Coming Soon: My Personal Response on ‘Surviving 2017 in the Trump Era’ and ‘Combating the quote-unquote brainwashed College Student Theory’

I have been thinking about two topics recently in light of personal experiences and conversations I have had with numerous people such as family, friends, and fellow students.

These two topics I plan on writing MY OWN PERSONAL RESPONSES to:

“Surviving 2017 in the Trump Era”….did anyone really survive? and how do I feel now that 2017 is coming to an end. This will be my own little synopsis of how my year has gone including my reflections on the insanely horrifying events that have happened this year…so far… in American.

“Combating the quote-unquote Brainwashed College Student Theory” this has been a reoccurring conversation that has been happening between me and my family. I found this theory (as I am going to call it) to be more laughable than a serious issue to address. But after talking to other students in my Major (English, the Humanities) and doing a bit of research on my own, it appears that this little theory is a persistent issue that conservative parents and families have been “dealing with” for a very long time in America.

My responses will be posted by the end of this year so keep a lookout. I would also love to hear about any experiences that college students have had dealing with this “brainwashed liberal” thing. I find it an interesting little concept that now aides in dividing families and the nation even more than it has been this year.

This is also me lighting a candle in my own little lighthouse in this continuous storm, is there anybody out there with similar thoughts?

I want to thank my faithful and regular readers and followers that take time out of their day to read my work on my blog. Thank you so much for the support you give to me and my writing! I hope you will (and others) return in the future! 


Free Hand #101 (Story of Humanity)

There is nothing to be done

it will all repeat itself again

one fight is another victory

is another defeat and so

the story of humanity

continues. But

does that mean, I will

shut my mouth

and lay down to die

in the futility of it all?

No, I will not shut my mouth

and I will not lay down to die

a quiet death.


Thank you for reading my writing! I hope you will return in the future! 


Free Hand #100 (Sun and Moon)

Obsession with a sun that never shines

a cold disk of pale yellow that rises and falls above me,

where is it that you go at night? I can never find you.

The moon is solid and full, sits calmly in the black sky

he can never quite catch up to you, and that’s how you like it.


Thank you for reading my writing! I hope you will return in the future! 
