of unnecessary dialogue and weird scene cuts.

Alina’s NaNoWriMo Profile

Am I okay with failing NaNoWriMo this year? Does it matter that I am giving up with five days left? (Hey, if I wrote five thousand words every day until November 30th, I may actually be able to complete the challenge) The answer: Yes, I am okay with failing, and No, I will not give up on ‘Jack’s Story’. It’s good, I think, and turning into an interesting crime/mystery/thriller. I do love my thrillers. It’s got a different flavor from my current novel that I have finished and I am polishing up with the intention of submitting to literary agents starting in January.

Even though November is ending fast, I am planning on finishing ‘Jack’s Story’ whenever that is, ideally by the end of the year. I can juggle working on My First Novel and this one. While I am working on these projects I am having fun reading a selection of books, right now those are,

Face It by Debbie Harry (Memoir)

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Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurier


Ulysses by James Joyce


Writing Tools: 55 Essential Strategies for Every Writer


It’s been a crazy month, but I am reading some great stuff, and making progress with my writing. I can only hope that my proactivity increases next year with the start of the new decade.

Thank you for reading this update, and thank you to all my followers that continue to keep up with my journey.


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